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JoinedPosts by under_believer
Latest News In JW Sex Scandal
by Kenneson init's the top news at http://wcbstv.com/topstories/local_story_178173758.html .
see "boy in minister sex scandal speaks to cbs.
investigators compiling mountain of evidence against suspect.
Latest News In JW Sex Scandal
by Kenneson init's the top news at http://wcbstv.com/topstories/local_story_178173758.html .
see "boy in minister sex scandal speaks to cbs.
investigators compiling mountain of evidence against suspect.
And james, who knows--it's possible that the JWs really DO have more pedophiles, not because the system causes pedophilia but because JW pedophiles are sheltered and protected by the legal system.
The Silent Lambs people are of the opinion that since the JW judicial system can't guarantee that known pedophiles will be at the very least publically identified as such, ALL JWs are automatically less trustworthy than others. -
Latest News In JW Sex Scandal
by Kenneson init's the top news at http://wcbstv.com/topstories/local_story_178173758.html .
see "boy in minister sex scandal speaks to cbs.
investigators compiling mountain of evidence against suspect.
james, for me the issue is not whether the Witnesses have a statistically incongruous number of pedophiles. While this is possible, I really doubt it. The issue is that the Society requires that Witnesses abrogate the normal judicial process of their locality and replace it with the Witness judicial system, which is completely ill-equipped to deal with abuse and pedophilia--in fact, it could not have been designed to be worse.
Called JR Brown regarding Cano Pedophile situation
by LDH injust called their media line:.
asked a young man named bryce where is the official press release on the cano pedophile situation.
I missed my $*#&(N% calling as an investigative jounalist.
It's never too late...
Two Visits From Jehovah's Witnesses This Past Week
by TMS inmy wife and i were both on ladders painting the exposed boards of our storage shed on a weekday when a car pulled into the driveway across the street.
mr. and mrs. gomez were not at home.
like most of the homeowners in this community, they use these homes only on weekends or holidays.
Actually, I'm somewhat surprised no one has commented on the absurdity of the English group inviting us to a religious convention so far away.
It's been fairly well covered in other threads. Certainly it is ridiculous; several Witnesses I've spoken to about it also realize it's silly, but our town happens to be a D.C. site, and so it's not so bizzare in that context.
The general consensus on the board here has been that getting "worldly people" to the convention is a tertiary goal of the campaign; most of its purpose directed inward, at getting Witnesses worked up.
The quantum of cruelty - were they that way without the JW?
by james_woods inthis idea came about after reading several very disturbing but sincere personal "issue" threads over the last few days...but i am going to blame blondie for galvanizing the idea!
she wrote - (in the topic "would a devout jw go to a df funeral?
i think there are some very cruel people who love to use the wts policies to deliberately hurt family members, perhaps to make themselves seem more holy in god's sight or more likely in the sight of other jws.. my conjecture is this: perhaps there is something going on with the jw culture which actually attracts really mean people to this religion.
I believe there are some people who are attracted to the religion because it fits their personality.
But I think the structure and heirarchy itself specifically CAUSES cruelty and oppression. It's set up that way and there is no way to avoid it. If you want to be a good Witness and follow all the rules it RESULTS in cruelty.
Any human system that puts humans over other humans, with no oversight and no checks and balances, will always be rife with abuse. It's a sad fact of human nature.
The only way of fixing this would be to go to a completely flat organizational style, OR to seriously redesign the power structure in such a way that "lay" groups have oversight of elder bodies, similar to a presbyterian governance style. -
Guess where this is...
by slimboyfat inthe game yesterday was fun.
here is my picture - can anyone guess where it is?
see below...
Why does the kebab shop automatically imply the UK? I mean... kebabs are everywhere. I had one at a Lebanese joint the other day.
Never trust brothers you don't know!
by 5thGeneration inwell, i broke it to my super devout parents that after this i don't believe there is any reason why i should trust any 'brother' i don't know around my kids.. no way, no how!.
they had to admit this was pretty shocking and enlightening but they still ended up making excuses.
the society will soon have to drop the 'we are better than everyone else' argument for sure.
The news reports have stated that Brooklyn has confirmed his status as a current Bethelite.
Guess where this is...
by slimboyfat inthe game yesterday was fun.
here is my picture - can anyone guess where it is?
see below...
I'm guessing Prague.
Guess where this is...
by slimboyfat inthe game yesterday was fun.
here is my picture - can anyone guess where it is?
see below...
Yes! Well done. And a fine enigmatic picture, as well. Almost looks European at first blush. I will have to look at it for a while.