RR, that's priceless! Did you get better response with the Dawn mags than the Watchtower? Do you still go to Bible Students meetings? There's a convention about 10 miles from where I live in Oregon in late August http://www.portlandbiblestudents.org. Glen
JoinedPosts by Deleted
Should the WTS be paying minimum wage & taxes for full-time volunteers?
by Deleted inhey y'all.
the thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics.
namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company must be provided for when they retire - and i believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot!
Watchtower Stock Speculation?
by metatron insee http://biz.yahoo.com/e/040720/hom8-k.html.
if this link doesn't work, go to yahoo finance, go to hom stock and look at the 8-k document .. it seems to say that the wtbs of pennsylvania has entered into a private placement transaction with hom.
heard of them doing this.
Here's the 8k at sec.gov
And here's the 10k, for all you conspiracy theorists (haha)
Home Solutions of America, Inc. ("we," "us," "Home Solutions," or the "Company") is a Delaware corporation that was incorporated in 1998. Our growth strategy is to become a leading provider of specialty residential services that protect the homeowner's single largest investment ? their home. We seek a dominant market position through the acquisition of strategic, specialized, profitable and well-managed residential service companies and through the above average internal growth of these operations. Home Solutions provides Restoration Services and Specialty Interior Services. These segments include services such as cleaning and fabric protection, fire and water damage restoration, the remediation of indoor air contaminants, and cabinet/countertop installation. (See "Trends, Risks and Uncertainties" in Part II, Item 6 below)
Is this before or after the big A?
Hooray for Undaunted Danny!
by Deleted indanny, i would like to go on record saying that i have always admired you and your posts.
i hope we can have a national or international apostofest someday so i can shake your hand.
good luck to you, mate!
Danny, I would like to go on record saying that I have always admired you and your posts. I hope we can have a national or international apostofest someday so I can shake your hand. Good luck to you, mate! Glen
How Many Here Are "Technically" Still JWs???... Who's Not??
by minimus inwhat i mean is according to the society, there are a number of persons that are "technically" "inactive" yet are viewed as jws still.
i'm sure that i'm viewed as a witness still because i am not df'd or disassociated.....what about you??
Minimus, I learned a lot from a therapist, free minds and support4xjws is a short period of time (Jan 99 onwards). I talked to six people on the way out and 5 of them told me they couldn't leave. But I wasn't asking them to leave, just for them to understand I had to go before I got myself into trouble telling everyone it was a whopping lie. So I wished I had taken my departure slowly and not tell everyone the truth about "the truth". You know what they used to say about new dubs? - you should lock them up for six months so they don't alienate their families. Same for xdubs, I guess. Glen, who once was Deleted.
Should the WTS be paying minimum wage & taxes for full-time volunteers?
by Deleted inhey y'all.
the thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics.
namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company must be provided for when they retire - and i believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot!
Good stuff everybody - both pros and cons, thanks. Any who posted privately and any others that would like to work on developing a brief for submission to ??? please email me at [email protected] Thanks!
RR, do you have the longer story on a "JW working with Dawn people"? sounds interesting. I have a soft spot for those who considered Rutherford the Evil Slave and left in the 20's, or so.
How Many Here Are "Technically" Still JWs???... Who's Not??
by minimus inwhat i mean is according to the society, there are a number of persons that are "technically" "inactive" yet are viewed as jws still.
i'm sure that i'm viewed as a witness still because i am not df'd or disassociated.....what about you??
I'm in the same column as you, Minimus. I'm out but not da'd or df'd. One of the teenagers in the local congregation told my son that I "went crazy and then went apostate". So I don't think I am considered a JW, just an apostate. I think the "went crazy" part came from a comment I made that I wouldn't go to the Memorial (1999) as I would partake. My point was not that I am "annointed" but that there was no such thing as the Great Crowd appreaing in 1935 and it would be an insult to JC not to partake. I regret leaving as I did, by the way, I should have taken it more slowly.
Should the WTS be paying minimum wage & taxes for full-time volunteers?
by Deleted inhey y'all.
the thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics.
namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company must be provided for when they retire - and i believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot!
I have been digging around on the Net to find something more recent and I am at the point of just emailing some Scientologist boards to see how this has progessed since 2001. According to my research so far with the Dept of Labor there's a 3 year statute of labor on wilfull intent to bypass the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
[My totally lay position is that naive young people are coerced into taking a vow of poverty through compounded lies and groupthink and are stuck, dependent on the WTS system with no hope of even social security to fall back on. As such all full-time workers of the WTS are due minimum wage if they worked in commercial positions such as the factory and distribution. At that point taxes would be due, and room and board at bethel would be taxable. Even if the bethelites returned their net payroll to the WTS about half of it would go in the form of taxes of one sort or other. The net result is some money toward old age for the past and future bethelites, the government would get its share and the WTS would be out hundreds of millions, at least. I would also argue that this could go deeper such as property taxes on factory property, use taxes on purchases, fines and interest, legal fees, and retirement funds for long-term service.]
My current "Amway Math" on this part only goes like this:
Bethelites who served the WTS within the prior 3 years, as a result of a class-action lawsuit receive minimum wages for 3 years. I assume there are 10,000 people in the western world that falls into this category. So here's goes the math :
10,000 employees for 3 years = 30,000 times an average of $5.00 per hour for 40 hours for 50 weeks =
30000 x 5 x 40 x 50 = $300 million
$300 million, plus 50% in taxes = $450 million, by the time the bethelites and the WTS pay their taxes that's $225 million to the governments, free money and not from our pockets.
I don't see this as a question of choice - you are either subject to federal law or you're not. The FLSA keeps getting refined. Most recent is a tighter definition of who is exempt from overtime pay, for example.
I agree with you this is an area ripe for change. There's been hundreds of thousands full-time unpaid sales people who have given from their need to create a multi-billion dollar empire. The WTS leaders have been disingenious with their employees, adherents, the governments and the world at large. It's time to pay up.
Best regards,
Should the WTS be paying minimum wage & taxes for full-time volunteers?
by Deleted inhey y'all.
the thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics.
namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company must be provided for when they retire - and i believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot!
And just to reiterate the point. Here's the XScientology connection that got me down this path:
Should the WTS be paying minimum wage & taxes for full-time volunteers?
by Deleted inhey y'all.
the thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics.
namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company must be provided for when they retire - and i believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot!
Just because the WTS is non-profit (as well as non-prophet) it should not excuse them from federal laws when they apply. When commerce crosses state boundaries then federal law (in this case the FSLA) kicks in. Why should the rest of the country fund the gap in taxes the WTS should pay? The WTS has known for at least 25 years that its predictions are bogus and it is withholding information from its adherents. Why should the WTS gain on the backs of its naive young people?
[Posters, I realize this is a huge stretch, but it would cripple the WTS' cash flow and stop all this nonsense]
Should the WTS be paying minimum wage & taxes for full-time volunteers?
by Deleted inhey y'all.
the thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics.
namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company must be provided for when they retire - and i believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot!
http://www.ed.gov/inits/americareads/resourcekit/Negotiating/wagehours.html Here's the point from the above website on the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act: FLSA Applicability to Nonprofit Service Organizations While nonprofit organizations are not generally exempt, some of their activities may fall outside FLSA coverage. The educational, religious, and similar activities of a nonprofit organization are not subject to FLSA enterprise coverage. However, if the same organization conducts commercial activities, such activities will trigger FLSA protection. Commercial activities generally constitute business endeavors that place the nonprofit organization in competition with ordinary commercial enterprises. As a rule, the Department of Labor and the courts interpret the law very broadly when determining whether an activity constitutes a commercial enterprise. The FLSA defines "commerce" simply as: trade, commerce,transportation, ransmission, or communication among the several States or between any State and any place outside thereof. In applying this definition, the courts have not limited commerce to refer to transactions where there are actual commercial sales of the goods produced and transported. Nor do courts restrict FLSA application to situations where large amounts of goods are sent outside the state where produced. If, for example, a charitable organization operates a printing and publishing plant, employees involved in these activities will find themselves under the protections provided by the wage, hour, and child labor provisions of the FLSA. AS POZ ABOVE APTLY PUT IT: I would look at this as an opportunity to suck ONE AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS out of their pockets.This could be a big OUCH to them if it happened. Glen PS Please excuse my formatting from this computer, I don't seem to be able to get it right. PPS Just because the WTS doesn't compete on publishing projects with other publishers it is still performing interstate commerce in transporting books etc. that would normally go by commercial common carrier; it uses free labor to keep its costs down unfairly.