For what it's worth my two cents goes like this. Because the JW's are a fabricated religion and only 'makes sense' in its entirety, as soon as anyone would break away they would have to completely break free of the WTS control, and when they do they will find that there isn't anything to reform. It is all bogus, there's nothing left to rally around and they may as well join a community church somewhere and be done with it. Deleted.
JoinedPosts by Deleted
JW splinter groups..
by fb130 ini was just wondering.
has the idea ever been brought up of a group breaking away from wts & forming some sort of reformed jw church that isn't so controlling.
like lurther & the catholic church.
George Couch Dies - Brooklyn Bethel
by SadElder ingeorge couch, a longtime fixture as the big wig of home overseers at brooklyn bethel, died friday.
we never interacted much with them, he was a strange duck from our brief visits with them over the years..
Happy Hogmanay, y'all: Bro. Couch gave the 'bethelite' talk at an assembly in Woodburn, OR in the late 80's just as we were coming back "in" from our backsliding of 1985-88. He kept using the word 'blessed' like most would say 'darn'. I kept that memory for the times when I used euphemistic cusses, like 'bleeding' (my Cockney heritage), in case the thought police (aka elders) called me on it. Well, I suppose he was an odd duck, but I liked him, as he wasn't perfect. 10 years out this year, and all is really well, and much much better than staying "in"!! Keep on leaving y'all, Deleted
August KM provides solid evidence of declining JW morale
by sir82 inas you may or may not recall, the february '07 km (for the us) had a huge article, taking up the full 4 page insert, on the "blessings" of auxiliary pioneering.
the part covering that insert took up the entire service meeting (aside form the announcements).
the "encouragement" was that the us branch had set a goal of 160,000 auxiliary pioneers for the month of april ("if only one of every 6 publishers signs up, we can make it!")..
I would hazard a guess that without the immigrants in the US (and I am one of 'em) joining up to be part of a worldwide family the numbers would be so miserably low that it would appear that JW's in the western world are on a constant decline heading for doom. I would imagine there's some "JW Math" on that, and I'd appreciate being PM'd as to its location, thank you. Glen
Becoming officially recognized as Annointed
by B_Deserter ini've heard there is a very secretive process the wts uses to determine whether or not they'll consider someone "of the annointed.
" from what i've heard it's a very rigorous set of questions.
can anyone here confirm this?
I don't think some organized rigorous 'test' is WTS policy. We had 3 partakers in out little congo in rural Portland Oregon (as our gossipy PO said: 1 was anointed and 2 others partook). One lived next door for many years, he was always out of synch with 'current truth', but there were no tests, just basic human criticism for being different. The truly 'anointed' of the 3 was a lovely elder, very kind. He told me that he was attacked by Satan when he started to partake as the brothers started to criticize him from then on - I just assumed that because the brothers thought he thought himself 'better' that they started to question him, that would be human nature, not Satan (there is no Satan). Glen
by Seeker4 ini was just reading the thread about barbara anderson and perhaps some big news she will publish about the wts.
i agree with those who say that anything barbara has scandalous about the early history of the witnesses, ie: russel or rutherford times, will have zero impact.
that whole era is pretty much dismissed by all witnesses i know.
Good thinking, thank you. I'd say you touched on something that is true the in the western world, the congos are all getting older and the younger generations aren't staying around. Now that could change with 'earthquakes and rumors of wars' as catastrophes seem to rally the troops, but fundamentally the current generations are getting on with their lives and staying 'in the truth' just so they can remain in contact with friends and families. As for crashing or fading? I vote for morphing, all religions 'reform' and eventually this will too. The poster who said that Jehovah will fix it is falling for the circular reasoning of christian cultures, there is no Jehovah. Glen
Does Anyone Know Any of the Newer GB Members? Please share your stories.
by neverendingjourney ini have read some threads here that suggest that anyone thinking big changes are coming to the watchtower due to all of the new gb appointments is fooling themselves.
its been said that ted jaracz has been heavily involved in selecting new gb members and wants to ensure that they all share his hard-line vision for the religion.
i must admit that i thought there would be big changes by now since six of the nine gb members were appointed within the last eight years.
Guy Pierce was our CO in rural Portland OR around the time we were at our JW peak (MS, pioneer) so he ate at our home a couple of times. As said elsewhere his wife Penny is very nice, but he is a hardliner, and evidently the 'right' man for the job. I wouldn't expect him to lead the reformation that the WTS clearly needs, or even to consider it needs one. Glen
The 2006 "updated" Rev Climax book still "denounces" the UN as the beast.
by booker-t ini was recently given a copy of the 2006 revelation climax book by a jw's pioneer woman that i see all the time in front of the bus stop.
we talked for a while and she just handed me a billion books and mags.
i brought up the un scandal to her and she right away went into defense mode.
Unbelievable, what a set-up! Maybe the WTS' inner self has had enough of its hypocrisy and it's sabotaging its future? Let's 'buy' a case of these 2006 editions and send them to the right people at the UN! D
Do you know how strong you all are?
by jgnat ini'm thinking this morning at the enormous effort required to leave the witnesses.
that you all found your way here is amazing.
you are a select group of strong people, who will not allow life or any organization to knock you down.
Jgnat, that was awfully well-put, thank you. I shall keep that as a reminder when things aren't looking as bright. To some extent I feel like I got a new lease on life when I left and that everyday was great because I wasn't in their culture anymore, somewhat like escaping death. That stopped me from thinking how many years I had wasted by looking at how many more years I have left now I am out. Glen
Hmmm. Aren't these the very same 'wise servants' who said it was a good idea in 1975 to sell up everything and pioneer as they were at the door of Armageddon? And these same 'wise servants' who said later that the ones they had encouraged to sell up everything and pioneer were too eager? And where do they get off turning a parable into a prophecy anyway? I am so glad I am well and truly out, thanks to sites like this and of course Free Minds! Glen
Depressed witness going door to door
by I quit! inthis morning i saw a witness mother and her son heading out into service.
from the area they were in i think they were going to be doing some street corner work.
i was stopped at a light when they walked in front of my car.
Good point, I Quit!, it is a form of abuse. We used to say that our son was allergic to the kingdom hall, he always developed a headache and sinus problems before each and every meeting. I am happy to say that is all behind him as he graduated from Oregon State Univ in June - way better than pioneering or going to bethel. Glen