the memorial was held last night at a community center about 15 km away from the kingdom hall.
as a df'd person, i always feel more uncomfortable if the memorial is held at a location other than the regular kh, as i would otherwise know my way around where to sit in obscurity, as well as arriving just as the meeting is about to start.. well, i decided to come a little bit earlier (although not too early) - then walked inside the community center and suddenly i was standing in front of the wide entrance where practically everyone was gathered in order to get a perfect view of who were entering the hall.
needless to say, i felt like an alien, someone who did not exist at all, yet when i gazed into the eyes of many of the ones i know, i noticed that they were secretly looking at me and then quickly turned their heads away from me.
It is so sad that a religion is so abusive in many ways. When you meet witnesses and they try to shun you - try looking right into their eyes and say hello to them - be kind or even start a conversation - this will confuse them - love them and they will be startled!