A collaborator give me the information about the sue. The doctor's name is Paulo Cesar Vieceli. Paulo begun a sue against the JW Gilson Viana through a Crime's Special Court, State of Espirito Santo (this State is located at north of Rio de Janeiro). That's more data of the sue (in portuguese): Processo : 012.06.011623-8 Petição Inicial : 200600886058 Situação : Tramitando Ação : Termo Circunstanciado Natureza : Juizado Especial Criminal Data de Ajuizamento: 20/11/2006 Vara : CARIACICA - 2º JUIZADO ESPECIAL CRIMINAL Distribuição Data : 20/11/2006 15:06 Motivo : Distribuição por sorteio manual Partes do Processo Autor do fato GILSON VIANA ----> JW patient's husband Vítima PAULO CEZAR VIECELI ------> Doctor 999998/ES - INEXISTENTE Andamentos 23/11/2006 Mandado Expeça-se 8.286/06 23/11/2006 Autos recebidos em cartório CARIACICA - 2º JUIZADO ESPECIAL CRIMINAL 23/11/2006 Autos carga advogado Dr. Geraldo Rodrigues de Vasconcelos - OAB/ES 5.410 23/11/2006 Autos devolvidos do juiz 22/11/2006 Autos concluso para despacho 22/11/2006 Processo autuado no cartório nº 8286/06 21/11/2006 Autos recebidos em cartório CARIACICA - 2º JUIZADO ESPECIAL CRIMINAL 20/11/2006 Autos carga CARIACICA - 2º JUIZADO ESPECIAL CRIMINAL 20/11/2006 Processo Distribuído
Posts by rosa
Brazil: Transfusion of blood ends in aggression to doctor
by rosa inenglish translation from portuguese site:.
transfusion of blood ends in aggression to doctor .
Brazil: Transfusion of blood ends in aggression to doctor
by rosa inenglish translation from portuguese site:.
transfusion of blood ends in aggression to doctor .
Obrigado Observador, Saiba que aqui no Brasil eh dificil as coisas acontecerem. Estou aqui no JWD, sapecando no meu pobre ingles, mas normalmente é onde encontro noticias quentes. Os brasileiros invadiram o Orkut, mas eh dificil sair algum fato novo. Quase sempre sao noticias que sairam daqui e que repecutem em outros foruns. ate + for non-portuguese speakers Thank you Observador, here in Brazil is difficult things happens. i'm in JWD, with my trouble English, but this is where i find hot news. Brazilians invades Orkut (www.orkut.com), but it's difficult some new facts arise. Many news there came from this and another English foruns.
Brazil: Transfusion of blood ends in aggression to doctor
by rosa inenglish translation from portuguese site:.
transfusion of blood ends in aggression to doctor .
well, friends, let me tell you what happens in Brazil - sorry for my poor English, i'm learning yet. After some Sao Paulo's Court rules, when a patient is under high risk of death, doctors may use all ways available in the hospital to life sustaining. Some issues including JWs and courts are in Portuguese in my website: ttp://www.geocities.com/rosazul_documentos/processo.html The religiuos right is embodied at 5th article of Brazilian Constitution, but Justices understand that "life right" is over all "religious right". Another court rules followed this understanding. So, what happens in Brazil is: doctor agrees with no-transfusion... but in a risk of death situation, doctor follows the Medical Code. If the patient (or her/his relatives) will sue the doctor (or hospital), courts grants the "life sustained" way found in that situation. rad
Lawyer Jeff Anderson
by rosa inthe brazilian magazine veja has an issue about "pedophiles hunters" in november 15 edition and states this: "'lutherans, mormons, jehovah's witnesses,... tell me the name of any religion group and i possibly sued it', said [jeff] anderson to veja.
do you knows any sue against jw pedophiles from lawyer jeff anderson?
thanks. the magazine matter is abaout Catholic sexual abuse and Anderson cited another "possible" sues. I looked Google now and found many references with "jeff anderson" "jehovah" "sexual abuse". Anderson website has link to silentlambs too. thanks one more time.
Lawyer Jeff Anderson
by rosa inthe brazilian magazine veja has an issue about "pedophiles hunters" in november 15 edition and states this: "'lutherans, mormons, jehovah's witnesses,... tell me the name of any religion group and i possibly sued it', said [jeff] anderson to veja.
do you knows any sue against jw pedophiles from lawyer jeff anderson?
The Brazilian magazine VEJA has an issue about "Pedophiles Hunters" in November 15 edition and states this: "'Lutherans, mormons, jehovah's witnesses,... tell me the name of any religion group and I possibly sued it', said [Jeff] Anderson to VEJA." Do you knows any sue against JW pedophiles from lawyer Jeff Anderson? bye
Brazil: Transfusion of blood ends in aggression to doctor
by rosa inenglish translation from portuguese site:.
transfusion of blood ends in aggression to doctor .
English translation from Portuguese site:
Transfusion of blood ends in aggression to doctor
15/11/2006 09:18:30 - newspaper A Gazeta
What is worth more before an impasse in the a patient's treatment: the will of the family or the doctor's decision? The polemic was taken to the last consequences, yesterday in a hospital of Cariacica, and the case went stop in to police.
Manager Elza Amâncio Viana, 30 years, she gave entrance in the Hospital Saint John Baptist, in Cariacica, with beginning of spontaneous abortion. The husband, Gilson, accompanied the wife and he/she asked to the doctors that she didn't receive transfusion of blood, because both belonged to the congregation Jehovah's Witnesses and they didn't admit the medical procedure.
However, gynecologist P.C.V. - that asked for not having the disclosed name - it was work in the hospital and he decided to accomplish the transfusion to guarantee the patient's life. The husband of Elza, inconformado, broke into the pre-childbirth room, where she was assisted, and he attacked P.
Gilson justifies the attitude saying that lost the head when he saw the woman receiving blood, even after having informed the hospital about its decision.
" My wife was pregnant of 12 days, but nor she knew. She had an abortion beginning, I took it in two hospitals before arriving to the Hospital Saint John Baptist. If they didn't have structure for another procedure, they should have informed me, because I would take it for another hospital ", he said.
On the other hand, the doctor guarantees that that era the only alternative in the moment. According to him, the patient's life was in risk and there was not time to lose.
I " have the back-up of the Code of the Medical Ethics. The hospital could be accused of medical negligence and omission of help if it left the patient to die for lack of the transfusion ", he affirmed.
The case will continue in the Court.The doctor affirms that will sue Gilson. The religious person says that the congregation also analyzes the possibility to sue the hospital.
The version of each one
I " heard her screaming and I lost the head "
Gilson Viana - 30 years, the patient's husband
I " heard my wife me screaming and I lost the head. I broke into the door and I saw her if beating, with bags of blood to the side. I gave a punch in the doctor's nape and he/she said that he would have to inform me. I broke the hoses that took the blood until her, but it was already late. She is very affected. He/she said that is feeling violentada. The Bible says that the blood is life and the life can only be given for heaven's sake. She had already suffered other two abortions. The first was five years ago and the other there is not very more than two years. In none of the two previous situations she received transfusion of blood ".
I " considered the patient's " life first
P.C.V. - attacked gynecologist
I " considered, in first place, the patient's life. She arrived with a shock caused by an intense vaginal sangramento, due to an incomplete abortion. In the moment, there was not, in the hospital, other treatment besides the transfusion of blood. She took death risk. The patient was unconscious and she only woke up when it was stabilized. Her husband invaded the pré-childbirth room, he/she attacked me physically and he/she attacked verbalmente other employees. It had never gone by a situation as that. He will answer for its acts. I will enter with an action in the Court ". -
JW girl sexually assaulted in field service... in Cancun, Mexico
by rosa intoday is the last day for kn 37 distribution and for close this campaign with gold key, another sex assault during the field service.
that's the google news in spanish:.
Another mexican newspaper:
Shepherd (Priest, Elder) falls for violation
Enrique Bahena Robles, 34 years old, native of the Federal District, it was stopped by an order of apprehension by the violation crime against a smaller one. Photo from Writing
Being been worth of their position in a temple, a shepherd abused six years ago of a girl when the infant and he supposedly will carry out a work characteristic of his religious movement.
The one wronged denounced the facts, but he/she didn't go until this Friday when elements of the group of apprehensions of the Judicial Police of the State (PJE) they are able to give execution to this judicial commandment.
The detainee responds to Enrique Bahena Robles, 34 years old, name native of the Federal District and for several years resided in this tourist center where he took charge of one of the temples located in the region 96, apple 84, lot 78.
This fellow, besides guiding spiritually at hundred of people, abused of a girl when this was hardly 10 years of age old.
Personal of the PJE he/she revealed that the facts happened six years ago, but that the capture order had not been possible to execute because the accusation didn't intervene, because the one wronged had sequels of this aggression like fear and sometimes shame, until finally it counted its mother.
According to the accusation presented by the victim, she accompanied the shepherd during their preaching days for different areas and regions in this tourist center. The children in this temple had to leave from time to time and in even with an adult for this type of events. The day of the facts the one affected left with Enrique, as long as the sister bigger than her with another religious.
It exposed that hours after having finished being preached they directed to Enrique Bahena's house, since there it was their sister in going by her. In the one in route to the shepherd's housing went by a store of girlfriend's dresses where him one pointed out him saying that girlfriend's dress will be since his he will marry her.
He/she added that after seeing the store, they went by a vault, and he/she said that there they will bury them together. The small one took it as joke, but when they arrived to the door of the house of the presumed one, he hugged her it stops later to consummate the attack.
The girl was able to give a blow to the shepherd in the head and you/he/she was given to the flight, because her sister was waiting for it out.
The presumed one responsible it is already in the municipal jail, because yesterday after carrying out the corresponding steps it was transferred by judicial agents to the prison, based on the penal process 387/2006, begun in the Tribunal Second Prison of First Instance.
It fits to point out that Bahena Oaks' arrest, was this Friday when it already left the temple mentioned. To the moment of being presented to the media, he/she decided to keep silent. He/she was asked if he/she wanted to give their version of the facts, but he/she not even dared to lift the face.
(Jaime Palomo) -
JW girl sexually assaulted in field service... in Cancun, Mexico
by rosa intoday is the last day for kn 37 distribution and for close this campaign with gold key, another sex assault during the field service.
that's the google news in spanish:.
yes. Enrique Bahena is elder. The episode occurred in 2000 and 6 years after the elder is arrested.
that's a english translation (poor translation):
Cancun, QR, November 11. A shepherd of the Church Jehovahs Witnesses was stopped in accused Cancun of violating one smaller than 16 years when this had 10.
The General Attorney's office of Justice of Quintana Roo informed that Enrique Bahena, 34 years old, native of the Federal District, it would have violated the minor in its house. According to the story of this who interposed the accusation in 2005, five years after the facts, she came out to preach with the shepherd because that activity is always made in couple.
Then they went to Bahena's home, where the minor would be looked for by his sister. In the itinerary, the shepherd insinuated him that he would marry her and that when dying the they would bury together.
When arriving to the home it attacked it sexually. The minor hit it in the head and it escaped in the moment in that his sister looked for it again. The delay in the accusation, explained the one wronged, it was for shame. -
JW girl sexually assaulted in field service... in Cancun, Mexico
by rosa intoday is the last day for kn 37 distribution and for close this campaign with gold key, another sex assault during the field service.
that's the google news in spanish:.
Today is the last day for kn 37 distribution and for close this campaign with Gold Key, another sex assault during the Field Service. That's the Google News in Spanish:
QR: aprehenden a un pastor testigo de Jehová por violación
Cancún, QR, 11 de noviembre. Un pastor de la Iglesia Testigos de Jehová fue detenido en Cancún acusado de violar a una menor de 16 años cuando ésta tenía 10.
La Procuraduría General de Justicia de Quintana Roo informó que Enrique Bahena, de 34 años, originario del Distrito Federal, habría violado a la menor en su casa. Según el relato de ésta, quien interpuso la denuncia en 2005, cinco años después de los hechos, ella salió a predicar con el pastor porque esa actividad siempre se hace en pareja.
Después se dirigieron al domicilio de Bahena Robles, donde la menor sería buscada por su hermana. En el trayecto, el pastor le insinuó que se casaría con ella y que al morir los enterrarían juntos.
Al llegar al domicilio la atacó sexualmente. La menor lo golpeó en la cabeza y escapó en el momento en que su hermana volvía a buscarla. La demora en la denuncia, explicó la agraviada, fue por vergüenza.
Shining as Illuminators in The World--pdf!
by Atlantis inthe pdf file for "shining as illuminators in the world" also includes the [pages for notes] just as they appear in this 253 page book.
here are two hosting sites you can use to download the book.
the first link below will show seconds counting down under the words: [ download description: education]near the bottom of the page and the download link will appear in blue numbers and letters.
Now I understand why we (plain mortals) haven't permission to read this book. Some comparisons are following:
if images didn't appear, try these links
And a brief comparison between "Illuminators" and "Child Custody" regarding the "important" pioneer work: