Now, it's the turn of a Spanish City to present a property to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Alhaurín de la Torre
El Ayuntamiento cede un solar a los Testigos de Jehová para la construcción de un templo
Apoyar a los distintos colectivos y confesiones religiosas del municipio. Esta es la línea de actuación que ha mostrado el equipo de gobierno de Alhaurín de la Torre, que ha mostrado su apoyo a las demandas de otras congregaciones religiosas como la Iglesia Católica o la Iglesia Evangelista.
En esta ocasión, el Consistorio ha atendido a las necesidades de los Testigos cristianos de Jehová con la cesión de un terreno de 1.000 metros cuadrados de superficie para la construcción de un templo. La construcción podrá ocupar un máximo del 60 por ciento de la superficie del solar y el inmueble tendrá una altura de tres plantas.
El terreno es una parcela de equipamiento público de titularidad municipal incluida en el plan parcial de la urbanización Retamar II fase, se sitúa en la calle Clipper y se cederá su derecho de uso a la comunidad religiosa de Testigos de Jehová debido al evidente interés social de la actuación pretendida, que implica un beneficio para los vecinos en el ámbito religioso y social. Esta cesión se hará por un periodo de 75 años, por lo que transcurrido este tiempo la edificación pasará a ser propiedad del Ayuntamiento, salvo que haya una prorroga.
De este modo el ayuntamiento atiende a la pluralidad de confesiones religiosas, como ha ocurrido en esta ocasión con los Testigos de Jehová, que presentaron la petición de un terreno para edificar su templo en el mes de junio de 2006
BabelFish translation:
The City council yields a lot to the Witnesses of Jehovah for the construction of a temple
To support to the different groups and religious confessions from the municipality. This is the line of performance that has shown the team of government of Alhaurín of the Tower, that has shown to its support the demands of other religious congregations like the Catholic Church or the Evangelista Church. In this occasion, the Consistorio has taken care of the necessities of the Christian Witnesses of Jehovah with the cession of a land of 1,000 square meters of surface for the construction of a temple. The construction will be able to occupy a maximum of the 60 percent of the surface of the lot and the building will have a height of three plants. The land is a parcel of public equipment of municipal titularidad including in the partial plan of the urbanization Retamar II phase, is located in the Clipper street and its right of use to the religious community of Witnesses of Jehovah due to the evident social interest of the tried performance will be yielded, that implies a benefit for the neighbors in the religious and social scope. This cession will become by a period of 75 years, reason why passed east time the construction it will happen to be property of the City council, unless there is one prorogues. This way the city council takes care of the plurality of religious confessions, like has happened in this occasion with the Witnesses of Jehovah, who presented/displayed the request of a land to build their temple in the month of June of 2006
Posts by rosa
Mexican county aids KH facilities
by rosa in"ruth icela mena guzman, mayoress, announced that the supports have not been limited the catholic faith, also it has contributed to the construction of facilities for christian church "god of prophecy", of jehovah's witnesses.
rehabilitan capillas
Girl was raped in Adventist Church during the cult! (Brazil)
by rosa inin southern brazilian city of joinville a 2 years-old girl was raped in a seven day adventist church during the cult!
the girl died after the rape.
this case was march 3 and now i receive more information about it.
Girl was raped in Adventist Church during the cult! (Brazil)
by rosa inin southern brazilian city of joinville a 2 years-old girl was raped in a seven day adventist church during the cult!
the girl died after the rape.
this case was march 3 and now i receive more information about it.
In southern Brazilian city of Joinville a 2 years-old girl was raped in a Seven Day Adventist Church during the cult! The girl died after the rape. This case was March 3 and now I receive more information about it. All information are in Portuguese, so I recommend that you use web translations to understand the case.
I visit the Adventist web site and found this:
"Na segunda-feira, dia 5, à noite, o delegado que está investigando o caso convocou todos os membros que estavam na Igreja, na manhã do dia 3 de março, para algumas orientações. Os membros compareceram e se dispuseram a ajudar no que for possível para esclarecer o crime."
"In Monday, 5, at night, the police investigator called all church members who are at March 3, morning, for some orientations. Church members went to the police and they ar available to help what possible to clear the crime."
I'm close to this case to compare the adventist handle to JW.
more information in Portuguese (local newspaper)
rosa rad -
Mexican county aids KH facilities
by rosa in"ruth icela mena guzman, mayoress, announced that the supports have not been limited the catholic faith, also it has contributed to the construction of facilities for christian church "god of prophecy", of jehovah's witnesses.
rehabilitan capillas
In Brazil, e.g., when government aids an charitable institution, there is a cooperation in both side. An longer elder - who is member of local KH legal association, said me there are some implications when government build or reform a KH: this place may be used for public interests like elections.
Mexican county aids KH facilities
by rosa in"ruth icela mena guzman, mayoress, announced that the supports have not been limited the catholic faith, also it has contributed to the construction of facilities for christian church "god of prophecy", of jehovah's witnesses.
rehabilitan capillas
"Ruth Icela Mena Guzmán, mayoress, announced that the supports have not been limited the catholic faith, also it has contributed to the construction of facilities for Christian Church "God of Prophecy", of Jehovah's Witnesses." In Spanish: Rehabilitan capillas Iván López IMAGEN TRINIDAD GARCÍA DE LA CADENA.- La obra pública realizada en este Municipio incluye la reparación de capillas en las comunidades La Ceja, La Tetilla, El Barranco y Las Víboras, además de la construcción de una nueva en Las Huertitas. Ruth Icela Mena Guzmán, alcaldesa, anunció que los apoyos no se han limitado a la fe católica, ya que también se ha contribuido a la edificación de instalaciones de la Iglesia Cristiana “El Dios de la Profecía”, de los Testigos de Jehová. Mencionó que el presupuesto del gobierno debe dar respuesta a todos los aspectos que tengan que ver con la ciudadanía incluso en lo religioso y en el fomento de los valores a través de la cultura. A pesar de que gobierno de nuestro País se caracteriza por su carácter laico, la munícipe aseguró que se le ha dado respuesta a las solicitudes ciudadanas que pedían la rehabilitación y construcción de centros religiosos en diferentes poblados. Mena Guzmán resaltó que mantiene una sólida y estrecha comunicación con los miembros de todas las iglesias y sus feligreses, aunque aclaró que respeta y sabe mantenerse al margen de sus funciones como autoridad en lo que se refiere a los asuntos de la religión de sus gobernados.
g65 8/22 17-21
by rosa indears,.
i'm looking for an issue about vaccines, awake 8/22 p.17-21.. does anyone have it?.
Thanks, Gary, is possible to email it to me? [email protected] the issue is for my Brazilian friend, who's got a webpage "Indice TJ" (in English, "Index JW" - )
g65 8/22 17-21
by rosa indears,.
i'm looking for an issue about vaccines, awake 8/22 p.17-21.. does anyone have it?.
I'm looking for an issue about Vaccines, Awake 8/22 p.17-21.
Does anyone have it?
Another Brazilian Transfusion Case
by rosa innow, a jw physician is envolved.
police will investigate the 19 years old woman's death and the paper of hospital, lhc elders and jw doctor.
all in portuguese, in these links: .
Faith x medicine
Civil police goes to investigate death
Inquiry on girl that refused to submit it blood transfusion must be concluded in 30 days
Diogo Vargas
The Civil Police of Florianopolis goes to investigate the circumstances of the death of the young of 19 years-old, follower of the religion JW, who refused to submit it blood transfusion. It died in result of a leukemia in the monday to the night in the Celso Ramos Hospital, in Florianopolis.
Commission agent Marlus Malinverni, coordinator of the Central office of Police of the Capital, said yesterday that already they are being taken steps to select the fact, that raised controversy on the ethical position of the doctors who had respected the autonomy of the patient.
The police inquest will have to be concluded in 30 days. The Public Prosecution Service of Santa Catarina informed, by means of the press assessorship, that goes to wait the work of the Civil Police to disclose itself on the oferecimento of denunciation or not to Justice.
Parallel to the verification of the policy, the Counsil of the Medicine Profession of Santa Catarina (Cremesc) opened an investigation, as he informed in the tuesday the medical president of the entity Wilmar Athayde Gerent. In the Celso Ramos Hospital, a commission of ethics formed for five doctors will analyze the procedure adopted with the young.
The director technician of the institution, Ranulfo Goldschmidt, denied that the patient has received alternative medication in the hospital for being JW. "It received used medicines in the chemotherapy that are used estimulators of the marrow and in other patients", emphasized the doctor, mentioning itself it the use of the eritropoitina and granuloquine. It reiterated the option of the medical team of the hospital in respecting the autonomy of the patient, who did not accept in hypothesis some the blood transfusion, but recognized that the accomplishment of the procedure was not aggravation for the death of the young.
AN again looked yesterday to the doctor Zelita da Silva Souza, who took care of of the patient, but it was not found. The hematologist also is JW. But the direction certified that the religious linking of it does not intervene with the installment of the service.
[email protected] -
Another Brazilian Transfusion Case
by rosa innow, a jw physician is envolved.
police will investigate the 19 years old woman's death and the paper of hospital, lhc elders and jw doctor.
all in portuguese, in these links: .
well, i'll try (using BabelFish)
Faith x medicine
When the religion hits in ethics
Young woman that refused transfusion of blood dies of leukemia
Golden J. Arendartchuk
Jaragua do Sul
The death of a girl of 19 years for leukemia, in the night of monday, Florianopolis, relit controversy that involves the religious and ethical belief of the professional of the medicine. Follower of the religion JW, the young woman knew that she was with leukemia has about one month, when was to visit its mother in Curitiba.
In the Hospital Erasto Gaetner, she was informed that the indicated treatment would be the blood transfusion. She was informed, also, that she would have few possibilities of life. But, despite the gravity of the case, it opposed to carry through it the procedure because its religion hinders. It arrived to sign a responsibility term. By means of the church, the young discovered that in the Celso Ramos Hospital , in Florianopolis, a hematologist doctor of the same religion existed that made alternative treatment. Medicines to stimulate the production of the blood had been used, but the girl did not resist.
Son of separate parents, the girl liveed with the father since the 12 years. She has six years, adhered to the religion of the father, Witness of Jehovah, as well as the brother oldest, today with 24 years.
The internment of the young woman in the Celso Ramos Hosp occurred day November 21 in an area where other patients of the same religion also were being taken care of for the doctor. During 21 days, it received the treatment alternative. In the last days, already it breathed with aid of devices and it died in result of complications of the illness.
according to Regional chairman of the Medicine Counsil of Santa Catarina (Cremesc), Wilmar Athayde Gerent then that the agency was informed on the case, consulted the direction technique of the Celso Ramos Hospital. Gerent remembered that the hospital informed that the father of the young woman and the lawyer of the church had soldier on barrack duty the blood transfusion, endorsed for the power of attorney signed for the proper young.
The order of the advice was for the descredenciamento of the doctor who dealt with the girl, what she did not occur. "the doctor has to make of everything to save the patient and this if he deals with ethics. It implies, also, in not leaving itself to influence for beliefs or religions ", salient. The Cremesc, now, goes to open investigation to select the case.
[email protected]
Absence of procedure aggravated picture
The direction of the Celso Ramos Hospital, in Florianopolis, where the young was interned, considers the not-accomplishment of the blood transfusion as factor aggravation for its death. The director technician of the institution, Ranulfo Goldschmidt, said that the procedure would be important ahead of the picture of extreme anemia, but that the doctors had decided to respect the autonomy of the patient, who, in hypothesis some, it wanted to receive blood.
Goldschmidt and the clinical director, Evandro Tostes Martins, had talked with the young in the monday on the transfusion. "It was discerning, conscientious, guided and said that, in hypothesis some, would accept the transfusion", the doctor told. "This is a question that represents a great ethical quandary and is object of quarrel in world-wide medical literature", it emphasized. Besides having demonstrated the position, the patient left for writing its will.
The doctor informed to have been the first case of death of a JW who did not accept the transfusion since 1999, period where he acts in the place. The girl, who if dealt with leukemia, had finished the medication phase and the treatment of chemotherapy. Goldschmidt observed that the trend age of recovery and that the death at this moment caused surprise for the doctors. (Diogo Vargas)
Decision divides the patient family
The death of the young of 19 years caused quarrel between the family and the medical classroom. Of a side, they are the father, the brother, the boyfriend and friends who frequent the church Witness of Jehovah. Of another one, the mother (separate she has 19 years), the maternal stepfather and uncles, who are catholics and they are not satisfied themselves with the refusal of the young woman and other familiar ones that they had not supported the transfusion.
The brother oldest of the girl affirms that the witnesses of Jehovah do not refuse themselves to make medical treatment. "we do not only accept blood transfusion. E so that this does not occur we appeal to other methods of the medicine, that is very advanced, to save lives ", adds.
For the followers, the blood transfusion is a so serious sin how much the fornication and the idolatria. It would be a form "to contaminate the soul". In the opinion of the brother of the young woman, the gravity of the illness was what it took the sister to the death and does not lack it of the procedure. The young was embedded in the end of the afternoon of yesterday, in Jaraguá of the South.
The Brazilian Association of Linfoma and Leukemia (Abrale) also was contacted by the familiar ones that they said to have restricted visit to the patient. As well as the excessively following ones, the young woman also had a power of attorney signed for it, the father and another integrant one of the church that consisted the impediment of procedures with the blood use. (AA)
Program takes care of witnesses of Jehovah in hospital
The hematologist Zelita da Silva Souza took care of of the treatment of the patient. She also is JW and acts in a program of the Celso Ramos Hospital, that take care of for the SUS [Brazilian health care], specific for patients of this religion. according to managing technician of the institution, Ranulfo Goldschmidt, the religious linking of the doctor does not represent no interference in the installment of the service and the procedures. Zelita takes care of to the mondays in the hospital. It was looked by telephone yesterday in its clinic, but she was not found. The news article asked for so that it returned the linking, what she did not occur until the closing of this edition.
according to elder Pedro dos Santos - equivalent the shepherd for the JWs - for belief questions, the followers of the religion search in the medicine all the possible alternatives for treatments that substitute the blood transfusion. "We have the right not to opt to something that we do not agree and that we judge to be against what we follow, Bible."(AA and DV) -
Another Brazilian Transfusion Case
by rosa innow, a jw physician is envolved.
police will investigate the 19 years old woman's death and the paper of hospital, lhc elders and jw doctor.
all in portuguese, in these links: .
Now, a JW physician is envolved. Police will investigate the 19 years old woman's death and the paper of hospital, LHC elders and JW doctor.
All in Portuguese, in these links: (under Fe' x Medicina - Polícia Civil vai investigar morte)