Here in Brazil, when a KH or AssemHall is building, the Building Committee ask for registered volunteer workers - i.e. with Social Insurance National Institute's (INSS, in Brazil) card. If brother isn't registered, he don't work in the bulding.
when I talked w/ an elder, I asked why? and he replied: "Society is a Organized Society". And I replied too: "Society is too SMART, that's"
I think that instructions available for DC operations are valid for buildings.
Brazilian article shows a local situation with a Event Promoter Agency and some injured persons. Court ruled in favor of injured persons. After this, the article comments "if this situation occurrs at WTS event or bulding?"
Posts by rosa
Insurance coverage for the volunteer workers
by Ancientofdays inlast week in italy a brothers died in the assembly hall whyle working as a voluntary.
he was 65 , and was working at six meter from the floor
right now i'm having a debate on a local forum with some jws on the matter of the insurance coverage for the unpaid workers.
Insurance coverage for the volunteer workers
by Ancientofdays inlast week in italy a brothers died in the assembly hall whyle working as a voluntary.
he was 65 , and was working at six meter from the floor
right now i'm having a debate on a local forum with some jws on the matter of the insurance coverage for the unpaid workers.
To whom read in Portuguese:
That's the following regarding accidents in DC's
Assistance Arrangement
It is important that everyone understands the purpose of the Society's assistance arrangement
for conventions. When accidents occur, worldly persons may view them as an opportunity
to seek a large settlement from an insurance company. However, the purpose of
the Society's assistance arrangement is to provide nominal medical expenses to those who
do not have medical insurance or are unable to pay, rather than encourage individuals to
sue for large insurance settlements. The Society is absorbing most losses and whatever can
be done to keep costs to a minimum is appreciated.
If an accident occurs, it should be determined if the person has other insurance coverage. This
is important because many persons have personal medical insurance coverage through their
employer. Inquiry should be made about such coverage, and the person should be encouraged
to submit medical bills to that coverage first. It can be kindly explained to the individual
that if his medical costs are not completely paid by his personal coverage, then the
unpaid balance of the bills can be submitted to the Society for consideration.
If a person is injured, the convention overseer should immediately assign an elder or two
from the injured person's congregation to ensure that he is being properly cared for medically.
If any question arises, the convention overseer should write or telephone the Society
directly at 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, Attention: Risk Management
Department, (718) 625-3600. These steps will help reduce the amount paid by the Society
for accidents. This will make the Society's assistance arrangement available to help our
brothers when a genuine need exists.
Accident Notice Reports and Insurance Claims
The Society sends two copies of the Accident Notice Report (T-5) to each convention to be
photocopied as needed. The First Aid Department should inform the convention overseer
of serious accidents (not chronic or acute illnesses) that could lead to a claim against the
Society. Small trivial injuries should not be reported on the Accident Notice Report. An
Accident Notice Report is not to be made out for those who experience fainting spells,
epileptic attacks, heart attacks, or natural death. Injuries that are borderline, or fall into a gray
area of potential seriousness, should be reported on the Accident Notice Report. A copy of
this report is to be given to the first aid overseer for duplication, and he is to obtain for the
convention overseer all the information requested on the report for each accident to be reported.
For example, many falls that result in sprains or back injuries (but not broken
bones) turn out to require extended medical or chiropractic treatment. Thus, any injury,
however small, should be reported if it could either (1) require extended treatment or
(2) result in loss of income from secular work. Loss of income is covered only when injuries
to volunteer workers are involved.
Accident Notice forms should be filled out in duplicate. After each convention the originals
should immediately be sent to the Society's Convention Office and the duplicates kept
by the convention overseer for seven years. If there are no accidents to be reported on the
Accident Notice Report, the words "No Accidents" should be typed at the top of the report
and it should be sent to the Society's Convention Office along with the First Aid Log.
The reports are to be checked and signed by the convention overseer. They are for the use
of the convention organization only and should not be shown to the injured person, his
doctor or lawyer, or others. Neither the Convention Committee nor anyone else should
agree to any settlement or commit themselves in any manner in regard to any accident.
Accident Investigation and Reporting
The following paragraphs will explain some of the points needed on the Accident Notice
Report beginning with section numbers 1 through 7. The first aid overseer is to provide all
the information requested on the form under each section whether the injured is one of Jehovah's
Witnesses or just attending the district convention.
SECTION 1: If the injured is unavailable to answer any questions, complete this section to
the extent possible and state that the injured was unavailable. After checking all the appropriate
boxes in this section that apply to the injured, state if the person was a volunteer at
the convention by inserting the phrase "volunteer worker" to the right of the "Other" box.
Obtain the injured party's name, address, and telephone number for future reference. Inquire
if the injured has any type of medical coverage, including Medicare or Medicaid. If
so, encourage the injured to present his or her medical expenses to that insurance program.
SECTION 2: Beside the word "Activity," insert the words "District Convention."
SECTION 3: Ensure that the injured party receives appropriate medical attention as soon as
Any citation for violation of any ordinance or statute would seldom occur in connection with
an accident at a district convention. However, if it does happen, attach a copy of the citation.
Although it would seldom occur before or shortly after a convention, if an investigation of
the scene of the accident is conducted by a third party, provide the information requested
on the form.
SECTION 4: Ask the injured party what happened. There should be two brothers present
to witness and document in writing the questions and answers. The following questions
should be asked (do not ask any other questions and specifically do not discuss who or what
may have been at fault, the cause of the accident, or any reference to any legal action):
1. What were you doing when the accident occurred?
2. How did the accident happen?
3. What injury did you suffer?
This report may be recorded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the completed
Accident Notice Report.
All the facts related to the accident should be provided. Answer all questions and provide
the requested documentation, such as a diagram and photos, to the extent possible. Do not
photograph the injured person. In order to take the requested photographs, either borrow a
35-millimeter flash camera or purchase an inexpensive disposable 35-millimeter flash
camera. Provide the negative for each picture submitted to the Society.
Determine what, if anything, could reasonably be done to prevent similar accidents in the
future. Take appropriate steps and include on the Accident Notice Report a description of
the corrective action taken.
SECTION 5: Ask any witnesses to the accident to describe what happened. There should
be two brothers present to witness and document in writing the questions and answers. The
following questions should be asked (do not ask any other questions and specifically do
not discuss who or what may have been at fault, the cause of the accident, or any reference
to any legal action):
1. What were you doing when the accident occurred?
2. Did you see the accident?
3. According to your understanding, what happened?
This report may be recorded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the completed
Accident Notice Report.
SECTION 6: This section covers anyone who may have additional helpful information
relative to the accident.
SECTION 7: The convention overseen should appoint, if at all possible, two experienced,
mature elders from the injured person's congregation to follow through to make sure the
needs of the injured are cared for and communicate with the Society, if necessary, as outlined
elsewhere in these instructions. List one of the elders as the coordinating elder. They
should keep in close touch with the injured and his family to assist as outlined above, particularly
if the injured is one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Also, the convention overseer should sign on the line designated for his signature and provide
the date.
While endeavoring to obtain the required information, it is necessary to show genuine
Christian love and concern at all times. Do not make any statements of responsibility or liability
about the cause of the accident to the injured or any other party, including government
At the conclusion of the convention, make a copy of the completed Accident Notice Report
for the convention and send the original to the Society's Convention Office, 25 Columbia
Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483. When any communication, correspondence, or bills
related to the accident are received, make a copy for the convention files and forward the
original to the Society's Risk Management Office at the above address.
Immediately call the Society's Risk Management Office at (718) 625-3600 during working
hours and notify them of the accident if:
1. The injured requires medical attention in a hospital setting.
2. Any threat or notice of legal action is suggested.
Have the following information on hand when calling the Society: The date of the accident,
the name of the injured, the name of the congregation, and the name, telephone number,
and address of the coordinating elder. At that time the Society will provide reminders
concerning these procedures and will be available to provide answers concerning any
questions you may have. -
ALERT: All Child Abuse Lawsuits have been settled. Millions cashed out???
by What-A-Coincidence inre:
a bethel insider in the know told me that all of the child abuse lawsuits where the watchtower bible and tract society was one of the defendants were settled back in the beginning of this year.
i questioned it and called napa myself and they were absolutely settled back then.
Sorry, WTWizard, but here in Brazil the anti-WTS activism is too little. The two most important issues against WTS (blood and pedophilia) are bad-explored in Brazilian Foruns. For example, in Orkut ( there is a lot of communities anti-JW but 2-3% has good topics. And other problem: average Brazilians DON'T READ. If the pedophilia issue among JW appear in the great magazine - like VEJA - maybe the citizens will pay attention regarding it. Another possibility is the issue appears in GLOBO TV NETWORK (the biggest Brazilian TV, but in recent years, this TV speak positive points regarding JW's blood refusing. Brazilian media is still dependent of US media, but I don't remember any pedophiles case in our media.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that Brazilian JWs will continue to grow that 2% at year. With or without pedophiles sacandals in media. -
An "Apostate" partakes at the JWs Memorial
by dedpoet in
this is a video sent to me by brenda lee, the author of "out of the cocoon",.
of her partaking of the emblems at the jw memorial last month.
this reminds me in the 80's when a lot of brothers came to district conventions with their camcorders. It was a party of different cameras, one better than other.
Maybe after this movie recorded by Brenda, WTS will point at publications: "it's not proper to Christian to record a single meeting, even an special meeting."
Is there Bethel insurance policy?
by rosa inin his book "duke, where's my country?
" michael moore wrote:.
"during the last 20 years, companies like disney, nestle, procter&gamble, dow chemical, jp morgan, chase and wal-mart has issued, secrectly, life insurance policy to their medium and low employees nominated themselfs - companies - as beneficiary!
In his book "Duke, where's my country?" Michael Moore wrote:
"During the last 20 years, Companies like Disney, Nestle, Procter&Gamble, Dow Chemical, JP Morgan, Chase and Wal-Mart has issued, secrectly, life insurance policy to their medium and low employees nominated themselfs - Companies - as beneficiary!" - Chapter 7, "Horatio Alger has to die"
Do you know if there is this kind of thing in WTBTS regarding Bethelits or another higher WTBTS' members?
WTS letter regardong Franz's book
by rosa indears, .
my friend told me that there is a letter to elders regarding the ray franz's book "crisis of conscience", how to handling when elders discovered a brother reading this book, etc... .
I found this in Portuguese, and possibly the original are in German (author = Mehmet Aslan, Grenzach-Wyhlen)
Numa carta datada de 25 de outubro de 1990, a Sociedade Torre de Vigia diz:
"Na sua carta de 17 de outubro de 1990, uma comissão judicativa da congregação de XXXXXX informou-nos que em algumas congregações de XXXXXX, os publicadores lêem o livro Crise de Consciência do apóstata Franz."
"Entretanto, os irmãos foram informados desse fato pelo corpo de anciãos da congregação XXXXXX, e pedimos que os irmãos nos notifiquem e digam se conseguiram descobrir quais são os irmãos que possuem este livro. Em cada caso, é necessário que dois anciãos falem com esses irmãos seriamente e com urgência e os avisem sobre os perigos da apostasia. Pode também ser apropriado dar um discurso durante a próxima reunião, e chamar a atenção da audiência para os perigos da literatura apóstata e avisar urgentemente os publicadores. Por favor informem-nos, também, quanto a se os irmãos envolvidos levaram a peito o vosso conselho e estão dispostos a destruir a literatura apóstata."
In a dated letter of 25 of October of 1990, the WTS says:
"In its letter of 17 October 1990, a judicial commission of the congregation XXXXXX informed us that in some congregations of XXXXXX, the publishers read the book Crisis of Conscience of the Franz apostate."
"However, brothers had been informed of this fact for the body of elders of congregation XXXXXX, and ask for that the brothers in notify them and say if had obtained to discover which are the brothers who possess this book. In each in case that, it is necessary that two elders speak seriously with these brothers and with urgency and they inform them on the dangers of apostasy. He can also be appropriate to give a speech during the next meeting, and to call the attention the hearing for the dangers of apostate literature and to inform the publishers urgently. Please they inform them, also, how much if the involved brothers had taken the chest your advice and are made use to destroy literature apostate." -
WTS letter regardong Franz's book
by rosa indears, .
my friend told me that there is a letter to elders regarding the ray franz's book "crisis of conscience", how to handling when elders discovered a brother reading this book, etc... .
my friend told me that there is a letter to elders regarding the Ray Franz's book "Crisis of Conscience", how to handling when elders discovered a brother reading this book, etc...
Does anyone know about it?
rosa -
Circuit Assembly topic: "Treasures in Heaven"
by garybuss injehovah's witnesses have spanish assembly .
a spanish-speaking assembly for jehovah's witnesses will take place today and saturday.
the assembly begins each day at 9:40 a.m. at post auditorium, 400 w. 5th st. the topic will be "treasures in heaven.
A friend is translating Quotes website to Portuguese. A page about "Donations" he putted a quote from this Assembly in Brazil.
English translation (from Babelfish) ...Beyond the time and our energies, we have one third thing that [ is of value to the eyes of Jehovah - our material resources... ] [ question from orator ]: How much time the brother serves Jehovah? [ elder ]: Around 31 years. [ orator ]: You already was associated with some congregation that did not have the financial resources from brothers, and exactly thus they were notables in contributing for the workmanship? [ elder ]: yes, yes, yes...... the region was very poor, where the financial resources were too small, them they all work in a heat of 35 degrees up to 40 degrees [Celsius, not Fahrenheit] the year. For you have an idea, to the times we saw brothers coming back in sugar cane trucks, sugar cane that they cut there, they we go down all dirty ones, that burnt sugar cane, that thing all, but when he was final of week, people are happy when they arrive in the petty cash of donations and that's there... [... ] Certain sister, that it works collecting paper, cardboard, these things all. And many times people found it with that big hat in the head, a very hot sun day and the sister pulling stand, to full of cardboard, to sell and later to lead (the values) for the construction of the Hall of the Kingdom.
Girl was raped in Adventist Church during the cult! (Brazil)
by rosa inin southern brazilian city of joinville a 2 years-old girl was raped in a seven day adventist church during the cult!
the girl died after the rape.
this case was march 3 and now i receive more information about it.
Policy announces the arrest of suspicious
Man worked in the workmanships of the church where child was attacked. When seeing the girl Gabrielli Cristina Eichholz, of one year and six months old, playing alone in the external patio of the Adventist Church of the Seventh Day, in the morning of Saturday, day 3, in Joinville, the mason Gonçalves Oscar Rosary, of 22 years, decided to carry through one of the cruelest crimes of Santa Catarina. Rosary was imprisoned, yesterday per the morning, in Canoinhas, North Plateaus of the State, for Joinville's civil policemen. It confessed that he raped, strangled and later Gabrielli in the baptismal sink of the full church of fidiciary offices in day 3 of March played.
Portuguese newspaper: -
Wikipedia being abused by Jehovahs Witnesses
by Simon ini had a look at the wikipedia entry for jehovahs witnesses yesterday and noticed that it wasn't as comprehensive as it once was.. most links to non-pro-jw sites have gone as is anything truly critical or exposing of their beliefs and practices.. last night i added a link to this site to the "other sources" section.
this morning it is gone.. i wonder whether this is some private zealot who has decided to do it or an organised campaign?.
I putted a link to Erklarung Portuguese translation in wikipedia. The page has got translation and NO ONE opinion, except translations notes. And I warned the "minitrue officials":
Declaration of Facts 1933
Dear gentlemen,
Thousand of German brothers had risked its lives to distribute the Erklärung to the German people and main nazis authorities in June of 1933. Please, it would be a lack of respect and consideration for such brothers if the Erklärung's translation was removed of the topic in question to know, on the relation JW's with Nazism. Readers need to read the original document and not them our opinions. If now not to desire link placed in October'2006 and in March'2007, then you can copy the translations and post in Wikipédia.
And what happens???
21:17, 11 Março 2007 Wmarcosw (Discussão | contribs) (Retirado materia critica e parcial ja posta na pagina de discussao.)
21:17, March 2007 Wmarcosw (Discussion | contrins) (retired critical and partial material posted in discussion page already.)
For whom want to know about Minitrue Officials (Ministery of Truth) , please read 1984's Orwell.