Ok... I'm starting to understand. Thanks for the clarification. I can honestly say: The moment anyone threatens someone close to me, I will stand up to them. That was true when I was a Witness, and it is true now that I am not.
i've read so many posts from the men on this forum.
how many of you are are willing to defy the society, and defend your wives, sister, and/or daughters in the face of this religion?.
just a question not a threat.. r. .
Ok... I'm starting to understand. Thanks for the clarification. I can honestly say: The moment anyone threatens someone close to me, I will stand up to them. That was true when I was a Witness, and it is true now that I am not.
everyone with half a brain knows the sisters ran the congregations.
c'mon no ladies... fess up!
did you ever get super frustrated at having to wait as an incompetent kid screwed up the service arrangement?
Really sorry to hear that Luvbug. I have also experienced that kind of ruthlessness from the "elite" in the cong. I just ran this as a post to ask the women how they dealt with that archaic notion that "the head of every woman is a man", within the congregation. Perhaps I worded it wrong.
i've read so many posts from the men on this forum.
how many of you are are willing to defy the society, and defend your wives, sister, and/or daughters in the face of this religion?.
just a question not a threat.. r. .
I'm also finding your question a little confusing Restrangled. I'd defend my wife no matter what. I know she would do the same for me. Gender has nothing to do with anything in our household. We are a team. Together we decided to leave the cult. Not sure if this helps answer your question.
everyone with half a brain knows the sisters ran the congregations.
c'mon no ladies... fess up!
did you ever get super frustrated at having to wait as an incompetent kid screwed up the service arrangement?
Everyone with half a brain knows the sisters ran the congregations. C'mon no ladies... fess up! Did you ever get super frustrated at having to wait as an incompetent kid screwed up the service arrangement? Did you correct it after? What nasty little back room deals did you initiate?... be honest. Let us "Heads of the Household" know! I know that it was our P.O.'s wife that actually ran the show... Please let us in on your secrets!
why the bible isn't in chronilogical order?
did they just throw it together or what?
and...... why doesn't it just say what it means so that everyone can read it and decide what they believe.
No mystery Annie,
Old Testament = a collection of fairy tale allegories and documentations of sick war crimes.
New Testament = conflicting stories of a social reformer, hellenistic reinterpretations of social reformer's cryptic message, drug induced prophetic messages.
Don't wrack your brain over that question, your brain is far too precious. There are far more morally redeeming books out there. Check them out. Or just have some fun gardening or doing something else you like to do.
As always Gary, well said!
You don't pride yourself on putting out a propaganda machine to influence a particular party's position, (or by sending "representatives" to woo them over to accept the Witnesses as a legit religion), or initiate a letter writing campaign to stop persecution and consider yourself "neutral". What a bunch of horse schlok. In a democratic system we vote so our representatives can serve us. I need to drive on roads to get to work, but I don't have the time to build them, nor the knowledge. If I am to get to work I need to "hire" the appropriate people to "hire" the appropriate people within a specific budget. If they don't do the job, I can "fire" them by voting for someone else. By conventional Witness logic it would be wrong to hire someone to run your floor scrubber for your janitorial business so you have more time to attend to "theocratic" matters.
since modern music keeps coming up, we need to address the classical!
what are your favorite pieces and the artists?
if you play an instrument, pick the piece that's your favorite to play or you wish you could play.. r.. my favorite is fantasy impromtu by chopin.
Stravinsky's "the rite of spring"
Bach's "bouree"
"phineas j whoopee you're the greatest".
"Hi Principal Skinner! Hi SuperNintendo Chalmers!"
Ralph Wiggum, the Simpsons.
the firm (tom cruise) is one of my favourite movies.
maybe because sometimes i feel like i can relate to it, except in a religious sense.
has anyone else watched this movie and empathised with the main character because of their jw upbringing??.
Oh it is there for sure! The part that stood out in my mind was when Tom Cruise's wife (can't recall any of the characters names) was chatting with a fellow wife about childbearing and the woman says "The firm allows us to have children", when Tom's wife raises an eyebrow the woman reiterates, "It's not a problem, the firm allows it." Reminds me of when my wife was studying. Similar language gave her a peek into the window of what actually happens in the society, and gave me an objective view of the Witness recruiting process.
here are some of my paintings.
most of them are quite large, but not all.
perhaps i will post some drawings tomorrow.
I lied. I do like them.