I don't even know why they encourage 'deep study', because if you get too 'deep', you might leave the Org.
i can remember studying the isaiah books 1 & 2 back-to-back.
during this time i simply never wanted to go to the book study.
it was all so repetative and boring.
I don't even know why they encourage 'deep study', because if you get too 'deep', you might leave the Org.
these are just 3 things that i was shocked to learn when i was in the org.
they may not seem like big things to some, but they are to me.. 1. speakers at the d.a.
had food catered to them.
I had forgotten this one: An elder and I (I was fairly new in the Org.) were were walking thru the parking lot at the K.H. and he was pointing to the cement blocks at the front of the parking spaces and saying that the churches had spaces saved for their clergymen, with their titles written on them "Reverend So & So" "The Most Reverend So & So" "The Most Highly Reverend So & So" and we were having a good laugh.
So the next time we go to a C.A. in Los Angeles, what do you think was written, on the cement block , in front of the very first parking space? The parking space that was the closest to the back entrance of the assembly hall?
"Reserved for Circuit Overseer"!!!!!!!! Ha, Ha, Ha!
Warlock (the "laughing" one)
here's a little more detail on the "kingdom news" campaign i posted about yesterday:.
the campaign runs fruns from october 16 - november 12. it will be announced to the congregations in a service meeting part during the week of september 18. every publisher and pioneer gets 50 copies.
this is something i don't recall happening before: publishers are supposed to keep track of how many tracts they place, and record it on the back of their time slips for october and november.
This whole thing is about getting the inactives, active and giving all the actives a little break so they don't have to deal with the "no, I'm not interested" responses at the door.
These campaigns used to be a relief for those who were not very comfortable talking to people at the door.
over the years here on the forum...i have read with interest many da letters.
brave people!!
not so brave.
Good letter. They sure won't be able to get you for lying.
go on have a blast.
the jw discussion forum is on the same web page (google among others) as the societies official site.
i once remember an elder telling me about some ex witness who wrote some bad stuff on the internet.
hello my name is isthisit and i have a confession to make, i'm an active jw and not happy.
i am a lurker here and have to start posting.
i am 22 and have been "born and raised" as well as being 4th generation.
Welcome, isthisit:
Read some experiences, participate when you want to or when you can. You have found a group of people who can understand and sympathize with your situation.
Take your time and don't feel pressured into doing anything right now. There are many here who will give you good advice.
c'mon give me something!
i haven't gotten my teeth into a good meaty debate for ages.
confront me!
You challenge and then you go to sleep?????!!!!!!!! WIMP!
did anyone realise that this was the case when they became a witness or just realise through time that this is the societies teaching on it?
each year i get annoyed at the memorial when the speaker giving the talk always refers to this point and then says how the other sheep (the great crowd) "can benefit from this arrangement".
I never realized, until I came to JWD, that I didn't have a mediator. Does that mean that God is not hearing my prayers?
So then, if I don't have a mediator, I don't have a responsibility, right? Isn't the preaching work laid upon the "little flock"?
how many times have you been on a conference call for work or in a meeting with a large group of people and all of a sudden your boss asks you a question?
normally, you know the answer and immediately give it.
if you are well prepared and know your job inside and out, it should be an easy task.
It sounds like your dad asked those questions, with that idea in his mind. We had several WT/BS conductors that did the same thing.They asked with all sincerity and we knew it.
We also knew when someone was just doing it to stroke their ego or to show off.
how many times have you been on a conference call for work or in a meeting with a large group of people and all of a sudden your boss asks you a question?
normally, you know the answer and immediately give it.
if you are well prepared and know your job inside and out, it should be an easy task.
I knew of one who would do that just to look like "Mr. Intellectual" and to make the publishers look stupid. I was never in his cong. but I knew him.
He would also tell of some experiences that he had, but some became so unbelievable, that you never knew whether he was telling the truth, or lying.