Congratulations. You can do it! I just completed my first year as a teacher. It is a lot of hard work, but if you ask lots of questions, and copy what the effective teachers do, you'll make it just fine!
JoinedPosts by Quandry
good news-- step one accomplished!
by losingit ini just wanted to share the good news that wednesday was the last day of my summer teaching internship.
i had a great time with the kids-- they were ready to learn, be challenged and have fun.
and this was summer school!
by lurkernomore ini thought it was high time to introduce myself (without my name of course).
as my name would suggest i have been reading your intriguing post, thoughts and discussions for some time now.
around 3/4 months to be exact.. i guess to start with it would seem fitting to give a little background on my current situation.. i'm a born-in, but have over the last few years found that through a number of varying occurences, (some of which i may discuss in future posts) that my 'zeal' has gone from regular field service and meetings to no service in over a year and very sporadic meeting attendance.
So glad you and your wife are both out together. My husband and I are both out together after being in for over thirty years. We too have been trying to make up for lost time. Enjoy your freedom.
hello everyone
by purrpurr ini've been browsing the site for some time as things that the society teach just are not adding up much these days.
by exploring some of the threads on here i'm starting to see why.
a brief bio.
As someone said (I don't know who to credit with the original quote) "Better to have questions that I can't answer than answers that I can't question."
thinking of leaving
by justme67 ini am 46 and have been a jw for only 6 years.
i was doing ok until about a month ago.
we were having an international convention and i heard the brother that had to pick up 2 of the members of the governing body had to get a background check done on him and his wife.
Good for you for investigating further and making an informed decision. I wish I had done a more thorough investigation before I became a JW. Of course, that was in 1973 and I was young and impressionable. Now I am out of the organization after more than thirty years, and don't have to look at children as "refuse" or try to wrap my head around the destruction of millions.
Enjoy life. Please make goals of improvement and enjoyment of life.
Today is my birthday !
by mrquik inafter missing 63 years of birthday celebrations, i'm making up for it in spades.
cake, presents & parties.
i tell everyone i meet that today is my birthday just to hear them say "happy birthday".
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....We are glad to celebrate it with you!
How To Respond
by Stormcrow inwould somebody please tell this computer-dummy how to join in and respond to comments please?.
i cannot find a single help button and when i click on the little pencil logo, i just get an error msg.. help?.
Welcome. It looks like you indeed have made a post, and we are looking forward to more!
My Satantic Smurf Scratch n' Sniff Stickers Story (True!)
by Phaedra inback in the early 80s when i was around 9 or 10, my slightly-older best jw friend relished telling me all the latest scare stories she heard about the satanic smurfs popping off of wallpaper, cutting babies with sharp objects, and running through kingdom hall corridors swearing.
wide-eyed with no critical thinking skills at.
i listened and believed every single word.
Ha! The smurfs again! Seems like these stories were well recycled everywhere!
A smurfs thread from several years ago had the story that a child had brought a smurf doll to the meeting and in the middle of the public talk the smurf doll jumped up and ran down the aisle to the door. One of my favorite posters, Ian, who I am sorry to say has since died, made the best comment. He stated, "Well at least the smurf had the good sense to leave!"
I remember when I first started to study with the JWs in 1973 as a twenty-one year old. I had read ahead in the "Truth" book about wicked spirits and how you should get rid of anything connected with "false worship." I hadn't been married very long, and my husband had given me a little cross with a diamond in the center. I decided that I wouldn't wear it, but would keep it in a drawer. When I told the young woman that was studying with me, she made it clear that Satan or his demons could attach themselves to something we knowingly kept. I had just finished reading The Exhorcist (remember I just started studying) and when I went home, I grabbed the cross, imagining it burning my hand or that demons would be chasing me as I literally ran down the stairs from my apartment to the trash cans, threw the cross in, and stood there gasping in fright! I am sure it looked strange to anyone watching.
Goodbye JW net
by snare&racket inforgive me for indulging in a goodbye but it would feel wrong not to,.
i hope the discussions and atmosphere here do not change for it is a bubbling brew of doubt, bravery and sincere hunger for answers.
these are healthy ingrediants for humans and especially for a jehovah's witness.. this forum offers not just the ability to ask without consequence, but it also offers the means to be real.
You have obviously worked veerrrryyy hard to obtain your medical degree. I recall that you also patented something that will help the medical community. Good for you.
You mention that you have few family members in your life. I do hope you are able to keep in contact with them. They must surely be proud of you. I know I am. I am wondering if these family members are your parents or siblings. Please let your parents know of your achievements, even if they are shunning you. (I say this as a mother)
I side with others who wish for you to "drop in" from time to time and keep us updated on your life.
Are You Right or Left Brain Dominant?
by cofty inactually it turns out that we are neither.. this is one of 7 myths about your brain that are debunked in the following short science alert video.. ....
Well, thanks for this very interesting bit of info.
I never could keep straight whether I was "right brained or left brained" so am glad to know there is nothing to that.
I do know that I didn't use more than 10 percent of my brain when I was a Witness, however, because they "did all the research for me."
Where to go from here...
by Patrickday ini'm new around here, but i've been browsing the site the last few days in hopes of finding the answer to the situation i've been going through, so hopefully you can help me.
i met this girl in highschool, but never really spoke with her until about a year after i graduated.
she's three years younger (however it's legal where i'm from, don't fret) and still a teenager.
Welcome, Vivere!
Your story was well told, although heart-rending. As former JWs, we all know guilt so well....
Glad your family is still together. I feel for others who had their families ripped apart by the WTS.