hello everyone

by purrpurr 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • purrpurr

    Hi everyone, I'm new here. I've been browsing the site for some time as things that the society teach just are not adding up much these days. By exploring some of the threads on here I'm starting to see why.

    A brief bio. I am a born in jw. Family are all in the truth and very spiritual. I've been questioning ever since the new light on the 1914 generation. I was there when it was changed in 1995 and to see it change yet again it just seems like the GB are just trying to explain why the new system isn't here yet. Also it seems to me that many are getting disheartened over Armageddon not coming yet and they are leaving. Yet the society says that its good that it hasn't come yet because more people have had the chance to come into the truth but what about the people who are leaving for the same reason?

    I'm amazed that I'm posting here. Out of the group of peers I grew up with I'm the only one who hasn't left, been df'd or reproved. Feel rather naughty for even being on this site but none of the wwatchtower pubs are giving me the answers. I'm also not happy that the books that I grew up studying are now out of date? It seems to me that surely gods word stays the same? Oh there's tons of stuff I could list... Anyway nice to meet you all. And please be nice to me I'm just a learner about all this it seems...

  • Dis-Member

    Wow new members popping up fast and thick! I wonder why? Of my original peer group age from my rather short time in the org (about 45 people give or take) 42 are no longer associated with the org. That says a lot.

    I wish you well in your search for answers Purrpurr.

  • cultBgone

    Welcome, Purr! So happy to have your company here and you know from lurking that you'll find lots of fellow-feeling and support.

  • KateWild

    Out of the group of peers I grew up with I'm the only one who hasn't left, been df'd or reproved.-purrpurr

    Welcome purrpurr, get in touch with all your peers that have left. Track them down they can really support you. Next, read as much as you can from former members, I recomend jwsurvey, jwfacts and CoC. They were my main three resources to help me learn the truth about "the truth" (TTATT)

    Keep posting lets us know your progress

    Kate xx

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Welcome, give yourself the right to ask questions, .. any question, none should be off limits to you, then you will find out the reality like many here have done.

    You were born into and raised in a cult. I was too.

  • skeeter1

    Welcome. We are all on a journey of our lives and spiritual path.

    My parents were JWs in the 40s and 50s. They were told to not go to college, pioneer, hold off on marraige, and not have kids. They met in the mid-60s and married and had me. They hoped 1975 was going to be the End. It wasn't, and they stopped attending. My father was disfellowshipped for bad behavior. In the 80s, we went back. Then, it was no longer 1975 that was the issue, the End was coming in the early 90s as the Generation of 1914 was not going to pass away. I was told to not go to college. At conventions, youth told stories about how sinful college was and their superior choice to pioneer instead of college. I left at about 18, and went straight into college. I got a degree and never went back to a Kingdom Hall. Meanwhile, my parents grew older. We had a baby. My parents desparately wanted to convert us because of the baby. When they came, they said that college was now more allowed. And, that they dropped the "generation of 1914" teaching. I was floored and laughed at them like becuase it was ridiculous back then. They thought that the changes were going to get me to come back. But, it just showed me that they Governing Body does not know what it is doing. By predicting the ever ending Armegheddon, they get the followers in a constant state of panic and need to go door to door to sell more literature/get converts.


  • TableForOne

    Welcome purrpurr.

    Your presence here as very encouraging.

    You might feel "rather naughty" for being here right now, but that wont last, and you'll soon be wishing you came here years ago.

    I'm looking forwards to hearing more about your personal journey.


  • stillin

    I agree with Kate's thought about connecting with old friends from the congregation who had left. However, a word of caution; bad associations spoils useful habits. I kid you not. The common ground that you share may not be so common now. There is still such a thing as unacceptable behaviour.

    end of sermon

  • lurkernomore

    Hi Purr, I only started posting on here today aswell!!!!

    It's really quite amazing how quickly the shroud is removed once you start looking at sources of information other than the publications of the WTBTS.

    It seems a lot of people are having the same issues with things that are taught as fact today only to be discarded as apostate tomorrow!

  • happy@last

    Welcome, sounds like you are thinking for yourself now, never stop asking questions.

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