Howdy from Texas and welcome to the forum. Glad you and your wife are out together.
JoinedPosts by Quandry
First post
by BenRichards ini've been lurking here off and on for a few years, figured i would introduce myself and share the clif notes version of my story.. i'm in my late 30's and was born in.
mom was a jw, dad wasn't.
got baptized in my teens and started dating my eventual wife.
Reflections on 1 year WT Free-breaking the chains...
by MissFit inhi everyone.. i just realized that it has been over a year since i discovered this site and started to recognize i was shackled by invisible chains.
i am still in the process of chipping away on those chains.. i posted on another thread how these threads here are like little time capsules.
the moment, the emotions, the attitudes are all there frozen.. .
Isn't it wonderful to be able to think for yourself instead of the WTS view "the research has been done for you?"
As a poster quoted (I don't know who to credit the original to) "Better to have questions that you can't answer than answers that you can't question."
Any Senior Citizens, Retirees here?
by AlwaysBusy inhowdy....well, what do you think?
of everything?
is it all crazy?
I am 62 and would love to retire, but since I bought into the borg wholeheartedly when in my early 20s and did not complete my education, I did a lot of low paying menial jobs for many years.
When I "woke up" and realized that over thirty years had passed and I'd let others do my thinking for me, I decided to get back on track. I went back to school, got a degree in History, and started teaching. Now, I must work a few more years so that it will count toward retirement. My husband is retired, and we would like to travel once I retire, if I am not too stiff to move.
At least I can think for myself (until the brain gives out) and enjoy my weekends. Yes, time does seem to fly by.
by Onager ini've made a few posts here already so i thought i'd introduce myself.
i'm an ex-jw from cheltenham pittville (uk) congregation.
i've been free and clear for a few years now so i'm through the anger phase and in the happily getting on with my life phase.
A hearty Texas howdy to you and welcome to the forum.
(Where is one of these pictures with a cowboy hat?)
Has anybody meet anyone on here who they knew as a JW. Experiences please
by joe134cd ini'm just curious but has anybody meet some one on jehovahwitness-net who they knew in their jw lives.
just want to hear experiences.
please include the indicators that led up to you identifying each other, and how you eventually revealed yourself.
I somehow missed this thread when it was new. I wanted to add my story.
I was reading the introductory thread from a poster, and thought the little bit of personal information sounded familiar. I PM'd the poster, and lo and behold, he is the son of the JW woman who started a study with me in 1973!
I am happy to report that this young man (well, young to me-he is married with a couple of kids) is now holding a local office in his town, and is a fine person. Unfortunately his wife and all of his family are still "in." I know it is hard for him.
I wish I could encounter others.
Fresh Newcomer
by Yondaime inhi guys, my name is yondaime,.
my will to remain in this relgious sect is fading, i'm about to be a freshman(just turned 18) in college.
, i have seen so many terrible things happen to good people in this cult and i'm sick of it!
With what your dad said to your brother in law, he may be harboring some "ill will" toward the governing body because of their lifestyles. You never can tell what the future holds. He obviously is at odds with them over the education thing...there may be other things he has issues with. Tread softly and slowly, however. Your education is the most important thing right now. There will be time for discussions later....
It's my 25th yr anniversary of freedom
by rebel8 inapproximately 25 yrs ago today, i left the borg forever.. .
thank you jwn/jwd for helping me heal by listening to me.
there are not many greater gifts than freedom..
What would you say have been your major accomplishments since leaving? (Other than feeling freedom and enjoyment of life)
Nursing School
by sooner7nc ini start the journey towards getting a degree as a registered nurse on jan. 14th, 2013. wish me luck.. .
You are almost there! Hard work and determination will get you through.
We are proud of you!
JWs getting "Footloose" at the Kingdom Hall
by AndDontCallMeShirley ini hope no one here get's injured when they see this and their jaw hits the floor:.
Ouch! My jaw! There is just sooo much to say about this video! Saloon door, on the stage dancing, hootin' and hollerin', women with men (and one in a tight skirt) Worldly music......The utter hypocrisy!
Of course, in their defense,(ha!) the women were not brazen because they knew their place was not to be on the platform, they did not upstage the men because they were only in the last part of the dance, and as my husband pointed out (he was an elder for twenty years) the men on stage were wearing white shirts so it was O.K.
The last comment I must make is-since this was showing down home real Texas culture, shouldn't the music have been country? How about Garth Brooke's song I've Got Friends In Low Places....
My First Post!
by NoMoreHustle ini won't be lengthy on this.
i have been in the org for about 20yrs.
now & woke up about 2yrs ago.
Welcome to the forum.
Isn't it good to use your brain instead of stagnating because the organization has "done all the research for you?" Be glad you were in only twenty years. My husband and I were in over thirty. No matter how long, it is just good now to breath free air.