My First Post!

by NoMoreHustle 67 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NoMoreHustle

    I won't be lengthy on this. I have been in the org for about 20yrs. now & woke up about 2yrs ago. I am trying to fade but is very hard while family (especially spouse) is still in & not understand where I am coming from. I will not take part in any talks, service etc. but still go & just roll my eyes all over the place. Still have to be careful though cause family is still in.

    My awakening started when a family member asked me about Conti case settlement. I was so blind & told him that there is no way possible & if true had to be isolated situation. it had been bothering me for weeks & finally worked up courage to look up on internet. I was floored! My faith had been shattered! Within a day of reading on JWFacts, JWSurvey etc. I was finally putting together the pieces of this JW puzzle. There was always things that did not make sense to me but always just accepted it like a good slave. All the usual things (too much to mention)

    I had been checking on here as well alot over this time period. I really learned alot here & realized that this can be coped with. I finally worked up courage to post here & be apart of something that is so important because I have wasted 20yrs of my life in this CULT! Just need some place to vent & get a little support (really not to needy).

    The clincher for me was when I saw that Footloose video. I just had to start posting! That is a travesty & how that can be justified by JW's is absolutely rediculous.

    I will not be HUSTLED by this org anymore!! Hence my username NoMoreHustle

    Thank You

  • skeeter1

    Welcome Hustle! Welcome to your spiritual journey.

    Candice Conti is not alone. There are many pedophiles within the Organization. There are many survivors of sexual abuse, some still in and others out.


    p.s. I was thinking of the 70's song . . . "Do the hustle" . . . (showing my age).

  • Londo111

    Welcome, NoMoreHustle!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi NoMoreHustle,

    That "Footloose" video was too much. lol

    Welcome to your new playground.

    LoisLane in the North Pacific

    PS Did you know after you post you have 30 minutes to edit or delete.

    Just use the little yellow pencil on your upper right hand side.


  • AlphaMan

    The clincher for me was when I saw that Footloose video. I just had to start posting! That is a travesty & how that can be justified by JW's is absolutely rediculous2014-08-05


    Welcome to the board. That's awesome how you mentioned that the JW Footloose video is what got you to post. I hope more JW's see that ridiculous video and start posting. This Org is not from God. It is a bat-shit crazy man-made up and man-led organization just making things up and changing things as they go along.

  • Crazyguy

    If you have kids then you need to be more proactive on getting them out, otherwise little statements may help your wife. Welcome.

  • Dis-Member

    Greetings NoMoreHustle.

    It's quite an amazing thing to see more and more waking up.

    When the viel is lifted waking up is initially the most disturbing and after then the most liberating feeling you may ever have. There is also no going back.

    Once you KNOW you can never UNKNOW.

  • cofty

    Welcome NoMoreHustle.

  • Magnum

    There were always things that didn't make sense to me, too, but I was told that Jah would answer my questions. It's been 35 years and not only did he not answer them, but they've grown in number and intensity. There is more that doesn't make sense now than there was when I started.

    How do you feel about the Bible? Do you still believe it's true or are you undecided? What about belief in a creator?

  • problemaddict

    Welcome no more hustle. You woke up just before I did.

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