Welcome from another newly enlightened newbie.
JoinedPosts by Quandry
New guy from Toronto
by Martyn innew guy from toronto.
just enjoying the posts.
i haven't been to a meeting in years, i was baptisted 1990. it seems like yesterday.
Recently Studied With JW's--need help breaking up
by Silvia Plath ini studied with the jw's for two years and some time this coming week i will be making the "phone call" to tell carol my friend, that i do not want to study any longer with the jw's.
i don't know why i let them into my kitchen to begin with, except there was something about her and i don't make friends well with other women, most of my friends are guys, but carol could tell a irish yarn that made you laugh and feel good.
she made me feel safe and she was fun to go shopping with and talk about problems too, she was like the mother i never had.
Welcome to the forum. You are in a unique situation here. You can still communicate with your friend and say what you wish because you are not baptised so cannot be shunned.
By all means, share with her some of your concerns. Perhaps she does not know about the U.N. scandal or flip-flopping doctrine over the years.
Several years ago, a person at the door told me that J.W.s had changed things in their books over the years. I vehemently defended the Witnesses. A while later, I was on a study with the Live Forever Book (no longer used for Bible studies), and lo and behold my book said the exact opposite from the witness next to me on the subject of the resurrection of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. What a shock. They had completly done a 180 degree change and I didn't even know it. I had the old edition book. These things and others affected me deeply. Perhaps you can help your friend with your knowledge.
Please be patient with her. These things will be hard to hear and harder to mentally accept. Hope you can remain friends with her. Seems as if she needed a friend when she was down and started drinking but instead probably got a good scolding and priveledges removed. Sounds like she still needs a friend who will listen without telling her what a dissapointment she is.
Prediction of large drop in JW numbers in 2014
by VM44 ini am going to make the prediction, here and now in mid 2006, that there will be a significant drop in the number of jehovah's witnesses in the year 2014, the one hundredth anniversary of 1914.. the only way this drop in numbers might be avoided is if the watchtower society can think up some way to stir up the rank and file and get them motivated to do more, like they did with the 1975 fiasco.. .
i doubt very much that the watchtower magazine is going to proclaim loudly in the year 2014 anything about the "generation of 1914" not passing away.. --vm44
Black Swan of Memphis makes a reasonable statement when she says that despite what anyone may dig up on J.W.s there will always be those who refuse to let go. Would you believe there are still some staunch Branch Davidians around? Despite the fact that this man led many to their deaths and evidently had sex with many of the young women among his group. Go figure.
You can see this validated when you hear anyone who has mentioned any of the issues such as U.N., etc., and received the old "I'm sure in due time it will come out. I'll wait on Jehovah."
I love my children so much it hurts
by jambon1 inone of the main reasons i left the org was to do with the love i have for my children.
i constanly dreaded them being taken away at the tribulation, tortured, raped or having some other attrocity affect them.
it drove me to a major drink problem whilst i was in the org.
Called JR Brown regarding Cano Pedophile situation
by LDH injust called their media line:.
asked a young man named bryce where is the official press release on the cano pedophile situation.
So what songs helped during your exit?
by mavie inmaybe i am just reading more into things now than before, but i'm seeing the world differently now....these songs helped
"marching bands of manhatten" - death cab for cutie.
i wish we could open our eyes.
Golden Age Goodies
by Leolaia inrecently i had the pleasure to examine a stash of 1920s and 1930s golden age magazines, among the rarest of watchtower publications.
i thought it would be a fun idea to have a thread in which i share with you some of the amazing, ridiculous, hilarious things contained therein.
hence, this is the first post of a series of excerpts, scans, etc.
At least back then everyone knew where witnesses stood in their beliefs. The recent interview with J.R.Brown is so vague, you don't get a straight answer at all. Do the witnesses believe they are the only ones approved by God? ........Double speak,vague, can't get a hold on the answer.
He would never say yes or no, would he?
Truthfully..do you think you are being shunned or.......
by Snoozy inmany on here say they are being shunned by their family members.in some case this is probably true.
but seriously..could it be that they have a life and they may not have time for you anyway?
or finds you not too much fun to be around?.
I was in the congregation for over thirty years. If someone was df'd or dissasociated, I would never have talked to them. There are many on this forum that were disfellowshipped for talking to a relative who was df'd. In fact, on of the first stories that I read was about a man who left the JWs and his 80 some year old mother was outed for having contact with him. She relied on him to help take care of her. They only visited once a month to care for her needs. The witnesses did not volunterr to care for her, just df'd her for seeing her son.
I myself have also known of similar circumstances. And, when my child was disfellowshipped in the most harsh, unloving manner by men who told her she would burn in the fire with the devil and his angels, I tried to talk with them later. They would not so much as pronounce her name.
Have you read some of the heart wrenching posts on this forum of the things JW family members have said to thei children/parents???
Yes, the most unchristian shunning.
When John 13:35 pricks a Dub's conscience...
by Inquisitor in(1)how many of you out there, back when you were still a jw, heard the bros say "yeah the cong is a little cold cos of <insert scapegoat here>, but there is genuine love among the country congs/ the foreign lang congs etc??
(2)how did you respond to that remark?
did you accept that concession or did the absence of unpretentious love in your cong continue to bother you?
Yes inquisitor, but that really is the point. The SOCIETY claims that this organization is sooooo different from every other religion that you expect to see the real, family type love. You desperately try to find it. That's when the dissilutionment sets in. You realize you are reading about it but see so few real examples. I would even agree, yes, all are imperfect.
The real slap in my family's face was when my child did a couple of childish things. The "loving" elders took her in the back room, tried to force her to admit to things she did not do, and then told her she was a piece of filth and would burn in the lake of fire with the devil and his angels. These same men are still giving talks from the platform about love, love, love.
Many on this forum have experienced this type of "love." I never would have believed it possible until it happened to my family. Perhaps some will never see until they have been personally dealt this type of blow.
Just returned from the 2006 (Armageddon's here) "Deliverance At Hand" DO
by apocalypse inhow much can one person gag?
it is interesting to note that clive thomas (canadian branch office) spoke during his part in such a way as to betray the fact that he was personally aware that what he was saying was false.. it's one thing when a local onion gets exuberant about parroting the gb's nonsense.
it's quite another when a bloodsucker like clive comes from the branch and does a "bait 'n switch" the way he did.
fjtoth, you make some very good points on the use of the internet. No doubt, by now, the Society is aware of the many sites that have uncovered the U.N. scandal. You might think that they would respond to this situation, perhaps explaining themselves on the net. They have reacted with a conspiracy of silence. The net is how I found out. Now, of course, if I were to question anyone in the congregation about real public news, I would be guilty of apostacy even though it is true!!!