The best revenge I have is no longer being the flunky that always cleaned the bathrooms, paying special attention to seldom cleaned areas such as the tops of the stall dividers, and the walls around the urinals. I wonder what poor slob is doing it now?
JoinedPosts by Quandry
Creative Revenge
by Roberta804 ini love this topic.... stole it from a female talk radio host dr. sonia freeman in the chicago area decades ago.
think and post a creative (not damaging, violent, or illegal) action that would piss off those who shun us.
here is an example: many years ago when my hubby was still an elder he collected the mail for the kh.
The Mormons would not let me speak at my Dad's funeral
by FormerMormon in--because i no longer nelieve.
i was excommunicated for "apostasy".
that was their rationale for not allowing me to speak at his funeral last month.
So, so sorry, FormerMormon.
Funerals should be a time for the grieving family members to comfort one another and remember their loved one, not a religious infomercial...but obviously, Mormons and JWs are similar when it comes to the program. It's all about appearances, instead of speaking from the heart about YOUR relative. Your dad obviously loved you as evidenced by the fact that you regularly spoke to one another. They can't take that from you....
Noooooooooo! I can't think of anywhere I'd rather not be.......also, I don't want to bolster their numbers with my presense.
verybelated intro: Tylin
by Tylinbrando inso i have been a lurker on this forum since its inception.
i registered over a year ago.
i jumped in several months back with a highly controversial subject of my daughter being sexually abused by an elder and the efforts we were taking to bring him to justice.
Your story is amazing. Your daughter is indeed very courageous. So glad that you are "out," have found love and that your children have a father who teaches them to think!
Newbie here; my intro post :)
by Sparlock the Wizard inso, i finally decided to become a member and make my first post .
a bit about me:.
i've been lurking around the forum for quite some time (about 6 months i think).
Just wanted to add my welcome. Please don't rush into anything. Take time to read lots of threads here...maybe you'll get some ideas on how to fade successfully. My husband was an elder for twenty years-we both left together about seven years ago and sooooo glad.
I had cataract surgery on Feb 12
by Lady Lee ini cannot believe the difference in my vision.
even with glasses my vision in the left eye was poor.
but i can now read a 12 font fairly clearly without the glasses.
So glad to hear that you will be able to enjoy better vision.
Our Story
by Auntfancy inhi everyone, i have been on here for a little while and haven't introduced myself to you.
i can't tell you how much all of you have helped me sort many things out in my mind.. i was raised in a very good christian home and married my hs sweetheart.
i left home and moved half way across the country with a husband and a brand new baby.
Welcome to the forum!
How wonderful that you and your husband are now free to enjoy life, and I am so glad that you are able to be with your family. Do you have children?
My husband and I were "in" for over thirty years. When we saw the true nature of the JWs, it was too late for me, as both my parents were gone. They also used to get so upset at the holidays. How I wish they could have known that we left the Witnesses and had time together. It is truly a bitter pill to swallow. My husband and I are at least out together; many on this forum have not been so fortunate.
Welcome to the forum.
Things are not going to be easy for you...have patience in speaking with your husband. Hope all goes well for you.
Hubby and Wifey saying Hi
by free and happy inso where do you start?.
i've been reading peoples experiences for several months now trying to figure out what i want to say but how do you put your whole life into a few words?.
i was a born in but have been happy and free for 5 years and luckily for me my husband felt the same way and we have freed our children from being brainwashed.
Wanted to add my welcome!
Isn't it amazing what stress can do to you? My husband, daughter and I went through a beating from the elders...I had shingles for what must have been over a week or two and DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT until one day I just kinda noticed that my back was really burning-I looked at it in a mirror and it was inflamed all accross.
Maybe you should write a note to the elder from hell telling him thanks for driving you away from the Witnesses and back to your you can all live happily without the #%# JWs!
Rumor of new light on the headquarters of the WT
by wolfman85 ini read in a forum in spanish that there is a strong rumor spreading in the corridors of the wt.
has anyone heard anything about this??
the change that is emerging is this: the great crowd has not yet appeared, and it is a group that comes out of the great tribulation.
Why not? The rank and file will swallow this and say that it's what they always believed, or that this is a wonderful clarification.........