I was in 1 congregation (southern Oregon) that got so large they had to split back in the 90's when I was only 7 or 8. Since then there have been 2 new KH's built in the area one being a double hall. The trend I notice was massive amounts of people attending for a bit followed by dwindling attendance. The congregation I was in before learning TTATT a year and a half ago was meeting at one of the double halls built not that long ago. I believe we had around 130 publishers but Thursday was always around 60 to 70 attending if that and it was quite an accomplishment if it hit 100 on Sundays even during CO week.
I think there have been a lot of KH's built that probably weren't needed but it gave an impression of growth that was largely artificial or growth due to children being born. Now the org needs money what better way to get it then pool smaller halls and sell the buildings all while saying how expansive the growth is. Common sense should tell anyone that if they are combining halls growth isn't happening. I know in my lifetime I can only think of less than 10 people that came into the cult through the door to door or any witnessing. And lets just say the majority of them weren't all there mentally, emotionally or other. But I know plenty born ins (including me) that learned TTATT, were df'd and never came back or faded away.
After running the numbers I found out there are more going out than coming in