Nope. Actually Bernie supporters (myself included), understand our tax dollars should be appropriated to programs that actually benefit us. Medicare for all would save us around 9 trillions dollars. We spend 30 billion a year on bombs for the military, spending 60 billion to send every American to college tuition free in a no brainer investment to make.
And unless you make over 250,000 your taxes won't increase. Bernie is an FDR democrat and considered a center/moderate by pretty much every other countries standards. The US has swung so far right many are misinformed and don't understand this.
If you don't vote Bernie you are voting against your best economic interests pure and simple. Asher Edelmen, the real life person behind the Gordon Gekko character from "Wall Street" agrees his policies would be best for the US: Over 170 of the nations top economists have come out in support of his proposals. Supply side economics > trickle down every day of the week.