More on the magazine bringing such insights:
Now this is creepy...
the next issue of Answer, could be the most meaningful thing youve done in a very long time. It may mean the difference between someone being in Heaven or not being there when eternity arrives!
Three Options from Which to Choose:
Option One
Well send you 50 copies of Answer to share with your neighbors and friends, in any way you like, for $12. The cost for sending you 100 copies will be $24. For more than 100 copies, add 24 per copy.
Option Two
We will pool your contribution with others and mail five copies of Answer for every dollar received, to communities which we select.
Option Three
When a contribution is for $30 or more, we automatically mail the copies youre sponsoring to families living on the postal route on which you live. Because of our connection with the U.S. Post Office, we will know from your street address which postal route you live on.
Who We Are
Answer Magazine is used by individual Christians to evangelize their neighborhoods and is produced by Gospel Publishing located in Birmingham, Alabama. We have been printing and mailing evangelistic magazines for over twenty five years. Answer is mailed to over 300,000 families each issue. We also produce a sister magazine that is used by churches and has a circulation of over 2 million.
Evangelism is Answers primary objective. Each issue features articles especially designed to win people to Christ, or nudge them along on their journey to Him. A number of articles which have appeared in past issues of Answer are available on this site.
Personally, I dont believe any other ministry exists which so completely targets the lost with the saving message at so small a cost ($.24 a copy), and at the same time, allows the person who is sponsoring it to channel this ministry right into the community where he or she lives.
Answer Magazine is an interdenominational publication and is a member of The Lighthouse Movement, which is comprised of 100 denominations and more than 400 parachurch ministries which are seeking to share Christ with millions of non-Christians from one end of our nation to the other during this year.