Without being judgmental, LDH, I agree with you parents. It is wrong in reguesting a person to set in an assigned place at the kingdom hall or any other sactions they may have come up with that are inhumane based. We have now scriptural princple to back it up.
For example, it is stated, by some -- not all, that a person that is disfellowshiped is not a person. Yet they are counted at the kingdom hall as a person warming a set. When they are seen putting moneies into the box, they are not told, you can not do that, you are not part of us. We do not need you support, etc. etc.
This is a double standard in my educated reasoning.
However, we do have men, sorry to say, in this organization that like to use such sanctions to keep control, control, control, get the point. I personally believe if we do away with such men at the helm, like Theodore Jaracz (wicked man--if Jehovah the Great God wants to destroy me for stating what I have stated, fine with me) and his dopes well will have some peace in the organization.
But take heart LDh, mark this devilish ones thought, there is coming a time when these men well be in the same situation that this sister of ours and your parents are in.
I hope we all will have a large enough heart to not treat them then as they have treated other.
LDH, just set back, like Jehovah and Jesus Christ are doing and watch the show. It is going to be a good one.
Your friend,