I can't put on a suit even let alone a tie. Which is bad because I need to find a new job
JoinedPosts by Jringe01
Do You Still ............ ?
by Outaservice insince i left the jw's i never wear a neck tie!
i probably have 75 to a 100 of them, but they don't seem to wear them in any churches, do not wear them to weddings and funerals, or even to exclusive restaurants.
i'm certainly never going back to the kingdom hall!.
What other ancient Greek Manuscripts contained the divine name?
by yaddayadda inthe society in appendix 1a of their 'kingdom interlinear translation of the christian greek scriptures' refers to nine other greek manuscripts as containing the divine name, and they quote from jerome as referring to certain 'greek volumes' containing the tetragrammaton.
can anyone shed any light on what these greek manuscripts and volumes are and their dates of writing?
here is what the society says in full: .
If a New Testament writer was quoting from the old and was quoting a section that had the divine name would they not have included it? I know there were prohibitions against speaking the name in Jewish society but writing it???
At the very least if it's a quote then it should appear in the NT as a part of the quote? In this instance I agree with the WTS putting the name in the NT when it's part of the OT verse the NT writer is quoting. However by their own admission there are places they inserted the name where it was not there originally (when the NT was written). It's in the reference bible if I recall. That's more dodgy, open to speculation and interpretation.
Have you ever wondered. . . How the Question and Answer format got started?
by Lady Lee inthe question and answer from the paragraph format for watchtower study meetings has become a staple method for indoctrinating new recruits and maintaining control of the jws thought processes.. over the years i think they have played around a bit with the sequence of questions, readings and answers but the contenet has basically remained the same - ask the question, read the paragraph and give the answer.. so .
have you ever wondered who thought this might be a good method to conduct spiritual discussions?.
i never gave it much thought but i assumed rutherford came up with the tight control over discussions.. nope.
I have to disappoint you Lady Lee but in several congregations I did see exammples of people, and not just newcommers put up their hands and ask questions that were not a part of the script and I have also heard comments that go well beyond spewing back the appropriate answer. I know, I made a few myself yet I was never spoken to about it.
As with all public speaking and Q&A sessions the degree of feedback often depends on the conductor as well as the individual. In the congregations I went to research was encouraged and often times points beyond or in addition to the printed material wee not only presented but welcomed and commented on favourably by the conductor.
New here so this may be long...
by mandalion ini wasn't born in the truth.
my parents started studying when i was five.
we started living all the principals completely when i was nine.
Your story wasn't long luv, it was moving and wonderfully written.
Welcome to the board.
The Preaching work has ended and now the end will come... have you heard ?
by thasmyquixtar5000 inthis one was too funny... sent to me by my brother an audio tape of a talk stating that the preaching work is now over and that witnesses are in every country in the world, except north korea, somila, and afganistan (excuse my miss spellings) but really this was just too funny so funny i could not even listen to the whole thing with out screaming in laughter.
the brother goes on to say that they will not be preaching in those countries becaues jehovah god will never put his people in danger and allow them to be killed... hello... what about all those that died over no blood, and what about all those in africa rewanda that the brother told to refuse to except an id card sumilar to our ss card telling those poor brothers that it was a form of worship?
i could not believe it but thought it was just tipical of the times, too many of the witnesses are leaving, and the love of the greater number has cooled the hell off... they are grabbing at straws right about now.
In an interesting aside there was once a tape that made the rounds in my old hall. It was of african brothers singing the songs. Everyone in the hall heard it and there was no denying it was the songs we sung on a weekly basis, just in a different language. It was really beautiful and is the fondest memory of my wasted decade.
It's interesting tho that the elders refused to sanction the tape claiming that we don't know what words they were using implying that the words could be sexual/demonic or whatever yet when something like this happens they seize on it eagerly in spite of the obvious and the repeated injunctions about spreading gosip and rumour and the fact that if it was real there would have been an official statement from the GB.
To me this prove that all people are the same in this regard: We hear what we want, see what we want, believe what we want even if our "official" belief's/actions contradict or damn it.
My mom replies concerning UN/ JWs. Need your help.
by *jeremiah* inin short, my mom's a die hard jw.
my brother was never baptised and, although he doesn't believe or go to the kh anymore, my mom still has a relationship with him.
thus he decided to email the following to our mom and her reply is below.. what i want to know is,...what would be an excellent reply for my brother to use in response to her comment?
All good points however I have to disagree with this one:
Just the fact the're a corporation shows a lack of faith in God. Because they became a corporation for legal protection, which shows they really don't trust their God to deliver them from evil or direct their affairs
If this were the case then the most of the worlds believers would be giulty of lacking faith. Incorporation is allowed by the authorities not just for legal purposes but also for tax benefits. It also makes your group more open and exposed which serves the government by giving them a target should the organization ever decide to prove disloyal to the state. Incorporation is yet another form of State control over the masses.
Have they denied this one yet?
by Fatfreek in"... shortly, within our twentieth century, the 'battle in the day of jehovah' will begin against the modern antitype of jerusalem, christendom.
" the nations shall know that i am jehovah - how?
1971, chap.
*** kj chap. 13 p. 254 par. 44 Christendom’s Associates Turn upon Her! ***
More than seven hundred years of the passing of time and yet no change! And there is no change foreseen and foretold after the passing of more than eighteen centuries of time since then till now in our twentieth century; for Revelation, chapters seventeen and eighteen, forecasts the events of our present century.
Well since this was printed in 1971 wouldn't that give them till 2071??
9/11 coinsidences
by 5go ini post this in the name of tongue and cheek.
1776 - british-american peace conference on staten island fails to stop nascent american revolution.
10. September 11, 1941 -- The US 1st Army crosses the border into German territory. Also, the Quebec Conference was held between England's Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. [Ibid.]
uhhh...sorry. The Quebec Conference did indeed happen in 1941 however at that time the US army was in England and NOT on the mainland and certainly NOT crossing the German border.
Moving to where the need is great
by Lady Lee inmany jws sold their homes and moved across country to serve where the need was great.
in the last couple of years i have remembered several people who moved from western canada to quebec where we were told the need was great out west.
some sacrificed their families, friends to go it alone.
I heard of a lady who makes trips every year, $ permitting to Ramea and Grey River on the south coast of NFLD. In fact she goes so often that that territory was (and may still be) permanently assigned to her cong. She's on the southwestern tip of NS.
I knew of an elder and family who moved to our cong because they needed a PO.
In response to my email:
by lisavegas420 inwhich is here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/122644/1.ashx.
i just got back this reply: oh and another attachment.
these articles i send to you lisa are sent with the purpose of answering any questions you may have, instead they seem to be causing some confusion which is certainly not my intention, the truths of the bible are clear and simple, jesus christ certainly demonstrated that when he was on the earth, so why not compare with what jesus taught along with how he taught, to see who are following his example.. this is the attachment:.
Did you also notice how the refer to examples in Acts of the early christians being mistaken but don't cite the chapters and verses.