My point is that this is a perfect example of them having a double standard: one for them, one for the rank and file. Jehovah's Witnesses have for decades, been told not to do every day normal things, such as getting a decent education, buying a home, having children or saving for retirement. This was all said because 'The End' was right around the corner and to make any kind of long term plans was viewed as being 'spiritually weak' or 'lacking in faith', no matter how much you might believe this was 'the Truth'.That's because such long term plans were viewed as "being worldly" and not devoting time and energy to "The kingdom"Yet at the same time they're telling others not to make long term plans in this 'System of Things', they're doing exactly that. They are not making long term plans that would take time and energy away from the work they are doing whereas, in their eyes, getting a "worldly" education or a high paying job would do that.
Don't give me that crap. It makes no difference what your "long term plans" are in this "System of Things", if you're making them, then that obviously means you don't believe The End is near, plain and simple. It's a double standard and extremely hypocritical whether you think it is or not.
That obviously means they don't believe the end is near? Mary you don't really know what they believe, none of us do. That's just speculation and it's not true...see below
If they truly believed that the Great Tribulation was imminent, they most certainly would not be making plans like this, plain and simple, regardless of how practical a move it is. Yes they would because "imminent" is a very vague word . Just because a hurricane or a major snowstorm that'll dump 25 inches is imminent it doesn't mean that your life comes to a screeching halt.
Yet that is exactly what they're 'encouraging' the rank and file to do: put off everyday normal activities until the 'New System of Things'. And just in case you didn't know it: a hurricane or major snowstorm does not translate into The End of the World, so your comparison of the two situations is totally irrelevant.
They do not tell the rank and file to put off everyday normal activities Mary because "higher education, better paying jobs, buying a house, getting married and saving for retirement are NOT normal everyday activities for millions upon millions of people around the world, including myself...rather they are goals that we can aspire to.
Mary...your death is imminent, so is mine.
It's "around the corner" it could happen any day, any time, anywhere. Do we stop living our lives because of this? After all you don't "know the day or the hour" so why not just sit at home with our thumbs up our asses not going anywhere, doing anything or talking to anyone? The reason is this: You don't stop living because a disaster is imminent. You don't put your life on hold until you absolutely have to.
You cannot run a publishing business and NOT make plans...please note that they did not announce plans for 40 years down the road, only for 7. It takes time to get these things done, you can't just throw up a building overnight. Even quickbuilds take several weeks of prep work before the big show. It's not like they are planning for the next half century of growth...they are planning a short term project that will see them relocate a lot of work to Patterson.
This in no way contradicts their belief that the end is imminent...because they don't know the day or the hour so it would be folly on their part if they now were to sit on their thumbs and do nothing.
They are not rushing (in their supposed quest to make $$$) to publish the next edition of Vogue or the latest Harry Potter books. If they were then you'd have a case because that would be a double standard.
WTF are you talking about?? The WTB&TS's main purpose is to churn out new literature. That's what they live for. The R&F buy them and place them, give the money back to the WTS and so the cycle begins again.
Yeah it's what they live for...but they don't publish worldly stuff. if they did then you'd have an airtight case. If the WTS was urging it's members to devote all their time and resources to the preaching and then turning around and accepting worldly publishing contracts then that would be the double standard...that's WTF I'm talking about.
I don't appreciate your smart assed comment, nor was it warranted. I don't think your making this into an issue is warranted and as for my "smart ass comment"...if you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen...
Don't give me that crap. Your comment was without any basis whatsoever and I don't see anyone else on here defending what you said.
I really don't care if anyone else does defend's a free country. Besides I've read comments of yours on other threads that were smart ass so why whine about it. Yeah it was smart what? It's not like you haven't made a smart ass comment before. Little like the pot calling the kettle black I think.