JoinedTopics Started by CordyC
What year Did you Stop Attending Meetings - How Long were you a JW ?
by flipper ini'm trying to compare some statistics and figures on this to share later in the thread to see if more long-time witnesses are exiting- or are newer witnesses exiting after a shorter period of time.
and - are more people exiting in the last 10 to 15 years than before.
so your answers would be helpful in looking into this .
Anyone here from New York, NY?
by NYer Girl ini'd love to know if any of the witnesses i grew up with in the city have found their way out.
i knew so many people growing up and i have no connections to my past now that i've been out for six years.
my husband has friends he has known for 20 years or longer and it makes me sad that my friends abandoned me the moment i started to show doubts.
Did feel that you were at a mental breaking point at the point of leaving?
by jambon1 inprior to you leaving the org did you come to the conclusion that if you didnt actually take the step and leave, that you would run into serious mental difficulty.. i really feel that for 5 years proir to my finally leaving i was quite impaired mentally by the teachings and practices of the org.
it was coming to a head though when i finally announced that i was leaving.
i really felt that i was under intense mental pressure and that if i didnt get out then i may end up doing something serious.
Harry Potter? Are witnesses told not to read it????
by annalice ini have not been to a meeting for some years now so i would not know if it has been said ,but have the witnesses actually been told straight out not to read the harry potter books?
i ask this because my in-laws have seen me reading them and now think i am into evil stuff because i have them .
so is it just them or is this what is now taught in the orginization?
Realization about the Adam and Eve myth
by CordyC inas i looked at the adam and eve story again, i realized the something is wrong with the story.
jehovah offers the pair all the fruits in the garden of eden save the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.
there's a problem though, why would there be a fruit for that if bad supposedly wasn't around at that point yet?
What musicians did JWs ban?
by love2Bworldly inok i don't mean to copycat the other thread on movies, but it got me thinking.
i remember throwing out all my beloved beatle albums because they did drugs.
elton john was bad because he was gay.
Disfellowshipping the obese?
by dido inhas anyone posted this, or has anyone heard that you can now be d/f for being obese?
not that i am, (slightly overweight but arent most people?
) but am curious to find out if it is true.
Did 9-11 Change Your Life?
by Blueblades inon a crisp september morning nearly five years ago, terrorists hijacked four american airliners in a coordinated suicidal attack on america.
within hours, thousands of americans were dead, new york city's two tallest buildings were gone, the pentagon in washington was ripped open and a stunned america was watching helplessly - fearfully - as images from ground zero filled their tv.
Did you fall for the "hype"?
by seahart inanyone here fall for the (what should have been straight to video) hype of snakes on a plane.
i am proud to say i saw right through it.the studios are getting wise on how to use the internet to do the dirty work for them.
they must have saved a ton and maybe even made a little.