Certainly a good video and worth watching, BUT:
Most of the JW's I have known over 50 years have been 'TOXIC'; (enemies)!
it's difficult to imagine how this video could be more disingenuous and hypocritical.
Certainly a good video and worth watching, BUT:
Most of the JW's I have known over 50 years have been 'TOXIC'; (enemies)!
i believe most witnesses believe that there is nothing new in their religion....would you agree with them?.
*** km 10/76 p. 1 Branch Letter ***
With the October 6, 1937, issue, on the eighteenth anniversary of The Golden Age, the magazine took on a new appearance, and its name was changed to Consolation and remained such for the next nine years.
something to look forward to i'm sure.. no doubt the symposium "beware of strange teachings" will be more apostate/evolution/education bashing.. george.
my wifes taking my kids to the dc tomorrow, so was wondering what is discussed on friday at the dc so i can be prepared?
Were you prepared for your wifes return? With ALL the answers etc.!
my wifes taking my kids to the dc tomorrow, so was wondering what is discussed on friday at the dc so i can be prepared?
2013 Convention Program available here:
Fridays Agenda:
"The TruthWill Set You Free"
—John 8:32
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No.119 and Prayer
9:40 Chairman’s Address:
How We Know God’s Word Is Truth
(1 Thessalonians 2:13)
10:10 Symposium: How Did You Learn the Truth?
Informal Witnessing (John 4:5-7)
Raised by Christian Parents (Ephesians 6:4)
Formal Witnessing (Acts 20:20)
Relatives (Acts 10:24)
Through Our Publications (Acts 8:30, 31)
Searching for God (Matthew13:45, 46)
11:10 SongNo. 92 and Announcements
11:20 ‘RejoiceWith theTruth’ (1 Corinthians 13:4, 6)
11:40 Keynote Address:
God’s Congregation—"A Pillar and Support of the
Truth" (1 Timothy 3:15)
12:10 SongNo.116 and Intermission
1:45 Music
1:55 SongNo. 45
2:00 Appreciating the Role of "the Spirit of the Truth"
(John 14:16,17, 26; 16:13)
2:20 Symposium: TheTruth Sets Us Free From. . .
Alienation From God (John 8:32)
A Bad Conscience (Hebrews 10:22)
False Beliefs (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)
BadHabits (Galatians 5:19-21)
Hopelessness (Ephesians 2:12)
Bad Associates (Proverbs 13:20)
3:20 SongNo. 32 and Announcements
3:30 Drama: "Show Yourself Attentive to the Wonderful
Works of God" (Job 37:14)
4:00 "Buy Truth Itself and Do Not Sell It" (Proverbs 23:23)
4:20 Believe Inspired Truth, Not Inspired Error
(1 Timothy 4:1; 1 John 4:1, 6)
4:50 Song No.114 and Closing Prayer
so i got a sendspace and uploaded the whole thing except for the songs and morning music.. the link to all the mp3's is here!
for some reason it starts with the last talk first but they're all numbered and titled according to the convention so it should'nt be too hard i hope.. do with them what you please, upload them to youtube, send them to friends & family, or just see how far you can stomach some of the "fine spiritual food that the faithful and discreet slave has prepared for us this year".. some key talks you might wanna listen to are 12 symposium: the truth sets us free, 16 believe inspired truth, not inspired error, 20 symposium: reject what is false!
Very many thanks; my wife can't make the Convention this year so she will enjoy it!
Any idea where it was held?
we forgot to pick-up our lapel cards for the convention coming this week-end.
does anyone have a scan of the lapel card so we can print a couple for us to use?
not sure how to show the link properly..
i googled it and i cannot find the answer to my question.
i have also looked at my phone to find the password feature to secure my phone.
not sure if i spelled the word right, but:.
as some of you probably know i'm no longer active and have stopped attending etc...etc.... if one is disfellowshipped for whatever reason, including not agreeing with wtb doctrine...does the wtbs consider you worthy of death come armageddon?
i saw the trial transcript and that's what they believed in the 50's...anyone have any recent quote from their publications explaining how they see a disfellowshipped person?.
Disfellowshipping means you have probably annoyed the elders in your congregation.
If you discover any of their little secrets and you let them know you will be on your way out!
I feel very proud that I was disfellowshipped a year ago. It took up valuable time of 12 elders to do it!
I am now A "do not call".