The Watchtower abandons their 1914 doctrine!
by Seraphim23 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ummmmmm. Am I alone in wondering what the site is talking about? They aren't even making a point, just linking an already public magazine. The society has not abandon the significance of 1914, in fact they are doubling down on it if anything.
This statement just is vague and not accurate.
Newest Light 2013: It has taken 100 years, but it seems the Watchtower is now subtly admitting that almost everything they once taught about 1914 was wrong (Watchtower, 2013 July 15 pp. 3-8).
You should download this PDF of the July 15, 2013 Watchtower while you still can.
Its public and available online dinkus. "While you still can" is kind of a misnomer don't you think?
One will need to download the relevant WT to see it for themselves but the hot bit is Page 8 paragraph 19.
However it says this:
19 In review, what have we learned? In
the beginning of this article, we raised
three “when” questions.We first considered
that the great tribulation did not begin
in 1914 but will start when the United
Nations attacks Babylon the Great.
Then, we reviewed why Jesus’ judgment
of the sheep and the goats did not begin
in 1914 but will occur during the great
tribulation. Finally, we examined why Jesus’
arrival to appoint the faithful slave
over all his belongings did not occur in
1919 but will take place during the great
tribulation. So, then, all three “whens”
apply to the same future time period
—the great tribulation. How does this
adjusted view further affect our understanding
of the illustration of the faithful
slave? Also, how does it affect our
understanding of other parables, or illustrations,
of Jesus that are being fulfilled
during this time of the end? These important
questions will be considered in
the following articles.
This has huge implications people.
Misleading title
This has huge implications people.
Not really. Most JWs will simply ask each other where they want to go for lunch after the meeting is over.
Joey Jo-Jo
It’s true that if you ask a jw what they were taught a month ago they can't fully recall what it was, not even a synopsis. It’s funny, its highly repetitive yet seemly fresh, with all the random scriptures and all.
The 1914 teaching will die of the same way 1975 died of, allow 3 to 4 more generations die and they will have a new intepretation with new short live span books.
first considered that the great tribulation did not begin in 1914
Jesus’ judgment of the sheep and the goats did not begin in 1914
Jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919
The first two are not new in any sense, they have taught these for many years, they just use them to lump in the third one, which is the only new teaching of the three, to give it some kind of validity.
At the moment, 1914 is the same as it has been, they are simply adjusting other events around it.
Jesus didn't inspect and appoint the fds. Those are their words and it cuts the last link in the chain as they were still clinging to the 1914 doctrine in some ways.
wha happened?
Watchman? Isn't that the loon that thinks he is the FDS?