I noticed that they have listed about twice as many positive reviews than negative ones at http://www.arn.org/expelled/
In reality it is the other way around.
to see: click on "how life began".
I noticed that they have listed about twice as many positive reviews than negative ones at http://www.arn.org/expelled/
In reality it is the other way around.
will people still study the bible 48,000 years from now?.
or will enough time have passed for the bible to have become irrelevent?.
will the jehovah's witnessess then still be saying that "the time left is reduced" and "armageddon is just around the corner"?.
If we take all factors into consideration and assume that current trends will continue, we can be quite certain that the Bible would have long become irrelevant by the year 50,009. I predict that christianity will die a peaceful death in most of the world during the 21st and 22nd centuries. The third world will hold on to their beliefs for quite a while longer. Maybe even untill the 30th century. But if everything goes to plan we should all be first world countries by then.
to see: click on "how life began".
Ben Stein speaks like a zombie lol. http://www.expelledexposed.com/
in genesis the firmament is first mentioned.. god said, "let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
and god made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
and god called the firmament heaven.
Wow, that's a beautiful pic that inkling posted.
My favorite song at the moment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wopnigw8WBU
credit this webpage: http://www.atheistalliance.org/aaw/hotashell.htm.
how hot is it in hell ?.
(maybe a true story...???).
He's right about Hell being exothermic. The heat comes from the liquid hot magma. Volcanoes keep exploding because Satan is making more room for souls. Earthquakes happen when Satan expands the volume of Hell.
whilst in church today, it was a c of e, the sermon was all about jonah and the whale.
it was told as though it really happened.
so, i am supposed to take the story literally.
We can be sure that the story of Jonah and the whale should be taken literally. But is it scientifically possible? It does not matter. God is able to achieve anything he wants. God needed Jonah to survive and so he ensured that he did.
The flood should also be taken literally. As yourmomma says (not your actual mother) the Bible speaks for itself.
Each religion will interpret the Bible however it sees fit. My advice is to read everything in context and do independent research.
One thing we can be sure of is that the Bible did not originate from any God.
i'm quizzing all my sources for the ultimate "silver-bullet" question for a jw at your door.
the best questions will be used in a video series on watchtower comments.
the goal is to help people respond to jws.. the question must be direct and designed to open the jw mind, not necessarily to win an argument.. i would prefer to avoid doctrinal debate such as trinity, cross, even thiest/athiest subjects.
For Witnesses and other Bible believers.
Me: Does Earth appear to be flat?
JW: Yes, but it's not flat, the Bible says so.
Me: No, the Bible says that the world is flat and that the sun orbits us. Isaiah 40:22, Proverbs 8:27, Ecclesiastes 1:5, Psalm 19:4,5,6.
JW: Blah blah blah Jehovah.
Me: Does life appear to be designed?
JW: Yes, because it is.
Me: Things are not always as they seem. The Bible says that Jehovah created all animals as vegetarians, Genesis 1:30. When did he turn them all onto each other?
JW: Blah blah blah Satan.
The effectiveness depends on how far gone the individuals thinking capicity is of course.
am sharing this with those who find these things interesting......mayan calendar and predictions of our financial system18sep.
posted in: 2012, ascension, financial systems, mayan calendar.
i know that lots of people are freaking out right now over the impending collapse of our financial systems.
Drugs are bad.
is the end of the world just a fantasy in religious people's mind?
i am really beginning to believe we were all just made to believe in a fairy tale.
i still love jehovah and jesus but my faith is just wasting away behind waiting for a change such as the rapture/armaggeddon/paradise earth.
I don't wait for things that aren't going to happen.