If I did - no one ever knew it - which is scary.
JoinedPosts by MominAustin
did anyone on here ever have a paedophile in thier congregation?
by looloo inif so, did it bother you that he had been reprooved and forgiven rather than reported to the police?
A little about me
by MominAustin ini, too, was raised as a jw.
my mom still goes to the meetings and out in service when she can, but due to age, she has some troubles (she's 69 and legally blind).
my oldest sister is very active although her teenage daughters are inactive and disfellowshipped for very unfair reasons.
Isn't that the truth (no pun intended there - LOL) I was talking to my mom about a year ago and she mentioned how I "know the only true happiness is when your serving Jehovah" HA!!!!!!! I've never been HAPPIER in my ENIRE LIFE and I haven't been to a meeting in YEARS. -- I didn't say this but just mumbled something .
When you used to go out in field service......
by lavendar in......did anyone ever ask you a question that you couldn't answer??
if so, what was the question?
what did you say to the householder if you couldn't answer it??.
Sunday Public Talk from 45 mins to 30 mins?
by united states of nothing inhas anybody heard that starting this new year they will be shortening the public talk from 45 mins to 30 mins?.
does anybody think this might be a way to accomplish two things:.
-get meeting attendance up.
When my mom told me about this (I knew months before she did from these boards, heheH) I told her that was kind of silly, if they started too early they were going to be wasting time, people would still be at church or eating after church... she said -- you know how this system is -- people don't go to church anymore ((ROLLEYES))
A little about me
by MominAustin ini, too, was raised as a jw.
my mom still goes to the meetings and out in service when she can, but due to age, she has some troubles (she's 69 and legally blind).
my oldest sister is very active although her teenage daughters are inactive and disfellowshipped for very unfair reasons.
It's a long story but I did a good fade.......and something happened a few months into my fade process so I had to move......the hall wasn't "equipped" for my new situation and they didn't want to bother to make it so......just wanted me to try and work around it.....I know I am being vague and I am sorry....I guess I just faded well/they didn't care enough combo.
A little about me
by MominAustin ini, too, was raised as a jw.
my mom still goes to the meetings and out in service when she can, but due to age, she has some troubles (she's 69 and legally blind).
my oldest sister is very active although her teenage daughters are inactive and disfellowshipped for very unfair reasons.
Sadly - while they are being VERY patient for me they keep comparing me to a JEW becoming a Christian or a Mormon or some other non christian religions....... They keep doubting that I will be SHUNNED and think that it will just be a "phase" and they will get over it --- they can't understand that it is "THE LAW OF THE LAND" for JW to abandon an "apostate".
A little about me
by MominAustin ini, too, was raised as a jw.
my mom still goes to the meetings and out in service when she can, but due to age, she has some troubles (she's 69 and legally blind).
my oldest sister is very active although her teenage daughters are inactive and disfellowshipped for very unfair reasons.
Oh- I am also struggling now with my desire to become a member of a REAL Christian Church. The Pastors there have been very understanding of me not becoming a REAL official member....once I do they/I think it's only right that my family knows........and I can't lose my family. . . I am sure many of you understand that.
A little about me
by MominAustin ini, too, was raised as a jw.
my mom still goes to the meetings and out in service when she can, but due to age, she has some troubles (she's 69 and legally blind).
my oldest sister is very active although her teenage daughters are inactive and disfellowshipped for very unfair reasons.
HI, I, too, was raised as a JW. My mom still goes to the meetings and out in service when she can, but due to age, she has some troubles (she's 69 and legally blind). My oldest sister is VERY active although her teenage daughters are inactive and disfellowshipped for VERY unfair reasons. (there were two people (also in trouble with the elders at the time) that claimed she did something she says she didn't do and they believed the two with the same story, of course, even though she admited to doing something WORSE not long before that got her put on whatever it's called now... reprove or limited priviliages??... oooh and one other person did support her story but that wasnt good enough 2 and 2 seems like a nuetral zone to me.....) I do have more family that is in the truth, including a niece my age who's husband (no more than 30) is an elder....Seems a bit young? Maybe a Ministerial servant but elder???? You've got to be kidding me. Anywho, I stopped going to meetings around 17 (I was baptized at 15 after a close friend in the congregation died). I haven't been to a meeting in ages (not counting one here and there and this year's memorial). I am not disfellowshipped but so much "stuff" makes me wonder what I ever saw and what my family still sees. It SCREAMS cult, IMO. I just cant disassociate myself and hurt my family like that... I tried going back but all the new "rules" and things I neve knew that I found out baffle me (including things married couples can't do behind closed doors) Anyways thats me. I am 25, married and have a son. I do wish to somewhat remain anonymous so I prefer not to use my real name, so I am MominAustin
. ---update oh and about a YEAR? and a hakf? or so ago and "sister" came to my door and it really played on my emotions, so I TRIED going back- BLECH. That sister then passed me onto a PIONEER. (why the F would she do that?!!).....OMFG.... that women came by the same time everytime, about once a month. At the worst time -- feeding my son lunch or when I Had company... I saw her eyes roll MANY time when I Said this. I'd requested she NEVER EVER come by on a weekend - that is 100% family time... WEll--- one day about a month and half ago she came by on a SATURDAY and came into my NEIGHBOR'S yard because she saw me there.......HOW RUDE WAS THAT?????!! Anyways I told her that her randomness and inability to respect my wishes was upsetting me and not getting her anywhere to get me back to the meeting so I would prefer she not come back again unless I called the hall asking for it...(strangely my mom agreed she shouldn't be coming by with the attitude she had and when I told her that -- in not quite those words- she was SHOCKED but turned around and left.
NEW article on Oral Sex?!
by MominAustin ini was watching the youtube video on the nbc piece about pedophiles and saw a comment about a new oral sex study article that was supposedly quite graphic.
i was curious if anyone had this?!
or knew what date it was...i might be able to sneak a peek the next time i visit my mother.
ok- so basically the same thing they have ALWAYS said ((ROLLSEYES)) The youtube wasn't on oral sex, sorry...but I will go to the other board and find it for you. Sure I'll tell you about myself....Lemme see if I can find the story I wrote on the "ex-JW" board. ok-- here is the NBC pedophile clip: https://au.
I'll be back with my story -
NEW article on Oral Sex?!
by MominAustin ini was watching the youtube video on the nbc piece about pedophiles and saw a comment about a new oral sex study article that was supposedly quite graphic.
i was curious if anyone had this?!
or knew what date it was...i might be able to sneak a peek the next time i visit my mother.
I was watching the Youtube video on the NBC piece about pedophiles and saw a comment about a new oral sex study article that was supposedly quite graphic. I was curious if anyone had this?! Or knew what date it was...I might be able to sneak a peek the next time I visit my mother. Thanks.