if so, did it bother you that he had been reprooved and forgiven rather than reported to the police?
did anyone on here ever have a paedophile in thier congregation?
by looloo 94 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
If I did - no one ever knew it :( - which is scary.
Thats the problem, I would not of known if there was
I think at the time when I was around an abuser in my hall my boundaries and sense of "reality" in that area were so blurred it was hard for me think about him being reported to the police, or anybody being reported. As far as I saw things the Elders were "the law". All my stuff with my own grandfather had never been reported, why would this guy? My parents knew, or at the very least had a really good idea, of what was going on with this guy and his family. And I know of at least one occasion when he lost all his privileges, whether he was reproved or not I don't know, there was never an announcement made. That was the extent of it. And I believe the Elders were encouraging the wife at first to stay with him, then that changed and they allowed a separation. She switched halls, the daughter did her own thing and the husband moved across the country. Now the mother is not active, the daughter is totally out and as far as anyone knows the father is still in perfectly good standing.
I didnt think we did until...
This one MS would take my sister and I down to the river look for cool rocks, agates.
I was 9 and my sister was 6. Being 9 I wasnt in the know about what was going on but all of a sudden he didnt take us any more and he moved away.
A few months back I asked my mum about what the heck happened? I said I remembered somethings about it and how a few times I would be out looking for rocks while he sat in the truck with my sister. I specifically remember once looking at the truck and my sister was looking out at me asking me for help with her eyes. Pains me to this day that I didnt think anything was going on.
Anyway, couldnt get much info out of her but I did find out nothing was ever done about him. He wasnt reproved or anything.
If I could get my hands on this guy today......there wouldn't be much left of him when I was finished.
But I understand he's a missionary in Africa now. Not too sure on this one though.
We had a guy..he was df for awhile.. rumor had it that he was cheating his workplace but who knows.. later he was reinstated..He wife and two young sons were not well mentally. At our BS the kids would rock back and forth for the hour..he would give them a smack and they would rock more.. He was 30 years older than her.. she met him thru his daughter when she was a teen. He was a real nut. She worked with my husband for awhile and he would come into the store and say.. WOMAN, its time for lunch.. ..he always just called her Woman!.. a few years later he was arrested for sexual touching of a minor under 14...and spent time in jail.. she ended up in the mental ward of the hosp..and is kind of a zombie now. After his arrest, one of my friend's daughter said he used to tell her and other kids to get some candy out of his pocket at the meetings... what a sicko.. I had a young daughter then too and no one"in authority" at the KH ever told me that he was arrested or in jail or anything about what he had done... I saw him at the last memorial that I went too. He looked like he was just fine!!!
We had a teenager who got busted for messing with a little kid his mother care for. I don't think the kid's family were witnesses. The guy was formerly accused by a real court and had to go to juvenile hall and then some type of recovery halfway house. He was df'ed and we had no idea why and no idea where he disappeared to.
But we were not in the dark for too long about it. Thank goodness for elder blabber-mouth who used to gossip to his family about all those who had to go before the elders in jc meetings. For once his blabbering did some good. When the teenager came back and go reinstated people knew to keep a close eye on their children. -
Eyes Open
I didnt think we did until...
Oh crap, so sorry to hear that ElectricJello. 9 is no age - you couldn't have known.
actually, there was one in my hall but he did get reported (i think by his wife) and went to jail for years...
Burger Time
My Mom's sister's husband was a formal elder and got DF'd. It then came out he was molesting my cousins. He was reported to the police and evidently was still going to meetings trying to get reinstated. It was a huge scandal at the hall. My cousins are both really fucked now because of it. He got like 10 years in prison for it or something like that.