Let's see, spent 30 years reading articles written at an eighth grade reading level with twisted historical facts and a completely one-sided bias. Now my wife and I are 32 and 36 respectively, both in school full-time with three kids. I have learned more in any one class than in my whole jw life.
John Locke said that some people are more prone to error than others and these people fall into three groups, they are as follows;
1)Those who seldom reason at all, but think and act as those around them do; parents, neighbors, the clergy, or anyone else they admire and respect. Such people want to avoid the difficulty that accompanies thinking for themselves.
2)Those who are determined to let passion rather than reason govern their lives. Those people are influenced only by reasoning that supports their prejudices.
3)Those who sincerely follow reason, but lack sound, overall good sense, and so do not look at all sides of an issue. They tend to talk with one type of person, read one type of book, and so are exposed to only one viewpoint.
It would seem that the WTS keeps their R&F in all three of these areas. Head down, back in line, no questions and no talking.
I feel they find comfort in their follower?s stupidity.