I know your out there somewhere! Since you said you had been reading this board for at least a few weeks, and didn't have a problem researching things online, I'm surprised that it seems you've cut and run so soon!
Did you change your mind, perhaps decided it was too contrary to your beliefs for you to handle? Were you surprised at the reactions you got? Were you expecting you would actually sway some people that "Witnesses have the truth?"
Were you disturbed by what you were reading?
Alot of people took the time to respond to you, what makes you think it's ok to open a dialogue and then not to participate in the very dialogue you initiated?
Have you come to the conclusion that it isn't proper to post on an "apostate" board?
Can you at least say your farewells if you plan to leave?
You got alot of people interested in talking to you and discussing what you came on here discussing. I would love it if you stuck around and responded to peoples messages to you a bit more.
hope to see you posting!
JoinedPosts by smellsgood
TalkToUsPlease, MutualRespectPlease!
by smellsgood insince you said you had been reading this board for at least a few weeks, and didn't have a problem researching things online, i'm surprised that it seems you've cut and run so soon!
did you change your mind, perhaps decided it was too contrary to your beliefs for you to handle?
were you surprised at the reactions you got?
Again I say!! WE HAVE THE TRUTH!
by smellsgood inthe true church!
* "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (doctrine and covenants, 1:30).
or the church must be true because it has had a good influence on your family.
freeme, why thank you darling. What you posted was really sweet and I wish I were that gentle on the Mormons sometimes.
P.P.S It's so cool a guy loves Gwen, usually I get stick about it from guys. I love her too! She's so gorgeous. -
Again I say!! WE HAVE THE TRUTH!
by smellsgood inthe true church!
* "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (doctrine and covenants, 1:30).
or the church must be true because it has had a good influence on your family.
Tyrone, bitchins 'n diatribes?? :) I'm glad that I'm on your good side in that case. I'd love to see that in action, does the inaccessability of Krispy Kreme donuts get you furious? I mean, shouldn't we all be able to enjoy time with our family, and then when they've left, be able to pick up a dozen Kreme filled donuts for ourselves with minimal interference?
I personally do discriminate between a Cult, and say, a Baptist or Methodist Church. I don't think they are in the same realm at all.
but you know, as far as correct information in the Rutherford era, I don't think anyone can deny this jewel.
"Milk is the greatest curative food known." {GA Dec 8 1920 146}
Cancer? Drink some milk Syphillis? Only milk. Small Pox, you'd have to be a class M moron, as the Golden age was good enough to investigate the dangers of vaccination. You'll just get the Pox anyways, and likely go mad and proceed to terrorize communities on a weakened virus fuelled killing spree.
"Vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice .. Use your rights as American citizens [i.e. participate politically!!] to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccination." {GA Oct 12 1921 17}
Fight the needle people! Devilish, barbarous, gibberish!
CrankyToe- thanks, and thanks for "getting it" ;)
nvrgnbk: You really had 'em goin' girl! LOL!
Hello darlin! I think I really disappointed that one guy. I'll have to work on my delivery so I can make my strong Mormon convictions more appealing :)
De nada. I hope you get a good result with the pie recipe! I can't believe that many people love that dessert!
If you mean to say that I am WELL studied and informed, you are right. If you mean to say that I am ignorant on some level, you are wrong.
Dear Qcmbr. It can't be fun to have your beliefs bashed about. But really, you should have thought about that before you became a Mormon. *titters* -
Again I say!! WE HAVE THE TRUTH!
by smellsgood inthe true church!
* "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (doctrine and covenants, 1:30).
or the church must be true because it has had a good influence on your family.
Ahhh, thanks Tyrone, shucks you're sweet!
Now, it's off to bed for smellsgood, being the wee 3 A:M in da mornin.
Nighty nite!
smellsgood -
Again I say!! WE HAVE THE TRUTH!
by smellsgood inthe true church!
* "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (doctrine and covenants, 1:30).
or the church must be true because it has had a good influence on your family.
Oh, my, I should have put a disclaimer that this was an ironic post. ~~
I hope when people settle down from the shock of what seems to be a gung ho Mormon throwing down the preaching gauntlet they go back and read it.
It's good material to have on hand to witness to Witnesses!
BTW, Stealth, j/k
Yesterday I was a WWCOG member, tomorrow I shall be a Moonie!
I guess I just can't commit! -
Again I say!! WE HAVE THE TRUTH!
by smellsgood inthe true church!
* "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (doctrine and covenants, 1:30).
or the church must be true because it has had a good influence on your family.
Tyrone ((hugs)) what you talking bout honey? Sorry, I always kid that I'm the finest girl around. It's just what me and my friends do...
Again I say!! WE HAVE THE TRUTH!
by smellsgood inthe true church!
* "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (doctrine and covenants, 1:30).
or the church must be true because it has had a good influence on your family.
"Not by a long shot...I just can't stand ranting religionists. Had my share back in the day."
here we go again.
Well, Stealth, I believe the fact that your eyes are bleeding has nothing to do with my hard-hitting, no nonsense, double fact checked, lie killing post. No, actually, it's a punishment from the Almighty for your lack of faith and amoral lifestyle, God sees what sort of clubs you frequent! He sees how you buy yourself beer when your kitten needs food! The reason your eyes are bleeding my good sir is only because you have come under judgment! Oh yes, you are being struck blind from ABOVE!! From the Second story of the THIRD HEAVEN! As it should be, because you ARE so blind! Blind to true things, blind to truer things, blind to the truth you can't accept because you prefer gambling to reason! Prefer laciviousness to logic! Prefer drunkeness to serving the three or four or five true Gods! REPENT! REPENT YOU SWINE!! -
Again I say!! WE HAVE THE TRUTH!
by smellsgood inthe true church!
* "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (doctrine and covenants, 1:30).
or the church must be true because it has had a good influence on your family.
You got me smiling. I think you're greatly overestimating my intellectual capacity. Besides I'm way to fine to join that nerd herd! :)
I feel as though I reached my peak at eighteen or nineteen when I was battling it out with some 50 year old JWs online. I smoked them, but they never got a clue. It's funny to me you should say that because I've felt as if I were in my senile stage in my early twenties, slowwwly mentally declining. It's just a matter of time before I drive into a building because I was daydreaming about Kirk Douglas. -
Again I say!! WE HAVE THE TRUTH!
by smellsgood inthe true church!
* "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (doctrine and covenants, 1:30).
or the church must be true because it has had a good influence on your family.
Ho ho! a brainiac! How refreshing. What a releif. Go for it! I hope other folks see the ironies. I didn't see it all. You came across as a fully fledged mormon.
*bows* why thank you I take it as a compliment!
bonus points if you know which movie this is from
"What's the score here....what's next?" -
Again I say!! WE HAVE THE TRUTH!
by smellsgood inthe true church!
* "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (doctrine and covenants, 1:30).
or the church must be true because it has had a good influence on your family.
Hey you know what sis,brainwashed! Did you even read a friggin word I just said. I will not waste one more second on you!"
Ohhhh, you're just so hostile because you have the clap being a worldly debauched person, but mostly you're just super angry because deep down inside you know it's all true! So true that it's called "THE TRUTH" Ok?? It's ok, I solace myself in the fact that I have all my salvation rituals to get me to the third heaven, and you'll be annihilated. I'm sorry you're so insecure about your eternal future!
;) ;) ;)
*waits patiently*
are you playing w/ me now?