3w wrote: Up until that time wars were mostly civil wars or little skirmishes between a few countries over borders and colonies ;etc.>>>
smellsgood: I haven't time to read if anyone has responded to THIS jem, but just have to say that I am stunned by your ignorance.
It's very very sad to see how ignorant and thoroughly dogmatized you are. You make it abundandtly and repeatedly clear that you have never actually ventured your study past the safety and security of the societies information funnel.
JoinedPosts by smellsgood
The Gentiles Times Reconsidered--Again but this Time By Using the Bible
by thirdwitness inthink about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
The Gentiles Times Reconsidered--Again but this Time By Using the Bible
by thirdwitness inthink about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
"which is in effect is the 'faithful slave', ;have actually proclaimed themselves as appointed by unseen forces. This is a proclamation that demands evidence, as to say the least it is rather lacking in Christian humilty for them to take this mantle upon their shoulders. Unless of course you can present factual evidence that Christ chose these ones to represent him as the only true Christians on earth?"
Hmm, self proclaimers? I know of a few of those. It seems there will always be people or groups who discover they are "inspired" and can always find ways to insidiously spread their delusion like a virus to others. It usually has something to do with such proclaimers knocking down strawmen false religion, and cleansing themselves of their evil ways. Many times such people are dynamic/vivacious in their oratory. It seems through reading prophecy in scripture some have a tendency to become hyper-delusional that said scripture is fulfilled to a 'T' in *surprise* them!
such examples include not just the WT, of course, as we all know, ummm, when WAS it that the the 144k or GB or which one friggin is it that is now taught to be the FDS, I can't keep it straight. BUT Charles Taze Russell was believed to be the Faithful and Wise Servant, alone, no "body" or "group" of this or that necessary. Rutherford took pains to point this out.
Anyways, yes, the other self proclaimers who convinced others they were for example
VERNON HOWELL: (AKA David Koresh) sussed out that the scripture in Revelation (which is def. 10 million times more qualified as "prophecy" than "parable" like the FWS) regarding the seventh angels and their messages, clearly, the seventh angel could only have been himself.
He was divinely inspired(don't question it). He was the antitypical David who would lead the people until Christ's coming.
In 1985, he received a vision from God in Israel (where he was at that time) where he was shown divinely that he was Cyrus. The Bible was at this time "opened up" to him. He paralleled Cyrus with Eliakim of Isaiah 22 and from this, the name Eliakim arose. Though his main title was Cyrus.
So, this verse applied to Vernon, God directing "all his ways"
SA 45: 13 I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways: he shall build my city, and he shall let go my captives, not for price nor reward, saith the Lord of hosts. (KJV)[11]
Just As Charles Taze Russell was the mouthpiece of God, the FDS, the UPS, the FDA and whatever else:::
". Since the days when in the providences of God our late beloved leader came into prominnce as the chief representative of the Lord’s people and stood before them as “that servant” who had charge of his Master’s goods, every indication of the Lord’s providence has shown that God gave Brother Russell to the church to be as a mouthpiece for him; and those who claim to have learned the truth apart from Brother Russell and his writings have been manifested by the Lord as deceivers, ready to lead the flock of God in their way."
Much like the WT:::
*** The Watch Tower 1917 January 15 p.22 ***
"The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society is the greatest corporation in the world, because from the time of its organization until now the Lord has used it as his channel through which to make known the glad tidings."
*** Watchtower 1952 April 15 p.253 Aids for Understanding Prophecy ***
"Jehovah has provided a channel, the "faithful and discreet slave" class, who are given spiritual "food at the proper time", and this spiritual food includes among other things the understandings of the prophecies in the course of their fulfillments. (Matt. 24:45, NW) Jehovah’s witnesses themselves are not nor can they be interpreters of prophecies. But as fast as the "superior authorities" Jehovah and Christ Jesus reveal the interpretations through their provided channel that fast do God’s people publish them the world over to strengthen the faith of all lovers of righteousness."
Moving down a little, to 1988, he begins to see himself as the Lamb of Revelation, which at this point, he taught was a different being than Jesus Christ.
Being as that he was the Lamb, naturally, he was truly the only one who could interpret Scripture, only him and no one else. The book of Job and Lamentations were books that were "too deep" and forbidden reading by any except himself.
Anyone who tried to interpret/read/understand scripture was ridiculous, because Vernon Howell was the only one who truly understood what it said.
Anyone who denied Brother Russell was the Mouthpiece was getting his chain yanked by Satan
** Watchtower 1922 September 15 p.279 ***
"Since Brother Russell’s death the evidence of God’s favor upon the Society, which was organized by Brother Russell for the furtherance of the Lord’s work, has been manifested as clearly as it was previously upon him. Satan has attempted by many attacks upon this fact to break it down; to cause the Lord’s people to believe: (1) that Brother Russell was not the only channel by which the Lord would lead his people; and (2) that the Society in its organized capacity could not be a channel for the Lord."
When he realised that anyone who went about reading the Bible on their own or heard divergent view than those he had been teaching, there was an immediate and cutthroat ban on listening to anyone with opposing views or former members.
Much like the WT::::
*** Watchtower 1931 November 1 p.327 ***
"Those who oppose The Watchtower are not capable of discerning the truth that God is giving to the children of his organization, and this is the very strongest proof that such opposers are not of God’s organization."
*** Watchtower 1986 March 15 pp.10-15 ‘Do Not Be Quickly Shaken From Your Reason’ ***
" But being in Jehovah’s spiritual paradise is not something we can take for granted. We came into this paradise voluntarily; we can walk right out (or be put out) if we go into unbelief or willfully violate Jehovah’s righteous laws. Of course, this will not happen if we keep strong the ‘love we had at first,’ if we continue to appreciate all of Jehovah’s provisions to keep us spiritually strong. (Revelation 2:4) But the Devil and other opposers of true worship are skilled in deception. We should never forget that they stand ever ready to break our integrity if they can. Their propaganda is designed to weaken our faith, to cool our love for God, to sow doubts in our minds—yes, to make the spiritual paradise appear to be no paradise at all."
*** Watchtower 1986 March 15 pp.10-15 ‘Do Not Be Quickly Shaken From Your Reason’ ***
"Now, what will you do if you are confronted with apostate teaching—subtle reasonings—claiming that what you believe as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses is not the truth? For example, what will you do if you receive a letter or some literature, open it, and see right away that it is from an apostate? Will curiosity cause you to read it, just to see what he has to say? You may even reason: ‘It won’t affect me; I’m too strong in the truth. And, besides, if we have the truth, we have nothing to fear. The truth will stand the test.’ In thinking this way, some have fed their minds upon apostate reasoning and have fallen prey to serious questioning and doubt. (Compare James 1:5-8.) So remember the warning at 1 Corinthians 10:12: “Let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.”
As David himself said
"God in the flesh! Do you know who I am? God in the flesh! The Word of God in the book has been shown to you. The most powerful of all prophets, the prophet that's found in the books. Lo, in the volume of the book it is written of me, Psalms 40, I come to do thy will Oh God. Thy law, prophecy, is within my heart. Now what better sinner can know a sinner than a godly sinner? Huh?"
Well, the WT hasn't claimed to be God in the flesh, they have their own unique delusions:::
*** Watchtower 1919 April 1 p.6414 ***
"…Is not the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society the one and only channel which the Lord has used in dispensing his truth continually since the beginning of the harvest period?"
"It is the conclusion, therefore, of the Editorial Committee–and in this the officers of the Society concur–that the Society is the Channel the Lord is using to carry on his work; that it has a divine commission, a work to perform, and which it is endeavoring, by the Lord’s grace, to perform."
** Watchtower 1931 November 1 p.327 ***
"The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man’s opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. God feeds his own people, and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will."
JIM JONES: Self appointed Messiah again. Thought he was the reincarnate Messiah, buddha, yadda yadda
from :http://www.guyanaca.com/features/jonestown.html
"Jim Jones utilized the threat of severe punishment to impose thestrict discipline and absolute devotion that he demanded, and he alsotook measures to eliminate those factors that might encourageresistance or rebellion among his followers. Research showed that thepresence of a "disobedient" partner greatly reduced the extent owhich most subjects in the Milgram situation (1965) obeyed theinstructions to shock the person designated the "learner." Similarly,by including just one confederate who expressed an opinion differentfrom the majority's, Asch (1955) showed that the subject would alsoagree far less, even when the "other dissenters" judgment was alsoincorrect and differed from the subjects. In the Peoples Temple,Jones tolerated no dissent, made sure that members had no allegiancemore powerful than to himself, and tried to make the alternative ofleaving the Temple an unthinkable option."
*** Watchtower 1980 June 15 p.8 What It Takes to Keep Separate from the World ***
speaking of members who have left or been df'd
" We hate them, not in the sense of wanting to do them harm or wishing them harm but in the sense of avoiding them as we would poison or a poisonous snake, for they can poison us spiritually."
Jim Jones insisted on exclusive devotion, now who else did so? Oh THATS RIGHT
*** You Can live Forever (1982, 1990) p.255 ***
"Do not conclude that there are different roads, or ways, that you can follow to gain life in God’s new system. There is only one. There was just one ark that survived the Flood, not a number of boats. And there will be only one organization — God’s visible organization — that will survive the fast-approaching "great tribulation." It is simply not true that all religions lead to the same goal… You must be part of Jehovah’s organization, doing God’s will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life…"
Also look up
SHOKO ASAHARA ...demanded his followers to treat him as the living incarnation of God
SUN MYUNG MOON...."the Savior, Messiah and King of Kings of all of humanity" by God
HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG..."Christ's chosen apostle" to whom the Bible was "a coded message not allowed to be revealed and decoded until this time."
DAVID BRANDT BERG AKA MOSES DAVID....viewed himself as "God's Endtime Prophet."
RENOS AVRAM....Avraam considers himself the "Chosen Vessel of the Remaining Bride" - David Koresh' true successor. He completed a significant theological work of what he calls "hidden manna" of the Seven Seals.. Avraam, who claims to be a prophet, is said to reveal "New Light (New Truth)."
WILLIAM BRANHAM.... proclaimed himself the angel of Revelation 3:14 and 10:7
and always, there are many more delusional nutjobs out there. All self-proclaimed prophets/chosen ones of God.
They can all prove it too. -
before 10 I really liked Mr. puffypants himself, Master of Ceremonies Hammer... and Mariah Carey :) I know singers not bands..
between ages of say 13-16 my FAVOURITE was The Beatles, I also liked
Pearl Jam
The Cranberries
I got into Radiohead around 15. They are still my favourite band.
smellsgood -
What Kinds of Weird Things were you banned from or not allowed as a child?
by mama1119 ini could not have a big new kids on the block pin, or wear any new kids on the block pins in puplic becuase it was considered idolatry.
i also could not wear my shoes without laces (it was cool back then) because it looked wordly.
what other strange theings besides the usual holiday/birthday stuff weren't you allowed to do?
In 2nd grade, my teacher said I was smart and should be in the gifted class, but my mother reasoned that it was drawing to much attention to ME by participating, so I abstained and remained bored in school. ; Then she pointed out that the Ute book had an chapter about boredom, I was then not allowed to be bored any longer.>>
LOL! How boring was that?
That is just absolutely perplexing why you were not allowed to be in the gifted program. Its funny, there was a JW girl in the gifted program I was in. Didn't seem to be an issue for her. I didn't realise though why she didn't go to prom until I learnt that was against WT rules (ugh). She was a very cool girl, actually lives quite near to me. I hope I get a chance to subvert her at some point.
Oh, and PG= pure garbage, sounds like something my dad WISHES he could have come up with lol. and R stands for repulsive? repugnant? R being something bad and not worth your time or money, hmm, must stand for Religion....in the most "religious" sense of course.
smellsgood -
Emergency-local need on apostasy
by sspo intonight i happened to be at the service meeting and the p.o.
gave a talk on apostasy.
there was not even a slot for local needs but they got rid of one part to give the talk on how the congr.
Yeah, the whole getting turned in for things you do in the privacy of your own home, or what you may say reminds me of how in the novel 1984 Winstons neighbour Tom Parsons children are the ones who turn him in to the thought police. This is because they are taught to suss out divergent thought from that of the part through "programs" like the Youth League and the Spies.
from 1984 Ch. 2
'Up with your hands!' yelled a savage voice.
A handsome, tough-looking boy of nine had popped up from behind the table and was menacing him with a toy automatic pistol, while his small sister, about two years younger, made the same gesture with a fragment of wood. Both of them were dressed in the blue shorts, grey shirts, and red neckerchiefs which were the uniform of the Spies. Winston raised his hands above his head, but with an uneasy feeling, so vicious was the boy's demeanour, that it was not altogether a game.
'You're a traitor!' yelled the boy. 'You're a thought-criminal! You're a Eurasian spy! I'll shoot you, I'll vaporize you, I'll send you to the salt mines!'
Suddenly they were both leaping round him, shouting 'Traitor!' and 'Thought-criminal!' the little girl imitating her brother in every movement."
"With those children, he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror. Another year, two years, and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of unorthodoxy. Nearly all children nowadays were horrible. What was worst of all was that by means of such organizations as the Spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party. On the contrary, they adored the Party and everything connected with it. The songs, the processions, the banners, the hiking, the drilling with dummy rifles, the yelling of slogans, the worship of Big Brother -- it was all a sort of glorious game to them. All their ferocity was turned outwards, against the enemies of the State, against foreigners, traitors, saboteurs, thought-criminals. It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children. And with good reason, for hardly a week passed in which The Times did not carry a paragraph describing how some eavesdropping little sneak -- 'child hero' was the phrase generally used -- had overheard some compromising remark and denounced its parents to the Thought Police." -
I Am Compelled To Post About Ice Cream
by smellsgood ini don't know if this would be considered "advertising" or against any posting guidelines, but i have found something that is so delicious i don't feel it would be right to not to put this out there, it is worthy of a subject of its own on jwd.
this could become to the good citizens on this board, a sublime life affirming experience, a turning point even.
godiva white chocolate raspberry ice cream bars.
Avocados, yes! Have you ever had a melted cheese/sauteed mushroom/sprouts/avocado sandwich? It's money in the bank.
Double edge, I had Lindt 70% cocoa for breakfast this mornin! There not I suppose of the "expensive" variety, but Hersheys not "special dark" but the 65% cocoa, esp. with blueberries/cranberries/almonds is quite delicious.
I only like grapenuts if they are positively drowned in Sugar. I love cocoa pebbles!
The grapenuts crunch cereal is fairly good
smellsgood -
I Am Compelled To Post About Ice Cream
by smellsgood ini don't know if this would be considered "advertising" or against any posting guidelines, but i have found something that is so delicious i don't feel it would be right to not to put this out there, it is worthy of a subject of its own on jwd.
this could become to the good citizens on this board, a sublime life affirming experience, a turning point even.
godiva white chocolate raspberry ice cream bars.
as never before...
I don't know if this would be considered "advertising" or against any posting guidelines, but I have found something that is so delicious I don't feel it would be right to not to put this out there, it is worthy of a subject of its own on JWD. This could become to the good citizens on this board, a sublime life affirming experience, a turning point even.
Godiva White Chocolate Raspberry Ice Cream Bars.
My Sweet Lord
Do yourself a favor, I don't know if it will strike all men's fancies, but I can pretty much assure every lady on this board that you will love these like your firstborn child.
Paradise has arrived! And you can find it in the frozen section at Wal-Mart. About 3 bones.
Anybody else have something edible they get thrilled to bits about like me?
smellsgood -
This happened locally, if your a parent ... learn from it
by free2beme inthis is a small town area.
i actually used to live about three houses down from these people.
when i read of something like this, it makes me all the more careful as a parent and never assume anything when it comes to your young children.
: I think it is stupid to own vehicles like that to run local errands in when you live in suburbs.
I couldn't agree more. -
This happened locally, if your a parent ... learn from it
by free2beme inthis is a small town area.
i actually used to live about three houses down from these people.
when i read of something like this, it makes me all the more careful as a parent and never assume anything when it comes to your young children.
Poor guy! He has got to be beyond heartbroken right now.
You know, something that makes me terribly angry is the carelessness of mostly I would say teenage drivers through PARKING LOTS where there are many little children who could escape from more long enough for an accident to occur. The retards who whiz through like its talledaga just make me want to stuff a sock in the dual jackedup mufflers.
It's just a tragedy waiting to happen. Not only this, but their common discourtesy to park in the closest parking spots when there are women with children and old people who need them more. Hmmph.
SirNose, my Uncle and Aunt have 12 children. It's just expected now that we'll get a card in the mail every year or two to tell us she's pregnant. And she delivers them at home with a mid-wife!! The oldest one (6 mos. older than me) just got married. I would be surprised if she wanted more than one child growing up taking care of smaller ones all her life.
smellsgood -
When I Say----"JEHOVAH'S WITNESS"----What Do You Think Of???
by minimus inwhat do you associate that name with??
what's the first thing that pops in your head?
I think I wish I ran into them more often!! I always run into Mormons not JW's :(
sorry guys, it's not a sore spot since I haven't been one. I just think I'd love to have more opportunity to de-dub.