Many things but the one thing that I hated the most and that eventually helped me leave the organization: I knew worldly people who were great persons and it bothered me that I would live forever in a better world while these worldly people would die even though they were better people than most JWs I knew (including myself).
JoinedPosts by Dave_T
What Things Did You Hate About Being A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus in.
anything in particular?
I came home to find my wife crying over THAT article.
by jambon1 ini came home today to find my wife crying whilst reading the 'when a loved one leaves jehovah' article.
its been a good few months now and i can appreciate how she feels.
but it just irritates me how my disagreeing with this religion has such a catastrophic effect on our everyday lives.
I am the black sheep in the family. I think I can imagine what you're going through. You made the right decision and that's what matters most.
sorry for my ignorance but who is Ted Jaracz? -
To kill an American
by LovesDubs ini really thought this was poignant.. .
written by an australian dentist....and too good to delete..... .
to kill an american.
Gee, I must be an American after all!
Seriously, Avengers: it takes more than kissing Uncle Sam's ass to get a Green Card. He doesn't care about the American kids he sends to a *remote* battlefied and to a horrible fate. What makes you think he cares about a Dutchman flying a US flag on the internet? Fly one of those on your porch: I'm sure your neighbors would have a good laugh. -
Fair minded person with a fair point of view
by keo15929 ini have been one of jehovah's witnesses for about 9 years before i became inactive.
i just had some comments i'd like to make.. i think the reason why i'm inactive now is because i've come to a point in my life where i feel obligated to admit that i just don't know.
at one time i was as fiery and zealous of a witness as anyone could be but i had this nagging feeling that i really didn't know what i was talking about when i was witnessing to people.
Welcome Keo,
Clever people like you don't stay in the organization all their lives. It must not be easy for you right now because of all the unanswered questions you thought you knew the answers to. You sound like a very sensible person: Trust your own judgment.
Dave -
Sort of morbid question
by unbeliever inthis came to my mind after i read 24k's would you go back thread.
just say when armageddon came jehovah gave you one last chance to repent of your apostate ways and live for eternity with jw's.
would you take jehovah up on this offer or ask him to strike you dead?
I would tell Him: "Strike me. You don't deserve my allegiance." (Good morbid question, Unbeliever)
Poll - on a scale of one to ten...
by slimboyfat inhow convinced were you at your most convinced that jehovah's witnesses had the truth?
how convinced are you now that jehovah's witnesses do not have the truth?
Convinced they had the truth 10 (thank you, Mom & Dad) Convinced it's not the truth 10
To kill an American
by LovesDubs ini really thought this was poignant.. .
written by an australian dentist....and too good to delete..... .
to kill an american.
Don't feel ashamed for what they did. Feel shocked, sad or disgusted but not ashamed: they have nothing in common with you. Like I said, they are monsters. But you are a person. And judging by your reaction to what they did (and other monsters who did even worse), I'd say you are a good person.
Dave -
To kill an American
by LovesDubs ini really thought this was poignant.. .
written by an australian dentist....and too good to delete..... .
to kill an american.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Dave -
To kill an American
by LovesDubs ini really thought this was poignant.. .
written by an australian dentist....and too good to delete..... .
to kill an american.
Take a deep breath and calm down. I don't see which part of my post aroused your susceptibility (maybe the anti-nationalist part). I never said that only Americans committed atrocities, did I? Only stupid people think that way. I am disgusted everytime I hear about cruelty. I am so disgusted that I have not watched the news on TV for about 4 years!!! (I read newspapers instead: less graphic). Do you think I wasn't shocked to see people die in the WTC? Do you think I wasn't shocked by the beheadings? I wish those things had not happened. I feel for people who suffer like most people hopefully. But I don't feel personally attacked when Frenchmen are kidnapped in the Middle-East or when Frenchmen are killed. The aversion is as intense as it would be if the victims were German, American, Polish, etc.
I am anti-nationalist but I am not anti-American. Only stupid people are anti-American or anti-French or Anti-Irish, etc. Only stupid people judge others based on their nationalities. The guys on the pictures were convicted: good. No other American is accountable for what they did. Do some of you feel ashamed for what these monsters did? You shouldn't. As you shouldn't be proud that the first man to set foot on the moon was American. Only the people who directly commit atrocities should feel ashamed. Terrorists should be ashamed of themselves because even though sometimes they have good reasons to be angry, they strike innocents.
Warlock, no nation is clean and pure as the driven snow. Every nation has disgraced itself many times. I just wish I didn't have to hear nationalist propaganda again. While I am aggravated by French nationalist propaganda, I am also exasperated by American nationalist propaganda when I am browsing an international discussion forum.
Dave (a French citizen of Italian, Greek, German, Polish, Russian and AMERICAN descendancy) -
To kill an American
by LovesDubs ini really thought this was poignant.. .
written by an australian dentist....and too good to delete..... .
to kill an american.
You're right, Beachbender, and I hope that Kid didn't mean to say that the American are responsible for what is shown on these (disgusting) pictures. Having said that, I think that the American should try and understand that many (most?) non-American are irritated by this kind of mantra: "Americans are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit everywhere, is an American." It's the kind of message we've heard for decades in movies and this brain-washing stuff's getting pretty tiring. While I find it horrifying that someone published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, please, understand that this kind of nationalist cliché cannot move a non-American to tears (even though there are exceptions) and tend to irritate non-Americans. No offense meant.