JoinedPosts by digderidoo
Pictures????....how do you do it???
by digderidoo inokay .... call me computer illiterate.. but, how do you post a picture on a thread?...
i have an idea, but still can't get it.. yours dig.
ordinary people just like you and me.... we're the keepers of our destiny...
Pictures????....how do you do it???
by digderidoo inokay .... call me computer illiterate.. but, how do you post a picture on a thread?...
i have an idea, but still can't get it.. yours dig.
ordinary people just like you and me.... we're the keepers of our destiny...
Can somebody tell me what i'm doing wrong with this other pic?
Pictures????....how do you do it???
by digderidoo inokay .... call me computer illiterate.. but, how do you post a picture on a thread?...
i have an idea, but still can't get it.. yours dig.
ordinary people just like you and me.... we're the keepers of our destiny...
Pictures????....how do you do it???
by digderidoo inokay .... call me computer illiterate.. but, how do you post a picture on a thread?...
i have an idea, but still can't get it.. yours dig.
ordinary people just like you and me.... we're the keepers of our destiny...
Pictures????....how do you do it???
by digderidoo inokay .... call me computer illiterate.. but, how do you post a picture on a thread?...
i have an idea, but still can't get it.. yours dig.
ordinary people just like you and me.... we're the keepers of our destiny...
mmm....try again
Pictures????....how do you do it???
by digderidoo inokay .... call me computer illiterate.. but, how do you post a picture on a thread?...
i have an idea, but still can't get it.. yours dig.
ordinary people just like you and me.... we're the keepers of our destiny...
Thanks java, let's see
Pictures????....how do you do it???
by digderidoo inokay .... call me computer illiterate.. but, how do you post a picture on a thread?...
i have an idea, but still can't get it.. yours dig.
ordinary people just like you and me.... we're the keepers of our destiny...
Okay .... call me computer illiterate.
But, how do you post a picture on a thread?... I have an idea, but still can't get it.
Yours dig
Ordinary people just like you and me...
We're the keepers of our destiny... -
June 7...How will you vote?
by digderidoo ingeneral election...june 7....uk.
how will you vote?.....now that we are allowed to vote it would be interesting to see what political persuasions we have.. for me it is important to vote.
for years i have been told that i cannot voice my opinion....however to vote for me is one of our fundamental human rights.
Dark clouds,
I do not know why some are saying they are inelligable to vote....i think it has something to do with living overseas for a period of time....can someone clarify the situation?
I know certain citizens are inelligable to vote though....for example prisoners and also those that serve in the armed forces. However apart from those, so long as your registered on the electoral register, as far as i am aware you are allowed to vote.
I remember when attending meetings some who had political persuasions. For instance, i remember some who were anti-thatcher....i remember at the time of the 1992 election, when all the polls were suggesting Neil Kinnock (labour) was going to beat Thatcher, my mom (a strong devout witness) commenting, 'good, it's about time this country can be reminded what a labour government can do'....i was shocked, but it was funny at the same time.
Yours dig
Ordinary people just like you and me...
We're the keepers of our destiny... -
June 7...How will you vote?
by digderidoo ingeneral election...june 7....uk.
how will you vote?.....now that we are allowed to vote it would be interesting to see what political persuasions we have.. for me it is important to vote.
for years i have been told that i cannot voice my opinion....however to vote for me is one of our fundamental human rights.
General Election...June 7....UK
How will you vote?.....now that we are allowed to vote it would be interesting to see what political persuasions we have.
For me it is important to vote. For years I have been told that i cannot voice my opinion....however to vote for me is one of our fundamental human rights. People have died so that i can exercise this right. I voted in the last election....i will vote in this one.
I will vote labour again....okay i know Tony Blair's a bit of a dipstick...but although the last four years are open to criticism, some good has occured (eg the recent money ploughed into the NHS).
Voting for me is important...votes do count.
It would be interesting to see that although we all have had a similar upbringing religious wise....how do we view things politically?
So, not just the brits in the forth coming election, but to all, how would you vote???...
Yours dig
Ordinary people just like you and me...
We're the keepers of our destiny... -
Face/Pyramids on Mars! What do you think?
by qwerty inthe things you look into without the wt cynical mind behind every thought.. [ http://www.geocities.com/area51/6683/cydonia-face.html].
qwerty .
justa surfin!
I was in the cafe a couple of days ago...reading one of the tabloids (either the mirror or the sun). In there was an article about someone's garden fence, when he creasoted it a picture of ET appeared!!!
No word of a lie!!!
The grain of the wood resembled ET's face and neck...anyone else read it?
Seriously though... pictures can be seen in anything, as a child i used to be scared of pictures of monsters within my curtains.
Yours dig
Ordinary people just like you and me...
We're the keepers of our destiny...