Wow, I'm literally moved to tears by your post.
You have been so courageous and have acted in all good conscience. It is so sad that the religion you sacrificed your childhood for then tried to ruin your life because you don't believe it anymore and you want to be true to yourself and your conscience. I'm not sure if you still have a faith but if you do I know Jesus or Jehovah (or whatever you want to call him) would not reject you in this way.
im an active JW but doubting, reading jwfacts and COC at the moment, I am a mum and have a daughter, I wish I could give you a hug, and even a home. I would never reject my kids for believing something different from me, that's one of the reasons I'm drifting away because my son has decided it's not for him and even though he's not baptized, I see the incredibly negative attitudes of the 'brothers' towards youths like him, just when they are at their most vulnerable and need love and support.
there are some really caring people here, and smart and funny. The bitterness does sometimes come out, but I am sure that is only because of what they've given up or had taken away because of man-made rules.
Im in Europe but I am sending lots of love and support across the miles, I'm sure you'll live a happy and fulfilled life and the hurt will become a distant memory...if you ever need to talk to a 'mum' PM me!