You are the one going to churches to expound your philosophy. That is arrogant. That is militant. No that is fanatical. You go in to prey on the sheep. One day you will find a ram there. There are BurnTheShips everywhere. ;-)
Again, atheism is not a philosophy.
Can I ask what's wrong with talking about religion with people who want to talk about it? It's no different to going to a religious forum, explaining my position and chatting with people about it. I take it you don't have a problem when people try to spread the message of Jesus? I don't either by the way, because I can either say 'no thanks' or I can talk about it with them. It's my choice. Why the double standard?
Is it also fanatical to talk with people about who the next president should be, or the best way to eat healthily? Hardly. Religion is just another topic where opinion is different. If people's faith is strong, why be afraid to hear my side? They could show me I'm wrong by giving me their good reasons. Perhaps I'll be converted.
Why does your god need defending from me? Why do you want to shut off the communication between believer and non believer? What are you afraid of? Much of this betrays what I feel is insecurity on your part, although I know in advance you will probably deny this. Someone in a strong position shouldn't be afraid of hearing an opposing view. I'm not.
Yes, ungrateful. Not satisfied. Not with a person, but with the situation.
As for you it is a cold hearless uncaring universe. You are just an accident, remember? You will die, and there will be nothing when the molecules disassociate. Very soon even the memory of you will fade. It will be as if you never existed.
Let's say this is the case. Is it wrong because it doesn't sound very nice? No.
The point is that even in a 'cold heartless universe', here I am with the chance to experience something which may not even exist elsewhere in the universe- life. With all the millions of planets which support no life, this only helps show that I should be grateful (to the situation) to be here at all. My life isn't cold and hard. That's the important thing, not the lifeless universe above our atmosphere.
Perhaps nobody will remember me when I die. Is it wrong because it doesn't sound very nice? No. Much of what you say talks about this. 'Your position must be wrong because it doesn't appeal to me.' Not a good argument. This is about what's real, not about what people want to be real. The slice of life you're living now is what matters, not what some future life will think of you. I hope they'll be off enjoying their life instead of wasting it looking you or me up.
I am. I will be.
What I do in this life will echo in eternity.
That is a LIFE.
Close. Remove the capital F.
How will the universe get by without knowledge of your existence in the future? I really feel for them. Keep posting, write books, make music. Their lives won't be complete unless they know Burn existed at some point in their past!