And IF you mean Hitler
Talk of death camps and others talking of Hitler. Not an extraordinary leap. Covering the bases.
ok, so you deny the existence of a god, or you lack belief in a god.
my question why do you get so angry over a mythical being?
no one gets as upset over the tooth fairy, santa claus or the easter bunny, as i have seen some of the atheists on this board get over the slightest mention of god.
And IF you mean Hitler
Talk of death camps and others talking of Hitler. Not an extraordinary leap. Covering the bases.
many, like dawkins, think that religion is the root of all evil.
hypothetically, if all religion was eliminated and all people stopped believing how would you see the world in a few years?
with atheism on the rise do you think that society will improve or deteriorate?.
There are certainly other factors to consider when conducting these surveys, as this website demonstrates-
ok, so you deny the existence of a god, or you lack belief in a god.
my question why do you get so angry over a mythical being?
no one gets as upset over the tooth fairy, santa claus or the easter bunny, as i have seen some of the atheists on this board get over the slightest mention of god.
Vinny wrote:
"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."
Written: sometime between 750-686 BC. Fulfilled: 5 BC
So, a prophecy was fulfilled in the SAME book that made it? It's like reading a book where a wizard tells a boy he will face danger in London, and in the last chapter the boy faces danger in London, and on that basis thinking that it actually happened!
XJW4EVR wrote:
Why does my belief threaten atheists?
Religion affects the world. There are wars fought, one religion against another. In the UK recently, gays were finally able to have equal rights, and the only ones wanting to stop that were the religious people (they petitioned, sent letters, threatened to close down their adoption services and even managed to get air time on the national news to spout their backwards homophobic beliefs - something which in no way affects them, by the way. Or anyone for that matter).
Another example of how religion affects the world is when it tries to hold back science. Stem cell research (which could cure millions) is being held up by, yep you guessed it, religion. Evolution is STILL not being taught in some schools, and it's a proven scientific fact. Why not? It destroys the beliefs of people who take Genesis as literal. The Dark Ages was a period of time where science couldn't progress at all. For hundreds of years. Why? Because religions had all the power, and they used it to hold back the search for truth. Can you imagine how advanced we'd be now if science had been able to progress during that time?
How about brainwashing children into believing God will punish them if they start to think for themselves and question their parents particular religion? It's mental child abuse, and it's disgusting.
It is true of the atheists that ran the death camps, killing fields, and gulags in many former Communist countries.
It wasn't done because they were atheist, any more than they did it because they had moustaches. And if you mean Hitler, plenty of evidence shows he was Christian anyway.
many, like dawkins, think that religion is the root of all evil.
hypothetically, if all religion was eliminated and all people stopped believing how would you see the world in a few years?
with atheism on the rise do you think that society will improve or deteriorate?.
Christians as a whole are the most generous; they collectively are feeding the hungry, comforting the hurting, helping the sick.
Check the statistics again. More secular countries are the most generous.
Do Christians do good things? Absolutely. But we can count their numbers because they do it in the name of their chosen deity. Atheists don't give help in the name of anything, they just want to do it. They don't need to think they'll be rewarded, or be able to pass on their dogma in the process of giving aid.
First, is it possible that people like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkin etc etc, are writing these books for monetary gain. Talk about parroting. Atheists seem to have their own parrots (flying spaghetti monster?, fairy tales etc etc) It goes to show that we as a people are followers.
The statistics were originally from the United Nations' Human Development Report (2005). Unless you think they lied for monetary gain?
If these people didn’t die due to atheism, then why, how did they die?
The answer was in the RD quote. Whatever the reasons for war, it's never been atheism.
As for faith and religion being seperate things, without religion you would be a deist at best. Religious teachings are needed in order for people to add in the details, otherwise would you just automatically know in your head all about Jesus or Satan or the Trinity?
many, like dawkins, think that religion is the root of all evil.
hypothetically, if all religion was eliminated and all people stopped believing how would you see the world in a few years?
with atheism on the rise do you think that society will improve or deteriorate?.
Most if not all religions teach as their core principles:
1/ Love and sacrifice
2/ Hope
3/ Personal change towards an improved self
4/ Kindness and forgiveness
5/ Friendship and service one to another
6/ Hard work and honesty
7/ Constant self evaluation and a duty to your neighbour
Name one thing on that list that you need to be religious in order to do.
The US feeds the world's hungry.
Ho, ho.
"The US government tends to be motivated by interests, not humanitarian principles.
Denmark gives the most amount of its GDP (1.01%) to developing countries; Norway gives 0.91%; the Netherlands give 0.79% and so on until the end of list, where the USA sits. Yes, America ranks DEAD LAST in foreign aid at a pathetic 0.1% of its GDP, compared to the other 21 nations listed as developed nations. The idea that the US government is a heroic bunch that runs around the world helping the poor and the disempowered is not backed up by the evidence. We have one of the stingiest governments on earth.
Most Americans believe the US spends 24% of its budget on aid to poor countries; the actual amount is well under a quarter of 1%. Our country also ranks #5 on asylum-seeker acceptance rates (#1 is Denmark and #2 is Canada). "
If religion was removed the people who do awful things in the name of religion would still do them.
“Good people will do good things, and bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things-that takes religion.” - Stephen Weinberg.
ok, so you deny the existence of a god, or you lack belief in a god.
my question why do you get so angry over a mythical being?
no one gets as upset over the tooth fairy, santa claus or the easter bunny, as i have seen some of the atheists on this board get over the slightest mention of god.
I hope it's okay if I give my answers to these.
1-how does life evolve from lifeless matter? Please tell us.
Abiogenesis. Look it up.
2-how does it feel believing that a red corvette simply could arrive all on its own since universe, life and earth (all far more complex) all arrived on their own with no intelligence involved?
Most of the universe is uninhabitable and violent, most of the earth is uninhabitable. The right sequence of events took place over billions of years so that life would evolve on one planet. If the odds against it happening were a billion to one, the universe is so big that there would still be a billion planets supporting life.
3- if its true that all these things just happened on their own, why cannot the same science and technology which sends folks to the moon, create ANY LIFE (even the simplest of living things) from non-living matter today? Or put life back where it ONCE WAS?
Probably for the same reason no human has visited Mars yet. Just cos we haven't done it YET, doesn't mean we never will.
4-what about the universal fact of life PRINCIPLE that EVERY BEGINNING MUST HAVE A CAUSE CAUSE? What does THAT do for atheism?
What about the first law of thermodynamics that teaches that energy cannot be destroyed, only changed? On that basis, the universe has always existed. No need to make up a god and say that always existed. The problem is already solved.
5- what does it say to YOU when people such as Einstein, Copernicus, Sir Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Boyle, Faraday, Mendel, Kelvin, Max Planck, and thousands of others scientists, philosophers, leaders such as Ghandi, MLK, every single President elected and many other successful people as well as BILLIONS of others believe in a Supreme Intelligent Designer and REJECT ATHEISM OUTRIGHT.
Einstein wasn't a believer in God. And do you want us to list all the famous smart people who don't believe in God? It would make no difference, as your list makes no difference. Billions of people believed the earth was flat- didn't make it true.
ok, so you deny the existence of a god, or you lack belief in a god.
my question why do you get so angry over a mythical being?
no one gets as upset over the tooth fairy, santa claus or the easter bunny, as i have seen some of the atheists on this board get over the slightest mention of god.
Perry wrote: There has never been a society on this planet without some form of religion. Check with the sociologists....You are terrible wrong in your statement.
Humans have been curious about many things in the universe, and so we made up gods to answer what we couldn't. What causes that loud flashing in the sky? Oh it must be Thor! Why did the tsunami hit? Must have been Poseidon! But science answered these questions and there was no further need to believe in those gods. To stop a child making up a god, we may need to supplement their curiosity with real scientific evidence, and that's what happens in schools.
A child with no knowledge either way would be a deist at best- there is no way they would know about specific details like God's name (whether it be Yahweh or Allah, etc), an invisible force called a holy spirit or a talking snake. These things they need to be taught.
About the fool scripture, I mentioned it incase anyone was personally calling someone else a fool. Showing that God considers them foolish is a roundabout way of doing that, in my opinion. It makes no difference if it's about contempt or logic, just saying 'You fool!' is bad enough, apparently.
ok, so you deny the existence of a god, or you lack belief in a god.
my question why do you get so angry over a mythical being?
no one gets as upset over the tooth fairy, santa claus or the easter bunny, as i have seen some of the atheists on this board get over the slightest mention of god.
Perry wrote: Atheism REQUIRES self-deception.
Atheism is the default position from birth. You need to be TAUGHT religion.
Perry wrote: You do agree that the universe began right?
This wasn't addressed to me, but I'll answer. The Universe in its current form had a beginning. Most scientists agree it has always existed in some way, shape or form.
P.S. About calling people fools for not believing in God, check out Matthew 5:22. '...But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.'
many, like dawkins, think that religion is the root of all evil.
hypothetically, if all religion was eliminated and all people stopped believing how would you see the world in a few years?
with atheism on the rise do you think that society will improve or deteriorate?.
-ajwnm, I don't recall them dying due to atheism.
Richard Dawkins: "I cannot think of any war that has been fought in the name of atheism. Why should it? A war might be motivated by economic greed, by political ambition, by ethnic or racial prejudice, by deep grievance or revenge, or by patriotic belief in the destiny of a nation. Even more plausible as a motive for war is an unshakeable faith that one's own religion is the only true one."
ok i started thinking tonight which is always a bad idea after i've had a long, really pressuring, day at work.
but i've been in this sort of confused uncomfortable state lately about whether i believe in god or not.
i finally got past the actual guilt of having these questions because i knew that was just what was drilled into my skull in my past.
greendawn, if the human body is so perfect how do you explain back ache, cancer, loss of hearing, an appendix which may kill you, the blind spot in the eye, loss of hair and teeth and so on?
And nobody with knowledge of evolution teaches that we came about by blind chance. It's something the creationists made up.