I started to fade around November of last year, (actually, the events of the last 5 years culminated in this, but that's another story). January 2006 was the last of jv at the kh.
........................at my last meeting, the elder was talking about 1975 and said "it never happened, it is appostates using a time when (some) brothers took the info in the wt wrong"...................i just blinked and finally woke up.. i had been on this site lurking for a couple of weeks, and realized thing werent right, but to have some creep say on the platform " it didnt happen"............when this ruined my and my siblings childhood, just made me snap.
on the way home, i told my hubby "that was the last meeting im going to"................boy was he pleased.. .
so if you didnt get df ......................what happened at your last meeting.?.
I started to fade around November of last year, (actually, the events of the last 5 years culminated in this, but that's another story). January 2006 was the last of jv at the kh.
for me, i think it's their hypocrisy.
they lead (the vast majority) a double life.
and ultimately they look down on anyone not a jw yet they won't even wn up to it.
I agree wholeheartedly. Of all of things that are wrong, it comes down to the simple fact that jws are not able to use their minds. All of the things that I used to think were so rediculous about the org, (i.e. reporting field service time, and measuring ones "spiritulality" by it, etc), would have allowed me to leave much sooner, if I just used my head. I would not have needed life altering situations to force me to finally see the reality.
i was wondering how common it is for ex-jws to relocate after leaving the borg in order to escape the bad memories of being in a cult, or to break contact with cult members.. i have wanted to move far away for as long as i can remember--even as a kid--for this purpose.
various life circumstances have delayed that--long story--but mr. rebel8 and i are thinking of moving within the next few years.
i am the one who's most interested in moving to a completely different type of place--different culture, different climate, different everything!
As I stated in an earlier post, I moved about the same time as I faded. (coincidentally). Worked out great. Only about an hour or so, but that is enough.
over the last two weeks since i posted about my wife taking me to the elders, i have been working very hard to save my marriage.
i have made arrangements for babysitting so that we can go out at least once or twice a week.
we have taken in a movie, gone for a walk, gone to the beach, gone to the museum, gone to a jazz concert and just yesterday we went to a coffee house and talked over a nice cup of joe.
Very true point. But, the JW religion has the tendency, (putting it very mildly), to close peoples mind over many matters. This certainly complicates a maritial relationship, regardless of how healthy it might be otherwise. Although my ex had her deeply rooted emotional issues, being brought up a JW just put those things out of grasp, for someone who could have potentially otherwise overcame those things.
since the last few days, i pass right in front, and i noticed the vines growing on the side of the kingdom hall.
now, the whole side wall is completely covered with vines.. looking at the vines, it reminded me of a face with a goatee or a beard.
so, if they can have vines on their building, a brother should be allowed to have a goatee....
Luckily, I moved about an hour away from any hall I was assoiciated with. Don't know where one is in the area I'm in, and don't care,(makes "fading" much easier, btw...).
i know this is slightly off-topic but i find alot of the discussion here somewhat depressing and most of it is far too cerebral for me.
i (obviously) live in america and i'm a big fan of beer.
light, dark, lager, ale, whatever.
In this order:
1. Hacker-Schorr (prefer the Dunkel, (dark) over the Weiss (lighter) -Germany
2. Yeungling (Lager is really smooth) -Pennsylvania
3. Sierra-Nevada
4. Guiness (When I'm in the Stout kinda mood)
i am a 34 your old man who has been raised a jw.
i am baptised and have been inactive for some time now.
i live with my mother (a devout jw) and my youngest sister who is df'd.
You are about my age, and I know firsthand what you are experiencing. I "pulled the plug" around January or so, and have been healing since. I too, was married for 10 years to a sister who was basically a fraud. I tried extremely hard to keep that awful marriage together, as I thought I was doing things Jehovah's way. She could care less, (about our marriage), but has no problem putting up the self-righteous bullshit in the congo. I could no longer live with the dissonance. I got out. I am now dating a wonderful woman I met at work, we have been going out for about 8 months. I have NEVER been happier in my life. I am indeed having issues with my witness family, and yes, I would much rather not trouble them, if I had a choice.
The matter is this, I cannot let others decide what is best for me, that is a VERY important lesson to learn in life. Perhaps, what brings the greatest happiness is, knowing that I am making my own decisions, no longer feeling the need for approval by an organization, or those in that organization.
I wish you all the best!!!
for me, on the positive side, having some religious training did keep me out of trouble growing up.
now, on the other hand.....
Probably much of the same of most people here: Don't know how to handle holidays. Even though I have always been mentally tough enough to deal with it, sometimes I have a low measure of self worth, (remember the 5 weekly "beatings", etc...). I tend to find myself thinking negatively unecessarily. Not close to any non-Witness relatives, (BIG peeve...). Very unsure about my current "religious" belief system.
OTOH: I think some of my mental toughness came from being a Witness, (the whole "that what dosen't kill you makes you stronger" thing).
yep that's right folks, yours truely has actually been attending the sunday meeting.
many will ask, why in the hell would you ever do that?
well, developments going on in my world have led me to this decision.
Nice job, Drew. Maybe someday I'll have the balls to do something like that.
- A little hard though when one stops attending meetings. (I stopped in January).
ok, maybe the word "saved" is inappropriate.... in my case, i would have to count three.
two of my best friends from when i was growing up who initially resisted my questions and apostate leanings but are now free of the borg and have confided it was our conversations that led to their de-programming.
and, my sister, through pretty much the same circumstances.
Although I was leaving the org by the time I found this forum, (as well as Randy's site), I will say all of you were instrumental in at least helping me to come to a firm decision to leave. Actually, you all have NO IDEA how beneficial a forum like this has proven to be at this time. THANKS TO ALL!!!