Hard to believe just how apt it is for the modern America
Huge Jackson Browne fan here...
I didn't read through all 7 pages of this yet, so forgive me if this has been covered, HS.
Anyway, let's get some perspective. Things were not better in 1986. We we in the middle of the Cold War. Many things Reagan was doing at the time was not all that accepted, (to say the least), by many Americans, including the more "liberal" voices, such as Jackson Browne.
Bush is over the top bad. It is far easier for many, (especially non-Americans), to see where things this country is doing presently is out of touch with what most citzens of the world consider fair and justified. In 1986, many may have considered Reagan's tactics justified, because many still believed the "Reds were Evil". We are a bit more enlightened today, and hence, are in a better position to realize where we ought not to butt into other's business.
Let's not "boo hoo" over what is going on right now. Let's hope, (and vote), for change this November.
Most American's don't support the idiocy our government is preaching today.