For the most part, it is not a conscious ploy. There are no "books" on how to mind control someone, (at least in a direct and complete manner).
The JW system of belief, is by its very nature, a manipulative system. JWs are "taught" to be manipulative through years of indoctrination and through example. They are rewarded by that very system for doing so. That is how one climbs the JW corporate ladder. The GB are the most manipulated of anyone in the hierarchy, and therefore can bald face lie about anything to anyone. This serves to support their own belief, as well reinforce that belief on others.
This has everything to do with how individuals respond to existential fears. Religions by their very nature play on this inherit human quirk. The more black and white, (read fundamental), the system is, the greater the potential to become addicted to catering to one's existential fear. This is what Karl Marx was talking about referring to religion being the "Opium of the People".
How this principle applies within the context of the WT is unique, and this is where many misunderstand the nature of the leadership. The leaders have long since become addicted to catering to their own existential fear, and this is why they feel no conscious tweak from the cognitive dissonance they should be experiencing. The level of manipulation the leaders exert on the rank and file is directly proportional to the level black and white, narrow minded, fundamental belief, afforded by a eschatological religion. In other words, the world has not ended, (as we said it would), so we need to invent reasons why it has not, and make sure to control everyone's belief that it will end "soon". This is done as much to appease their own belief, as it is to control others. All they have to really "believe" is that they are god's chosen representatives, (technically the most enlightened in all the earth), and the rest takes care of itself.