Insightful read, Barbara...
I would say that within the JW faith, it is transitioning from the counter-cultural to the cultural. I also think this is why it is that much more difficult to reach JWs with logical arguments. Most are in it for the social aspects, (like all other mainstream religions), and they just feel its right. No thinking required.
This was not always the case, (certainly not the case 30+ years ago), where at least pseudo-logical discussions were commonplace both among the JWs, and between the JWs and their potential converts.
I completely agree with the comment about the US constitution, and the way it is revered and treated as sacred here. I may be in the minority among Americans on this one, but I believe it is the core reason why it is difficult to win court cases against religious organizations, such as the Conti case.
Most people lean towards how they "feel" or intuit about things, and do not use proper rational process, as first instinct.