I am at work and not going to watch here, but if this is real they are now in full on self-destruct mode.
just when you thought may's jw dot org video featuring wide-eyed cult lunatic gb lett guilting the masses into giving every last dime they have couldn't be topped, your children will now be fed a guilt-inducing cartoon in which they are guilted into giving every last cent they have to the wt cult.
the wt entitles this one, "give us your money!
even your children are to be shaken down!
I am at work and not going to watch here, but if this is real they are now in full on self-destruct mode.
i realize many people on here are very angry at the watchtower society and/or governing body for various reasons, many of which are likely justified, at least to some extent.
i also can totally understand the cynicism and pessimism i see from certain ones regarding the leaders of the society.. i think one thing that's often forgotten or overlooked, however, is the fact that members of the governing body who've been "in the truth" for 30, 40, 50, 60 years, probably truly believe in this organization.
in my opinion, it's more likely that they believe what they teach instead of being liars who are intentionally deceiving everyone.
Damn thing deleted the middle of my post again...
Yes...they don't consider it "lying" either, since the end always justifies the means.
i realize many people on here are very angry at the watchtower society and/or governing body for various reasons, many of which are likely justified, at least to some extent.
i also can totally understand the cynicism and pessimism i see from certain ones regarding the leaders of the society.. i think one thing that's often forgotten or overlooked, however, is the fact that members of the governing body who've been "in the truth" for 30, 40, 50, 60 years, probably truly believe in this organization.
in my opinion, it's more likely that they believe what they teach instead of being liars who are intentionally deceiving everyone.
Vidiot - Don't you mean "...they can both believe they have the 'truth', whilst knowing that it's wrong at the same time"
mark sanderson - here is some insight on his background taken from this site:.
congratulations, mark!.
Apart for purely academic purposes, does anyone actually collect WT memorabilia? As an ex-member, I could almost understand it, from an academic perspective. As once a believer, I would have been weirded out by it. These guys must really, really drink some heavy kool-aid before they qualify...even worse than I thought.
i realize many people on here are very angry at the watchtower society and/or governing body for various reasons, many of which are likely justified, at least to some extent.
i also can totally understand the cynicism and pessimism i see from certain ones regarding the leaders of the society.. i think one thing that's often forgotten or overlooked, however, is the fact that members of the governing body who've been "in the truth" for 30, 40, 50, 60 years, probably truly believe in this organization.
in my opinion, it's more likely that they believe what they teach instead of being liars who are intentionally deceiving everyone.
Cannot happen.
Understand the nature of authoritarianism, cognitive dissonance, existential anxiety, double binds, etc., and you will understand how they can both believe they have the "truth", and lie to your face at the same time.
Hint: It is all about self-preservation and fear, which by the way, proportionally speaking is what keeps all believers in suspended belief, despite evidence. The GB are just deeply invested in all of the dependencies on such belief.
in may's "we will never solicit for money, but now we're going to solicit you for the next hour" broadcast, we kept hearing about all the "facts" that the gb would like for us to know.. hmm...what facts did they leave out?.
-- $millions have been spent in out-of-court settlements of child abuse cases.
-- $untold amounts are being spent on legal defense of wt policies related to child abuse.
Vidiot - It could become so vast that its sheer mass would cause the it to collapse in on itself in a singularity of stupid.
Love the physics reference.
nice try brother lett.
you moved the cups around the table and thought we would not see the slight of hand you were handing us.
you begged for money but you have failed to show yourself capable of handling the monies already provided .
"In actuality, the sale of property in NYC is basically only financing the construction of world headquarters in Warwick"
Do they really think people are that ignorant? Only those who know nothing of what that real estate in Brooklyn Heights is worth could possibly believe that...
bro sanderson has a 7 minute video up on their streaming website called "be willing to open your hand".. in it he tells us not to be "tight fisted" or "stingy" and later "regardless of how much we have or how little we have, we'll find something within our power to be able to do".
we have the responsibility to imitate jehovah's generosity.. there's a bit about giving to one another when we see the need, which is nice, then he drops in how 20 years ago the canada branch committee asked the bethel family for donations to the disaster relief fund, and promptly raised over $10,000.
i think that's pretty good going for those under a vow of poverty.. "the generous person will prosper" he says, then illustrates this using a made up story.
I have not watched it, (and will not unless someone posts it here...)
Never mind just saw the link...
bro sanderson has a 7 minute video up on their streaming website called "be willing to open your hand".. in it he tells us not to be "tight fisted" or "stingy" and later "regardless of how much we have or how little we have, we'll find something within our power to be able to do".
we have the responsibility to imitate jehovah's generosity.. there's a bit about giving to one another when we see the need, which is nice, then he drops in how 20 years ago the canada branch committee asked the bethel family for donations to the disaster relief fund, and promptly raised over $10,000.
i think that's pretty good going for those under a vow of poverty.. "the generous person will prosper" he says, then illustrates this using a made up story.
I have not watched it, (and will not unless someone posts it here..), but I sure sense typical WT passive aggressive manipulation on this one. Surely they would not be so bold as to repeat another over the top Lett style televangelist plea this soon again. Something more toned down just makes sense. I am calling bullshit.
earlier this morning, i posted off to the the institute of engineers an application for membership as an "engineering associate":.
- today being just over 40 years since the congregation's retards elders made me abandon my apprenticeship.. (in this part of the world, the pre-1975 hype was taken to that level.
not being content to prevent young persons attending university, they went one step further and treated with hostility any youngster who would "tie up five years of their lives" by entering into an apprenticeship.
Great to hear you are doing this later in life!