OrphanCrow-Pope Jackson said "We don't run a spy network" and..."We don't run a police state". Well...he can call it a tuna fish sandwich if he likes, but....it smells like a skunk just walked by.
Just a straw man argument used to distract and to deflect accountability away from themselves on the core issue. They have never dealt with abuse as a crime. That is the problem. Period. Most religious organizations are unaware of abuse among their members, not because of an unwillingness to report it to the authorities, but rather because there is no internal policing of members' behaviors outside of what takes place in the church directly. The WTS is different precisely because they do police behaviors, and as such are fully aware of abuse in their organization. They hide behind the law, when it does not require them to report. According to Jackson, they seem to have no problem with this. Yes, the law is flawed in many countries, (including the US), but one would think a religious organization that touts itself as having a superior moral compass would know better. WTS has no such compass, and are morally bankrupt. Jackson's own words are self-damning.
The really sad part about it, is they have no idea how morally bankrupt they appear to all onlookers in society.