TheOldHippie- But of course this is The Truth According To "Maslow's hierarchy of human needs"
And who says Maslow's truth is The Ultimate Truth ......?
Actually, no one said that but you, (true to your apologist form, I might add. No surprises here...).
First of all, Abraham Maslow was a psychologist. Psychology is a soft science, which means it is removed from "hard" scientific theory, (such as those that govern biology or physics), to a certain degree. Maslow's hierarchy merely serves as a framework to better understand several areas of human psychology, (including Festinger's dissonance theory and Freudian psychology), as well as hard science such as biology, and does compliment them well in this case. I make no reference to this being science in of itself at any level. This is my observation, thus why it does not even include cited references to external material. Unlike the WTS that you so valiantly defend, I know not to use ideas or concepts of others' work without citing them.
Secondly, good science never uses the word "truth", let alone "Ultimate Truth"...whatever the hell that is.