i just want to share this with you all.. a few weeks ago, trev (dedpoet) popped the question, and of course i accepted, so we are getting married!!
we have been busy getting things started since then, hence the slight delay in posting our news.
we aren't in a particular hurry, as we have no desire to have children.
i attended my mother's memorial at the kingdom hall saturday afternoon.
even with the jw sermon tagged on, my cousin did a lovely service for her.
there were many jws and non-jws in attendence.
I don't claim to be Christian anymore, but would JESUS do that??? Dispicable.
i lurked here for about 6 or 7 months, before i started posting.. i have read experience after experience in which the victim of gossip, slander, abuse in the congregation is the one who is made to feel like they are the ones who need to apologize, when they are the ones that need the apology from the perpetrators of the injustice.. .
one theme that continues to repeat itself in the congregation is this: the victim is always wrong and the victimizer is always right.
***If the victimizer is wrong then there might be something wrong with the organization***
A good friend, (still a jw), told me a long time ago that much of what the org. does is done out expedient need. The above just sums it up nicely.
if the elders came and inspected your home - what would they find?.
a casual look around reveals a box of "narnia" tissues on my desk, 12 or 14 non-witness translations of bibles on my shelves, many non approved novels [wifey's] on the reading table, plenty of 'apostate literature', a book or two on meditation, a hypnosis cd for weight loss, prob many toys that are not witness approved in the g-kids room, a half eaten birthday cake, a birthday balloon, xmas wrapping paper in the closet , a couple of r rated movies, music that is not acceptable.. that is just at first blush.
how is your house?
Well, for starters the girlfriend could be a problem...
ok. minimus had his 'what did you hate about being a jw' thread, so i want to take a different tack on this.
i'll even start it.
i loved some of the get-togethers we had.
I think LOVE would be an overstatement to say the least. "Tolerated" is more like it.
how many just stopped believing in the jw predictions/description of what armageddon is all about?
ive met exjws that stopped believing in everything they were taught and ive met some that stopped believing in everything except armageddon.
ive heard comments like: boy wont they be surprised when the day comes and they find out they arent the only ones surviving.
It was probably one of the last things to go, but it finally did. Along with belief in god in general. I won't quite say I'm an atheist though. In fairness, I believe we have no way of knowing such things in the here and now.
i can see from this forum that many jws took quite awhile to decide that the wts was not the "truth" after all.
some stayed in, even after making that decision, for various reasons.
did any of you ever come to the conclusion that some of the things you were teaching to others were not biblical, and then try to dissuade prospective converts to discontinue their study?
I never had to "un-do" anything by means of a study or the like, but I will say that most of the trouble I had speaking to people in the ministry came from doubts about many things to begin with. It just took YEARS to realize it.
i cant email everyone ....dont have time.
my brother committed suicide.... have to be out of town for awhile.. purps
Awful news. Very sorry to hear this.
i just received my second call from my old hall's elders yesterday.
they said they know where i live now...oh, i'm shaking...
Definately like that "Men in Black" reference, mrsjones.
not long ago i bet no one from this site would have been able to stand me for 2 seconds.
i was one of the most fiercest jws of all time.
i'd argue until i was blue in the face and i was darn good at it to.
Welcome, Keo. I can identify with everything you posted.