Hmmmm... That would make sense as to why they changed the F&DS from all anointed to just the GB.
I agree with that.
i came across this nugget in the may 2014 issue:.
"are you moving ahead with jehovah's organization". one time, the anointed remnant were like the little one, but their number grew as other spiritual israelites were brought into gods organization.
Hmmmm... That would make sense as to why they changed the F&DS from all anointed to just the GB.
I agree with that.
our friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
I haven't been on JWN much lately, and in recent years post much less. I just saw this horrible, horrible news. My heart goes out to Eric and those who loved him.
RIP, my friend.
terry was admitted to the hospital yesterday.
he has a severe case of cellulites which has affected his neck glands.
his face and neck are very swollen.
Good to hear you are doing better!
this topic was inspired by another recent thread started by ak jeff.
the excerpt below is from the book "people of the lie", by the late m. scott peck, who also authored the best-seller "the road less traveled.
" "people of the lie" is about the nature of evil, and dashed all my previously held notions about what evil was.. you would do yourself a favor if your attention span is long enough to take the time to read this, because as you do, i want you to relate what is being said directly to the leaders of the watchtower society, past and present.
I don't comment on here much anymore, (as I am long since over the WT BS), but do drop in on occasion. This is the most brilliant post I read here probably ever. It mirrors the conclusions I have come to on my own that took years to understand.
I don't expect to see many replies to this thread. Either most people won't get it, (or more correctly, won't want to get it).
i'm a big fan of mr. raymond franz and read both of his books a number of times.
does anyone here think maybe he didn't tell everything he knew.
for legal reasons and will expose more than he has told before , since the wts can't touch him after he dies.
I don't know if more information on the WT corp will be revealed from Ray or his direct "sources", but it is clear that Ray does not "tell" everything in his books. He, (understandably), avoids legally sensitive matters, and sticks to topics that would make a JW think twice, but the average person, (non-JW), would not bat an eye over. There is no way he could have dodged the corporation's legal arm for 30 years if he told everything. He tells enough for the average thinking person to connect the dots. The WT corporation knows that, and they leave him alone.
Ray was genuinely a good man, but he was "one" of them. He could only work within that status.
just setting the record straight.
there is another thread that notes a claim on wiki that said that ray has died.. he had a stroke yesterday, and is in the hospital.
he is still alive.
Have not posted in a long time. This is very sad. Hope and pray Ray pulls through. If anyone speaks to Cynthia, please let her know she any Ray are in my thoughts and prayers.
Ray was a great help to me after my escape from the Borg.
if you are ready for everything... try to listen the talk by ciro aulicino you will be with me in paradise.. the fact, that jw are willing to listen such crap is a proof, they are all insane.
(i wanted to say "idoits", but decided to be polite...).
if you have good guts, sit down and go for it....
I'm speechless. How could anyone sit through that? I was done at 2:30.
from beginning to end, how long did it take you, when you first started your personal questioning and re-evaluating the watchtower organization and concluding that the wts was definitely not true?
my sister is asking this.
some of us (who left a couple decades ago - pre-internet) are saying it took about 10 years on average.
In three days, (the time it took to read CoC), but...
After 10 years of stuggling with doubts and concerns, I had a moment of clarity about a year before I read it, where I knew it was in all likelihood not the truth. I tried to "hang on", but just couldn't do it for long. I stopped attending meetings within 5 months.
CoC, (or any other other material, no matter how convincing), will not work unless someone is ready for the truth beforehand.
i'm new to this forum and am also sacolton's wife.
alot of you already know about me because he's talked about me on here before...even has posted pictures, at which he incurred my wrath upon my discovery.
anyways...i'm about to submit my letter of disassociation to my local congregation and i thought i would share it.
I wouldn't change a thing! Your candor and wit is priceless!!!
right now at bethel, they are laying off and reassigning again.
if you have cancer or some other illness, you are a liability and it's time to pack.
i remember the night when we had the special talk about there being a great need in the field and some would be sent out.
To clarify my previous post, organizations, (all of them), are only made up of people. They cannot be any better or worse than the individuals that make them up.
The WTS exists on the basis that its members have certain traits in common. Most, (but obviously, not all), Jehovah's Witnesses, have persecution, and victum complexes, and have difficulty, yes difficulty, thinking for themselves. They want someone else to do the thinking for them. It's not simply a matter of the WTS "needing" to control its members. It does this because, at a collective level, this is what its members want.
Until one begins to realize this, it will be impossible to understand where the real power in the WTS comes from. Its not the GB, or the elders, or COs, or any of that. It comes from the 7 million people who identify with what the organization stands for. Without them, there IS no WTS.