I don't know...??? Is the GB/FDS power grab strong enough to withstand every Tom, Dick and Andre' thinking that they have an opinion?? The GB would have another erroneous teaching added to the already huge list. First, the calling ended, then they can't say, then the label partakers as imbalanced, then the new Memorial outline saying " DON'T PARTAKE!!"
They have even said under "spirit-direction"..err..ahem...that the decrease of partakers is a sign of the END getting close. So now after all that, and the human apostate talk, and the constant letters from anointedjw.org, they are just gonna say, " The 144,00 is evidently symbolic?" I don't know.. Maybe the 144,000 is symbolic, BUT it's symbolic of the members of the FDS and their John the baptist like forerunners. All the other anointed domestics are part of the Great Crowd of domestics. The 144,000 are rewarded with special roles in heaven, the rest of the anointed domestics..not so much, still they go to heaven. Then they will say that we should not be dogmatic. LOL!! Whatever they do, it won't have anything to do with losing power, that much we know.