They don't have a cash flow problem. Their operating expenses are low in comparison to any business even near their size. They want to raise capital to build their new commercial style regional KHs. They don't want to tap into existing investments to do so. They want to have it both ways.
After they build they will sell hundreds, if not thousands of local KHs, and reinvest the profit.
This is being done so they can cover future operating expenses, since there is nothing more to cut. Most of everything they could cut was between 1990 and the present, since they adopted the so-called donation arrangement.
The are afraid of future cash flow problems. It should not be too hard to understand why. They have an apathetic membership base, with most of its more successful members leaving altogether; They have pending abuse lawsuits, and more to come; They are getting seriously pressured in the media over shunning, the child abuse problem, and even their videos. The future does not look bright for their finances, and they are trying to stem the tide.