"After nothing exploded, nothing created information that if stacked as books, would reach the moon and back several times..."
The progression of inanimate matter starts with the original elements Hydrogen and Helium. These two elements attract each other by gravity and when they become dense they 'rub' each other until they produce a nuclear ignition producing heat, thus becoming stars. These basic atoms also collide with each other until some of them stay 'stuck' with another atom and thus become a different element. All the building blocks of life - Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen etc. are created within stars.
After the heat of the star progresses to a certain level of intensity the star explodes hurling all the elements into space. These elements, after a certain period of time begin to contract once more into other stars, known as second generation stars, and their planets contain the elements which life requires, Hydrogen and Helium by themselves are to simple to produce life.
"... at the exact same time that nothing magically created a 3D double helix information storage system to contain this library in a space smaller than a period."
Although the exact evolution of proto-microbes has yet to be understood (as we understand the evolution of more complex life) you do not start with the complexity of microbes but with the ever growing complexity of chemicals all the way to precursors of amino acids which are the building blocks of self reproducing life.
"This replication magically turned into people, some of whom believe that if you don’t exclusively teach their miracles in schools, you are dangerous.
There is no magic in evolution. It is based on this principle: Survival of the most reproductive in a given environment.
When a beneficial mutation arises the organism with its trait is able to out reproduce its fellow organisms (without that mutation) until it has outnumbered the other organisms in its particular environment and then becomes a new species different then its previous one.
This mechanism has given the following progression throughout all creatures. Microbes -> small multicellular creatures most of them aquatic -> larger multicellular creatures -> small primitive animals -> more advanced aquatic animals - amphibian like - who could dwell at the edge of oceans and land -> land animals in progression all the way to the creatures that exist today.
If you really want to understand what those who acknowledge evolution have to say I recommend that you watch Carl Sagan's Cosmos series where he explains the progression of the Cosmos all the way to mankind. If you further want to entertain your self with the most thorough refutation of practically every Creationist argument I suggest the following book 550 pages long:
Science and Earth History: The Evolution/Creation Controversy Hardcover – November 1, 1999