I doubt many here would be surprised, if they read my posts. My old JW associates however, might be. I tended to be rather shy as a young person. While still an introvert in the technical personality sense, shy I am not. I grew up in a rather dysfunctional JW family, and my first marriage as a JW was not much better. SInce leaving, I have learned to fully harness the energy about things I am passionate about and use that constructively. It has led to a happy, successful life in my marriage, my career, and in many other relationships. I try to take interest in many areas of life. Life is short, this is important.
In my non-work life, I enjoy reading, cooking both on the grill and in the kitchen, (recently learned to make a killer pizza on the grill), music, writing, photography, anything technology or science related, wine, a little weed at times, political discussion, contribute to some volunteer courses, etc.
I have done a couple of ex-JW meetups, (one in NY and one in Chicago), with small groups, but nothing recently. I believe both of those were in 2008. Not many of my old JW "friends" have managed to make it out, so most association is with normal folks who have never been.