Topics Started by sspo
Emergency-local need on apostasy
by sspo intonight i happened to be at the service meeting and the p.o.
gave a talk on apostasy.
there was not even a slot for local needs but they got rid of one part to give the talk on how the congr.
Any ex congregation secretary or P.O
by sspo in.
does anyone know whether it is proper to keep a congregation file on a person if he was just accused of apostasy from family member.. if they keep that on file, does it follow you anytime you move to a new congregation?.
One more down the drain-marriage-divorce
by sspo ini mentioned in the past that my wife turned me in for apostasy and because of it she filed for separation ( she is too holy and spiritual to file for divorce) .she came home this afternoon and started packing a few things to move to an apartment.. i am still going to meetings but it is not enough for her, i reminded her of 1 cor 7 where it talks about a wife not leaving an unbeleiver as long as he is willing to stay with her but she says that does not apply to apostasy.
go figure!.
she is free to worship her god, i'm not stopping her but she has been blessed by the powerful gb who the witnesses exalts above god himself that tells them they have the right to leave a mate if it is spiritual endangerment.
September km- They're coming for you
by sspo in.
in sept. km under announcements, loving provision from jehovah, elders are being reminded to make the yearly visit to all those that have been df or da.. make sure you have some good coffee or a six pack for them.. treat them kindly and with respect, the gb is very much interested in all those that they kicked out.
Does anyone know how many members
by sspo in.
does anyone know how many members on this jw forum?.
Have you heard this one-the end is very close, maybe 2 years
by sspo inmy good witness friend was trying to encourage me spiritually and this is what's being speculated among the witnesses.
how long was adam alone before eve was created, well at least 31 years so far.
1975 was the end of 6000 years of man's existence.. from 1975 to 2006, it is 31 years.. when was jesus ministry over?
1914 explanation
by sspo inwhen was the last time that the society gave an explanation about 1914?
for years now it's always that god's kingdom was established in the heavens in 1914 and 1918 jesus directed his attention toward rutherford.
no more trying to give historical facts or dates why they came up with 1914.. is this what you have noticed?
Local need-last night
by sspo inthe po got up there for the local need,
zecharia says that jehovah is going to destroy all the nations of the earth,( scripture was talking about jerusalem) are you going to be one of those destroyed?
if you are missing meetings, you are not being influenced by god's spirit, there is another spirit that is influincing you, that of satan
I cannot beleive i am an " apostate"
by sspo inmy hell is just beginning, 26 years of marriage, almost divorced last year until we finally decided to get back and give it another try this year.
now i'll have to meet with the elders and tell them about my spirituality and doubts about the wts, 1914, 1995 generation change,malawy/mexico,and on and on and my wife will be there.
i do feel sorry for my wife because she has already lost 13 members of her family, "apostasy" and some just left the truth and even though some are not disfellowshipped she won't talk to them, now her husband, is going thru the same thing, she cannot accept it because out of 31 y. in the truth i was an elder and how could that happen.