I posted my feelings in a previous post on another thread.
The guy was a bit off.
I hope the door doesn't hurt his cute little poo-poo.
I posted my feelings in a previous post on another thread.
The guy was a bit off.
I hope the door doesn't hurt his cute little poo-poo.
did people make fun of you when you were a jw, or were you on top of the situation, and knew what to say to shut them up and make them feel stupid or without faith?
I can still remember the shame and embarassment of standing in the hall at school during the national anthem and the lord's prayer.
When I left the dubs, I vowed never to take crap from anyone ever again.
After 11 tattoos, several piercings, a look that would freeze fire, and an attitude that would send satan himself into a corner crying, I won.
People pretty much leave me alone now.
i was told by a reliable source that the organization will be making a "big announcement" at the end of the summer when all the dcs have ended.
has anyone else heard this?
maybe this is the "new light" they have alluded to in recent wt study articles?
Another top 10 post!!!!
take the old belief-o-matic survey and post your results!.
here are my rather interesting results:.
1. unitarian universalism (100%) 2. mainline to liberal christian protestants (83%) 3. liberal quakers (82%) 4. neo-pagan (81%) 5. christian science (church of christ, scientist) (80%) 6. secular humanism (78%) 7. new age (67%) 8. baha'i faith (61%) 9. nontheist (60%) 10. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints (mormons) (57%) 11. new thought (55%) 12. hinduism (52%) 13. scientology (50%) 14. jehovah's witness (48%) 15. taoism (48%) 16. theravada buddhism (45%) 17. mainline to conservative christian/protestant (36%) 18. sikhism (32%) 19. mahayana buddhism (31%) 20. jainism (23%) 21. orthodox quaker (21%) 22. eastern orthodox (20%) 23. orthodox judaism (20%) 24. roman catholic (20%) 25. reform judaism (18%) 26. seventh day adventist (17%) 27. islam (5%)
1. | Unitarian Universalism (100%) |
ever tried going to a kh where no one knew you and actually interacted with the congregation?.
i was thinking of doing this just to see what people would say to me and see if they would try to have a bible study with me
I moved from Canada to the Philippines 11 years ago. To the town where my wife was raised. She had been away for some time, and a few years after settling here, we had occasion to go to a family funeral. Unlike the west, funerals are generally held in the deceased person's home, last several days, and quite quickly become an outdoor drink-a-thon (drunk-a-thon actually). Anyhow, I was sitting outside with about 20 relatives when one boldly asked my about my religious beliefs. I cautiously explained that I was raised in a very religious family, but was not in the least bit a religious person. I saw no need in divulging anymore info than necessary, as I really didn't feel it was any of their business. Well, as luck would have it, fueled by a lot of over proof rum, my interogator pressed me on what religion I was raised in. I politely explained that my background was jw, and that it wasn't for me, so I left. (always the diplomat) To my surprise, the rather drunk gentleman to whom I was speaking, offered to take me to the Kingdom Hall the next morning for the public talk, in the hopes that I would see my way clear to return to the "truth". I thanked him for his offer, and explained that not only had I left, I was proud to have been one of the first officially declared Apostates in Ontario. After a brief, yet deafening 3 second silence, my audience jumped up out of their chairs and literally ran for cover. Some of them dragging their chairs behind and beside them, in their haste to get away from "the unclean thing".
My wife saw all of this from the corner of her eye, and once she had put 2 and 2 together came to my side in tears, apologizing for forgetting to tell me that every single person at that funeral, except us were dubs.
At least now they leave me alone.
how long will it be before the wt sets up a theme park.
with all that money from the sale of brooklyn property it would be a shame not to use it for some other cash generating scheme.
we could have the hall of the presidents with robotic figures all driven by hot air.. why not the beth sareem experience.
Dark. Very dark.
But funny as hell.
how long will it be before the wt sets up a theme park.
with all that money from the sale of brooklyn property it would be a shame not to use it for some other cash generating scheme.
we could have the hall of the presidents with robotic figures all driven by hot air.. why not the beth sareem experience.
Don't forget the Bobbing for Apostates booth.
remember that guy from watchtower.cc who was in here the other day claiming that his site was "protected by a federal judge" and that he knew of a legal case where the "watchtower was going down?
well he made his own forum at http://p072.ezboard.com/bwatchtowercrucialcriteria.
lol... does that board list look familiar to anyone?
Enough bs. Deal with reality.
Perhaps you need to get a grip on reality, and realize that no one here gives a crap about your rants.
If you want to join the main stream topics of discussion, I am sure you would be welcomed. However, if all you want to do is hash and re-hash the evils of Freemasonry, and the Zionistic Israeli pounding on the poor Islamic middle east, take it elsewhere.
I for one, have better things to talk and think about, than how many diferrent ways you can resurrect the "was Russell a Freemason" topic.
With all due respect, once again.
i have a cousin who was a full time pioneer and got married to a man who was made an elder.
she has been suffering for years and years.
in the privacy of her sister's company and some cousins she kept saying as soon as her girls were old enough she would make a move.
Congrats Restrangled. Welcome to the club.
The rest puts me in mind of muslim extremists!
remember that guy from watchtower.cc who was in here the other day claiming that his site was "protected by a federal judge" and that he knew of a legal case where the "watchtower was going down?
well he made his own forum at http://p072.ezboard.com/bwatchtowercrucialcriteria.
lol... does that board list look familiar to anyone?
Maybe, just maybe then, you should take a hint and play by the rules. If that is too dificult for a mental giant such as yourself, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
With all due respect, of course.